How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your Urine (Page 25) (Top voted first)


I took a half a gram of Heroin on Friday but don't dose regularly. I weigh 157 and am a 5'7 female. If I have a UA on Monday will it show up?

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All depends how much how pure and how much ur pissing to flush. If in doubt tape some piss to ur leg. Aint rocket science to slip the broke inspector a twenty to look the other way. Always works. Always

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If iv not used drugs in 93 hrs will you pass urine screen the drug is herion

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Your on abt going to the vitamin shop and this purple bottle to pass a test but what is 'The Stuff' actually called? My partner has cirrhosis of the liver and has been using 'H' and'crack'. He has a urine stream test in 6 days. Will he pass with "The Stuff"?

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Hi I injected filter Fri morn got test Monday mornin so just about 72 hours if I don't have anything else do u think I'l still fail?

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I took heroin on wednesday night. On friday morning I have to take drug test for probation I've got sure jell and don't usually drink beer but chugging is the best thing I can think of. Am I good?

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Heroin is an opiate. Oxycontin is an opiate. Percocet is an opiate. They can't tell any difference in a drug test. It all comes back as opiates

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If heriun is out of your system in 72 hrs then why does dooe sickness last 10 days?

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You should be good.

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I use to snort about 200 mg of roxy a day for about a year and a half then I quit for 6 months now I snort 3 to 4 bags a day of dope a day. I have 7 - 10mg pills of methadone, my question is is that enough to have for a detox??

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James i used last sunday too and have a test on wed. Was clean two days used and haven't used this week. Have you had any advice?

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There all opiates so what r u worried about......

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I did a bag and a half on Saturday got tested Tuesday.. Will I b good??:

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Just don't do bags creep

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I am female I had a habit after relapsing last yr a got clean in June this year with a methadone script but still been using on and off but managed to always use around my test they now up my tests to once a week! In the uk a basic tenna bag is. 2 and I used 3bags Sunday none Monday two on tuesday and once today(Wednesday) my drug test is Monday if I drink enough water as it is the fifth day is it long enough to give a clear test I could risk loosing access to my kids if I fail plz help

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Why don't you all stop doing drugs and you wouldn't need to worry

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What if your pregnant. Does it last longer in your urine. I was told 7 to 10 days to be safe. This is for a friend of mine and the last thing she needs is her kids taken she is a great mom?

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I need an honest answer here and as much help as possible.. I'm on parole and I go once every other month so for the past month I've been using H pretty heavily about 2- 2 1/2 buns a day. This past sun was my last day using up until last night (thur) I slipped up and did 3 buns. So I didn't do anything for just about 4 days now I have to go into parole this comming Tues which is 5 days. Will I be able to pass a urine test ?

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If you used friday and you have a urine test monday you are going to fail depending on the dose and purity it sould be out of urine in 2 weeks

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I'm 5'2" and weigh 105lbs that's pushing itup some. But I just found out I have to take a urine drug screen on Monday. I last used around 6:000pm today Sunday. I have a pretty fast metabolism. I have to report in no later then 4:00pm what are my chances of passing this screen and what can I do to help myself? Plz help

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I need over a week - but some just 4 days - I once popped a dirty urine that i BROUGHT IN CLEAN! I had such a HUGE habit, and was using my index finger to mix the water with the heroin that i'd STAINED that finger brown! - And when the "clean" urine I'd shoved up my u-ha and kept in place by a g-string worn backwards underneath my 'boxer-underwear (hey they dont judge our underwear choices!) the clean pee went Over my Stained Finger and it came up Dirty! From the heroin on my 4xwashed finger. if you had a UA that following MON. - How'd u do? Let us know if that's ever enough time?
And did you mean u dont use "regularly" BUT u used half a GRAM? did u mean a dime?

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