How Long Does Levofloxacin Stay In Your System (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I will be taking Levofloxcin 500mg for 10 days. How long will it remain in my system after finishing the medicine?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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Yes ..this drug is horrible..terrible side effects that don't go away, ruptured tendons, nerve damage, is can loose your job..there goes everything. I want no more pain.

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I took that antibiotic 1 day for only 2 mins and developed symptoms without waiting for it to resolve; and then i developed chest pain, lightheadedness, headache and shortness of breath. Please don't take this s***.

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Re: Joe (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I experienced the same thing. I lost my apetite which made me pushing the food in my mouth just to recover some energy. I never experienced such an anxiety it feels like if you lost someone you love it made me worry the whole time specially at night and morning! Anyone experienced the same?

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It has been since the beginning of March since I took the Levaquin, and my left shoulder may have a tear and some other joints pop. I will see an orthopedic doc soon. Apparently there is mild muscle pain which is okay but more severe can cause damage.

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I had this too. but my doctor split the dose to 250mg 2x a day instead. That helped tremedously.

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I'm having this same issue as we speak I took three days of levaquin 500mg my nerves are horrible I'm so jittery still and stopped the medicine 4 days ago! The dr have given me Xanax to take for the anxiety Attacks and it helps tremendously but it's awful when they happen! I feel like I can breath and I'm going to pass out!! I can't function at all! I've missed two days of work this week! I'm going to a different dr today.

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This is my third post on this blog. I don't want to scare anybody but this is my experience with this medicine. My first post was almost a year ago. I believe I am still having side effects from leviquin or levofloxin. I have never had anxiety before I started this medicine. I have been so sick and have seen a lot of doctors trying to figure this out. I also was prescribed axnax for my anxiety. Have even been sent to mental health Doctor. I've tried to go back and decide exactly when my problem began. My wife said she believed I was having some problems even before I was prescribed lefloxicin for sinus infection Sept. Of 2014. With a little further research I discovered I had been given the same medicine while I was in the hospital having my gall bladder removed. Some days are better than others but the days I get these horrible anxiety attacks are hard to live with. Believe me I am not a person who had any type of anxiety or depression before this.

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I was prescribed 750 mg, 1 per day levofloxacin (levaquin) om 12/23/15 by ER doctor as I was having an asthma problem & felt I was suffocating. I was given 3 in er as well as 3 prednisone for his dx of bronchitis. My bloodwork, chest xray, ekg were normal. After I left ER I began having anxiety/panic attacks, feeling as I was dying, weakness, feeling as tho I was going to pass out. I began having serious depression, couldn't function, jittery, muscle twitching, couldn't cope with anything on tv dealing with death, not wanting to be around anyone and couldnt get comfort in any way, I have shakiness, feel agitated. It is 5 days later, I stopped levofloxacin 2 days ago and still having the horrrrrible side effects of this drug. When will they stop? I think now: why was I prescribed this drug if I had no infection? I'll never take this drug again.

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I'm 62 years old and took Levofloxacin 500mg for 5 days the 1st week of Nov. 2015. I took myself off because of very bad pain in my joints and have muscle weakness in my arms. It is now Jan. 12, 2016 and I still have pain off and on in the joints and weakness in the arms......I'd like to know if this will ever leave my system and when? They should take this off the market before someone takes the drug company and Doctors to court to get it off the market. I've also been tired and don't feel like doing the things I use to do. I have light headedness and sometimes jitters. Everything's mild but still annoying. The pain wakes me up at night. I wish I had not taken this stuff.

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It is something to be worried about. It does NOT mean the medicine is working. It can cause your tendons to tear from your muscles!

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I had an acute sinus infection and was on vacation. The doctor put me on this levofloxacin. I could not sleep, I was agitated and by day 10 which was my last dose I had shoulder, hand and leg pain and headaches. I too hope there is no permanent damage. Take this drug off the market.

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I have been going through the same thing: high blood pressure, panic attacks, muscle aches, heels hurt, arms shoulders, etc. I'm glad I read all of this be cuz now I have answers to why I'm feeling so weak and my body aches.

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I've made several comments here and have been suffering side effects from levofloxin for over a year now. I don't quite understand your comment about it being a chemotherapy agent. I thought it was a antibiotic.

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I was prescribed levaquin 750 mg 1 a day for 3 days. After taking the first pill at 5pm during bedtime I couldn't sleep. Insomnia and severe anxiety. Had to walk it off and finally after 3 hours I used essential oils to calm me down and was able to sleep but man was it a horrible feeling.

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I had heart palpitations and nearly fainted while on levoquinn for 4 days. My doc changed the antibiotic but I am still having the spells.

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Yes, after 4 days, one pill a day of 500mg, I had all the same as you did, never had I dealt with this and I stop medication after 4 pills. This was horrible. I will never take this medication again.

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This is a bad side effect. Can be very dangerous. Stop and please seek Dr. Advice.

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I was on 500mg 2 times daily and the second day I still hadn't slept for 48hrs and totally lost my 3 I got an awful headache, neck pain, nausea and could hardly pass urine... called doctor and he told me to stop, day 4 and no levofloxacin for 26 hrs and I still can't eat and have minor headache and neck pain....I feel awful... The side effects nearly killed me. I would NOT recommend taking a chance on all the side effects possible....very unsafe.

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I went to the ER for severe chest pain, where they diagnosed me with bronchitis. I am 27 with a history of asthma. Unfortunately they ignored that information given. The doctor prescribed levaquin 750mg for 10 days. The first day I had negative thoughts roaming in the back of my mind, fatigue, insomnia, headaches, dry mouth, loss of appetite, constipation, physical weakness, chest papulations, confusion, anxiety, and depression. Just after the third day I stopped this antibiotic. Two weeks later, I had a yeast infection and the symptoms still occurred on and off. I hate that I had to go through such metal and physical stress. I now add this medication, and anything remotely related to it on my allergy list.

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Re: lisa (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Me too, I’m supposed to take 2 more but my body is hurting

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