How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your Urine (Page 23) (Top voted first)


I took a half a gram of Heroin on Friday but don't dose regularly. I weigh 157 and am a 5'7 female. If I have a UA on Monday will it show up?

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ive been clean for a lil over 3 months an shoot like 15 bags in 2 days that was on Thursday I have a test tomoro which will be wed you think ill be alright im 125 pnds female ?

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That's what I said. And I'm not getting anything. I was dropped cold turkey from 16mg subutex a day to NOTHING. I was exposed to second hand marijuana smoke and showed positive urine at 0.022 or something, and this was months before my Subutex was stopped anyway. They knew it was casual exposure. I just said so much I confused everyone. I'm still having withdrawal cramps on top of my well documented pain from areas where spurs and bars are pressing into my spinal cord and my "nerve outlets" are so small the nerves throughout my spine are inflamed and radiate pain all over. When I do doze off at night I dream electric monsters are eating my back. So no... I'm not getting any pain medication.

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Your the first that sounds like they know what thier talking bout. Im 270 on oxy 60 mg an percs. Tried heroin 8 days ago an drank alot of water. Busted before for morphine from the heroin 24 hrs b4 test. You think 8-10 will be enough not to show morpphine from the heroin. Cause every1 should show up morphine.

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24 bads I highly doubt u will be able to pass if they are testing u begening of December or sooner

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Im in a methadone clinic i have 6 montha sober but i shot herion IV for two days al together 8 bags. i already took a urin test so i should b ok but they can do what they want. will it stay in my body 7 days the usual? and is there anything that can make it get out of my body or urin faster and not just temperarily?

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I used 7 days ago. monday night. about 3grams. of h. Been drinking water last couple days n all morning today. think its out n I'm good?

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It’s a synthetic opiate. and a basic urine analysis test for certain drugs, methadone, and metabolites from heroin, oxys, morphine show up even, tylenol 1-3 (b/c of the codeine) but methadone shows up as METHADONE. so if you are not clean they will know. those drugs turn into morphone metabolites in your body. so they don’t know EXACTLY what you’ve used unless you tell them. I’ve done heroin and it showed up as morphine. I said I just took some tylenol. and the dr. said it must have been tylenol #1,2, or 3 (b/c of the codeine). I split ½ a gram of H would someone (iv) on friday at about 11pm latest. and it’s Tuesday and I have a U/A to do this morning before 12. Wonder if I will pee clean. I could use “clean” pee but I do want to go up on my methadone by 5mg but he won’t do it cause I’ve been clean for months and have all my carries. I’ve also been drinking lots of water! The test/ dr’s appt is today. what do you think the chances are of me having a clean test? I weight 91lbs, and I am 5’4”.

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Did u pass youre test?

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If I did only 2 lines of Heroin, and smoked a little PCP 72 hours ago, how long will it take for both drugs to be out of my system in order to pass a urine test? Keep in mind I am not a regular user of either drug, but am on federal probation so all it takes to get my ass locked up is one dirty! So please look out for me, and give me a real answer. My freedom depends on it.

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I used 5 bags wednesday night 830pm after being clean 61 days. Used the one time only. I have a UA test today monday at 730pm. Which is 116 hrs since use or 4hrs short of 5 days. Will I test posotive. What do you guys think?

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I smoked a tenner bag hlf a hlf gramme I'm in England I get tested tommorow at 4 pm n smoked it last nite at 6 pm only a hlf of a hlf gram drank loads water?????

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He said 40 hours not 4 ... 24-72 hours its out

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I think he meant to say 40 hours which I guess could be possible I was always told 3-4 days but there are ways to detox quick like the mix in jello packs, niacin, cranberry juice with constant flushing of your system I could see 40 hours as plausible depending on the use but I would be on the hope for the best expect the worst scenario of 4-5 days

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I weigh 227 pounds and I've been snorting boy for to weeks I have a doctors appointment on the 30th if I stop using today will I be clean by then?

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If your on oxycotin then your drug test will just show up as opiates. So it doesn't really matter that you used herion because its a opiate also. The drug tests don't actually detect what drug the opiate derived from.

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Yes id say so, unless uve drank plenty of water?!!

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Wow Lori if I just heard your wisdom b4 maybe the world would be a better place. U rock baby. Sound like crack head thst hates everyone but its gonna get better

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I last used Friday an have to check in with probation tomorrow morning at 8am I have drank mass mass water evould I be ok??? I'm tripping

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I agree if there's kids at stack why F**kibg use in the first place. Its obvious that the drug is more important then the children are. My boyfriends daughter and boyfriend used on Monday and they have court with child protective services today. Sometimes(and I hate to say it) they kids are better off if the parents aren't willing to come clean

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So I took 4 buttons on Saturday at about 8 o'clock pm. Will I be clean by Monday at 10:15 am for a urine test? It has been 94 days since I have had it.

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