How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your System? (Page 4) (Top voted first)


If I took 1 small dose of Heroin on Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm. Will I be clean for my drug test on Monday at 5 pm? I'm giving it 5 days. Is that enough time to pass my drug test?

116 Replies (6 Pages)

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Using someone else's urine will NOT work all the time.....there is a thing called metabolites...that u CANNOT fake......once or might fool a doctor....but u WILL get caught eventually. I know this is has happened to a very close friend.

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Thank u for sharring. Ok this is how it started. I loaned my exfriend some of my pain pills. Oh I will have them back toyou in a couple days. The couple days turned to never. I had a few left. Butnot enough to get bye. So I had 3 pain pills and that was it. Andthat was on a Friday I tried to stretch them unroll Tuesday when I had to take adrug test. I felt so screwdriver over. So I had 2 bags I did one on Sunday night and half mondaymorning. And I drank Ann drank aster then detox tea and still used the last of my pain stuff so it would be in my system. I peed every 10 minuts. Soabout5 ot 6 pm I peed so much the 5 th pee. Aver peeing. Over and over. My lee was almost clear. So iwent to the bathroom and peer in a glad jarthen put it In the basement. So it would not grow anything. I wanted to just keep it cold. So Tuesday. Morrning I put it in a ziplock bag. Then just put the bag under my leggings. Heated it in a pan to get a good temp. Then put it in mypants. So I got there they'd took me straight seam to go good. Do u think I'm ok and if not. I will fight them. Becauce if there was any it had to be so minamal. Thank for listening to me. I will fight them let me know how u feel

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methadone is the best way to avoid issues with the childs health, a dyfs case, and the cravings/ soon as the baby is born they will test the childs first urine if it comes up dirty for anything(which usually is up to 3-4 months back in the pregnancy) dyfs will automatically be called and there is a good possibility that the child will be taken out of your custody...if she gets on methadone there is a chance the newborn could go through withdrawls BUT if she stops heroin cold turkey she could miscarry the suggestion is to call dyfs and ask for help they will advice you and that way your showing interest in the health and well being of your child as well as them advising you of the best ssteps otherwise they will most likely take your child from you

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Yea if u failed I woulda been surprised lol but the new tests suck for regular jobs they just give a 8 panel test so atleast u can take subs so u wont be sick and it wont show up

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Drink as much water as possible

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After heavy use, heroin can stay in the system for 7-10 days. My brother recently stopped use and was watched 24/7 by my parents and I and didn't pass an at home test until the 11th day with no usage. Of course body type like height, weight, etc. are also variables in the equation.

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OMG!! I agree so much!! The ONLY thing wrong with me doing dope is running out of $$ to buy more. And OMG sick as hell. I'm 21 days clean today and my life is so much better/easier when I'm dosing every day!!! So REFRESHING to read your post!!

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Hi, I was reading ur message. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I take heroin once in a while. Do u think it will still come up in my child's blood when he's born or is it dangerous?? I don't get any withdraws because I barely do it.

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The problem with heroin is what it's cut with. Toxic material is often used. Please don't put your unborn child through this. You both deserve better.

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Oh lord that's crazy... and I guess heart failure isn't that great. I know it affects the kidneys... I dose a couple times a week, you can't rationalize that it's not bad for you, everything is.... Including cannabis.. Although it's now proven to eradicate seizures.

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Exercise and drink plenty of water.

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I agree about the methadone being worse than the heroin. I went to a methadone clinic for over a year after having abused pills and turned to heroin. I have an anxiety disorder so I was pretty much self medicating. Getting off the methadone was much more of a struggle than any detox/withdrawal symptoms I experienced while using. Methadone builds up in your body so even though I was stepping down slowly week after week from the methadone I started to experience severe withdrawal symptoms while still on the methadone. I was going down 4 mg a week and when I got to around 20mg my anxiety became unmanageable. I was lucky enough to be well established with my primary care physician who prescribed me klonopin even though I was already on clonidine for the withdrawal symptoms (it did very little) and when my clonidine dose was increased I started experiencing severe dizziness, lethargy, clumsiness and muscle stiffness especially in my neck. The klonopin helped but I stopped taking the clonidine because I was starting a new job and could barely get off the couch. After a day or so of not taking the clonidine I felt so much better and was able to start my new job on time.

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I used sat nite I get urine tested wed morning, do I have a good chance of passing?

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Heroin causes significant decreases in LH levels. In women it causes erratic menstrual cycles, and in men, decrease in testosterone, drop in sperm count, loss of libido etc. It throughs endocrine system haywire;however, reversible. There has also been some evidence in irreversible hearing damage, the mechanics not fully understood. Heroin is considered one of the safest drugs known to man, if taken appropriately, but how many do? It is the most widely understood and researched drug, safer than aspirin. But withdrawals can be very dangerous especially if person is already in poor health. If one has extreme blood pressure problems is can be very very dangerous. But heroin is a relatively short acting opioid, and typically is detectable 2-4 days after usage.

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If you want help, call Teen Challenge, They help men and women too, I know a lot of people who went through their program. If you cannot pay, tell them. They will still help you,

Heroin is a drug that alters your ability to think right and your brain chemistry. That makes it dangerous. Each dose becomes not enough so you end up overdosing. My daughter recently died. She was only 28 years old. It ripped my heart out. I loved her so much. She was beautiful.

Please get professional help. You can't. do it alone.YOU ARE LOVED. YOU ARE IMPORTANT, YOUR LIFE DOES MATTER.

It seems like our government stands by and just watches people die. Where I live it is common. I really believe they use drugs and addiction as a way control people, Heroin comes in from other countries. DON'T LET THEM TURN YOU INTO A ROBOT.

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I am with you on that! You said it right.

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Heroin is not safe. It alters your brain chemistry, your ability to think straight. My daughter's cardiologist said she was free from the heroin after she was released from the hospital (6 weeks later) into physical rehab. The cardiologist said the heroin continues to play with your mind even though the drugs have left your body. It is a dangerous drug.

All drug rehabs ARE NOT the same. You need to want to change. The drug rehab has to treat all of you, including the spiritual part, not just the addiction part. I know quite a few people that fought addictions successfully. They said you cannot do this by yourself.

You have to be willing to admit that and submit your will to Jesus. You have to look for Him with the same determination you have as when you are trying to find the heroin. You change your life when you change your mind.

When you make comments like you did, it shows the heroin has a hold of your mind and is dangerous.

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If I did heroin and have to have a urine test used 12. Hours prior to my test will the urine show positive

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If he said he hasn't used in two weeks and you are getting a positive reading then he has definitely used more recently than two weeks ago. As stated in previous comments heroin will typically clear within 3 days but may show positive up to 5 days. Variables are amount and frequency of use, metabolism, etc.

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please girl, get to a clinic, and get on subs, that's what I did. you do not Want that stuff in your system its harmful for baby, and my daughter has been actually above development levels and I took subutex while prego. please please go to a clinic, then you wont get child services called on you and they wont take your baby. you test hot, that baby is as good as gone.

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