How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your Urine (Page 24) (Top voted first)


I took a half a gram of Heroin on Friday but don't dose regularly. I weigh 157 and am a 5'7 female. If I have a UA on Monday will it show up?

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Heroin takes approximitly 3 to 4 days to get out of your urine. I always waited 4 days and i passed everytime

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I am a male about 270 pounds I have a urine test for heroin I haven't used in 10 days and I'm taking Suboxone will the heroin show up in my system

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At go vack to 2011 when u posted..what did your tox say?

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I haven't done any herion in 5-6 months or longer.. I take subs daily for chronic pancreatitis I got into a car wreck need to take the edge off did a single line of H but found out I have a UA next Tuesday will I pass or should I prepare for the worst?

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opium is a different drug entirely opiates are pain meds!!!!

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There are actually different answers, if u only use on and off it should only take 3 - 4 days to be out, however if u have a habit, even like a bag a day and ur hitting up it can take up to 10 days to be out of ur system!

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I use regularly also and I need it out Before I see my doctor on the 15th of june...when should I stop using to be safe?

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Addicts don't think about the consequences of using

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my friend used 5 bags around 4 pm on a sunday,then was clean on the following day, and did not use the next day when a blood test was done around 4 pm,will the blood test come back was for a dui

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i did crack & herion 5 days ago will i pass urine test

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Hey i used to be a heavy user of pills (oxy, morphine ) and i would stop using thursday and i would go to my methadone doctor on monday and would have clean urine. Last thursday at 10am i used a half gram of heroin and by tuesday at 130 i had a clean urine at the methadone doctors. I am 24 , 5"2 and about 110 lbs. i think a safe bet is 72hours

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How much longer does it stay in your system? I'm asking bc I'm on methadone and gave myself 4 weeks to be clean and they're trying to say I pissed dirty! I'm trying to call bull sh*t on it.

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If I take heroin today at 12 p.m. will it be out of my system and test clean by Wednesday at 12 p.m.?

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I had heroin on Saturday. Will it show up Thursday? I dose once a month, sometimes twice.

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I take suboxone and I used h last on the 25 morning then started my suboxone the next day. Tomorrow the 30th I have a uribe drug screen that gets sent to a lab it's very detailed. I heard the suboxone will help push the h out and has it been long enough since they send it to a lab?

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My. Partner has. A urine text on tuez at half two and can't have traces of herion in it if he had it now would it be out his system. He does ten or twenty. Pound a day had a tenner bag at dinner

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Why do you guys use knowing that ur ua is only a few days from when u used I pee once a month and I always leave myself 9-12 days to flush and get clean

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if i do a dub of tar (20) at 4pm saturday afternoon n i test tuesday morning at 10;30am will i come out clean? i had 8 months clean n that was my first time messing with again. any advice on how to stay or get clean fast.?will i be good to go tuesday morning?

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K I'm 511 220 don't get the best stuff but I'll give u my story I smoked for maybe a month straight quarter a day not to heavy had a ua for lab have it 5 days and passed than on the 5 day being Friday I did one quarter again with a ua on a Monday will let u know results I did the water cranberry niacin thing so three nights 2 and a half days get results in 2 days

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U weren't thinking that's the problem if you were you definitely wouldn't have used in the 1st place

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