How Long Does Levofloxacin Stay In Your System (Page 2)


I will be taking Levofloxcin 500mg for 10 days. How long will it remain in my system after finishing the medicine?

115 Replies (6 Pages)

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My Dad who is 78 also experienced severe anxiety, depression and suicidal thoughts. Stopped taking it after 6 days and three days later is feeling like himself again. He, too visited a crisis counselor as he was feeling so abnormal. He lives by himself so thankfully he had the wherewithal to get himself some help.

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I was prescribed a fourteen day antibiotic regime of Levaquin and Clarithromycin for H Pylori. What my dr. didn't tell me was that I should have stopped taking my cholesterol medications while on the drugs. I have had severe muscle aches as a result and tendonitis in my shoulder. Levaquin can cause tendonitis. The sleeplessness and nervousness have occurred as well. It will be a cold day in hell before I ever take Leviquin again.

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I took generic Levaquin for 3 days and thought my head was going to explode. Suppose to take it 4 more days but stopped it. The pressure in my head was horrible and I had jitters, anxiety and muscle aches. I would rather deal with sinus and chest congestion than the side effects of Levaquin.

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I can't wait for it to be out of my system---took 1 tablet--500mg---ended up in the ER with hives over most of my body and terrible itching--they said severe allergic reaction and I had large dose of cortisone IV along with Benadryl IV and the Epi pen. Now a day later the hives reappear on my arm and assorted places with itching. Taking oral Benadryl now and carrying an Epi Pen. FDA has a black box warning for this drug for tendon problems. My pharmacy did not put this on the bottle or I never would have taken it. You can go to FDA web site and report these reactions--this would be a big step in getting better warnings.

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If you really believe that the medicine caused your panic attacks, DON'T listen to your stupid doctor. These doctors think they're God. But who knows your own body better than you do?? No one. Find a better doctor who will listen to you. They ALWAYS say it's not from the medicine. But you know better cause it's YOUR BODY! I also got panic attacks from Levaquin and stopped taking them. Whenever you feel a medicine is making you sick, stop taking it. I know how you feel. Good Luck to you.

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I was giving Levaquin this past Wednesday for a sinus infection.Took my 1st pill at 5pm, 500 mil & was given 7 pills. By 10pm I was hallucinating, was up all night feeling bugs on me, severe pounding in head, couldnt sit down had to pace the floors went to Dr at 8am. My blood pressure was 160 over 80, I weigh 100lbs & very petite so this was very high for me. I went off the drug immediately & today almost 48 hrs later still feel shaky & have slight headache & still haven't slept. I'm 62 yrs old & this drug literally made me so sick it felt like I was poisoned.

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Took this pill around 1pm on Monday and its 545 am on Wednesday can't sleep having small body tremors and and headache on one side of my head not consistent but took some ibfrofen and I have anxiety. Not ever taking this again and wonder if I need to go to the ER

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Iv been on them for 4 days and off for two days I'm having horrible anxiety and I can't sleep at night! My hands and arms are tingling and I'm really scared! I don't know what to do! I have pnemonia which is why they were prescribed to me so I went back to the doctor and they gave me a different kind of antibiotics! I didn't start them yet Becuase I'm scared!

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I posted earlier about my reaction to levofloxacin. My advice is if you have any reaction to this medicine get off it immediately. The longer you stick with it the worse it will get.

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I had the same reaction! Constant anxiety. Also couldn't eat, dizzy, fatigued. Quit taking the meds after 3 days. I hope it clears my system soon.

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Is it dangerous to take this medicine for three days and stop?

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I was put on levofloxacin 500mg. I took one pill and begin to fell jittery. I then could not sleep that night. Next morning I felt okay, took another pill and about an hour later became very sick on my stomach, having anxiety and feeling like my heart rate had tripled. Called Dr. and he put me on another med.

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How long does levofloxacin stay in the body after the last dose?

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Hi, when I started this medicine I had a bit of a tender ankel, my doc said only stop if rash or itching. I have to say this stuff works, knocked out bronchitis. When taking this med, make sure to drink 8 to 12 glasses of fluid a day.

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Yes absolutely I had horrible anxiety and insomnia that increased each day. Also by nose congestion increased.I was on 2 milder antibiotics before Levaqun as a last resort.By day 4, I went to the ER for fear of passing out or worse. I was immediately taken off that medicine. I would not recommend anyone to take this medicine.

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I had this too. but my doctor split the dose to 250mg 2x a day instead. That helped tremedously.

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Took the drug for ten days and on fifth day I made mistake of playing around with heavy bamboo fly rod. Now have pain in upper right arm that I've never experienced before. So guessing it may affect all muscle or tendons.

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Wow, I got that horrible smell when I breathed in too! I only took it for 4 days, and I was so dizzy, anxious, nauseated, I was sure this was what it felt like to be poisoned...I got off it, and finished up with Doxycline for 5 days...Never again will I take this horrible drug...

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After 4 days, I started experiencing severe headaches, dizziness and nausea. Very little improvement since last pill approximately 36 hours ago.

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Yes very much so. I stopped at day 6. From hammering in my head, to unbelievable smell in my sinus, chills sweats, depression, now diarrhea. Never again.

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