How Long Does Heroin Stay In Your System? (Page 4)


If I took 1 small dose of Heroin on Wednesday afternoon at 4 pm. Will I be clean for my drug test on Monday at 5 pm? I'm giving it 5 days. Is that enough time to pass my drug test?

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How heroin kills you:

By Jen Christensen, CNNUpdated 3:24 PM ET, Fri August 29, 2014

The mechanics of heroin addiction 04:00

Story highlights:

Most people who die from heroin overdoses stop breathing. Heroin use can also cause heart problems and kidney failure. Heroin fatalities are most often long-term users, single men who die at home. Using heroin can kill you, but it may not be in the way you think. The number of drug overdose deaths in the United States haverisen steadily since 1970. Painkillers actually kill more Americans than heroin and cocaine combined, according to the Centers for Disease Control, but heroin is still one of the No. 1 killers of illegal drug users. Only one in 10heroin overdoses ends in death. Overdose deaths from heroinhave increased recently, and heroin use is also on the rise.In 2011, 4.2 million Americans over the age of 11 had tried heroin at least once, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. An estimated23% of them will become addicts. And it's addicts who die more frequently than new users, studies show how heroin works. When someone takes heroin there is an immediate rush. Then the body feels an extreme form of relaxation and a decreased sense of pain. What's happening inside the body is the heroin is turning into morphine. Morphine has a chemical structuresimilar to endorphins-- the chemicals your brain makes when you feel stressed out or are in pain. Endorphins inhibit your neurons from firing, so they halt pain and create a good feeling. Morphine, acting like your endorphins, binds to molecules in your brain called opioid receptors. When those receptors are blocked, that creates a high. When you die Most people die from heroin overdoses when their bodiesforget to breathe. "Heroin makes someone calm and a little bit sleepy, but if you take too much then you can fall asleep, and when you are asleep your respiratory drive shuts down," said Dr. Karen Drexler, director of the addiction psychiatry residency training program and an associate professor in Emory University's psychiatry and behavioral sciences department. "Usually when you are sleeping, your body naturally remembers to breathe. In the case of a heroin overdose, you fall asleep and essentially your body forgets." A heroin overdose can also cause your blood pressure todip significantlyandcauseyour heart tofail. Studies showintravenous heroin users are 300 times more likely to die from infectious endocarditis, an infection of thesurface of the heart. Heroin use can also cause an arrhythmia -- a problem with the rate or rhythm of the heartbeat. During anarrhythmia, the heart may not be able to pump enough blood to the body, and lack of blood flow affects your brain, heart and other organs. Heroin usecan also cause pulmonary edema.That's when the heart can't pump blood to the body well. The blood can back up into your veins, taking that blood through your lungs and to the left side of the heart. As pressure in the blood vessels increases and fluid goes into the alveoli, the air spaces in the lungs, this reduces the normal flow of oxygen through your lungs, making it hard to breathe. This too can give you a heart attack or lead to kidney failure.

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Well said so selfish an unborn inconent kid suffers! Not make a pop at you I a realise it's easier said than done but think of you're kid he, she doesn't deserve that, no kid does!

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To the person who is pregnant STOP using. Babys are inside the body so everything done to the mother's body the baby feels.

My daughter was dying on my couch from using. Her kidneys were shutting down. Her face looked like death was staring back at me. She had an infection in her blood that created a growth on her heart valve. The valve was being eaten away by the infection. After a week in ICU at our home hospital, she was transfered to a Philly hospital where they pulled 10 teeth that were infected. She had her ribs cracked open so they could do valve replacement surgery or she would die. My daughter came out of surgery where they put her on machines to help her breath. After being in that hospital for a month. After her release, off to another facility until the antibiotics were done, 6 more weeks.

Heroine alters your brain chemistry. It damages your family. They can't trust you. Every time my daughter talks to me I think she's lying because she did. Users are quick to come up with liies.

Heroine comes frim other countries trying to make zombies out of our people and we allow it. Get help.. There are free detox places. Save yourself before it's too late. THERE IS NOTHING COOL ABOUT HEROINE. It destroys lives.

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After heavy use, heroin can stay in the system for 7-10 days. My brother recently stopped use and was watched 24/7 by my parents and I and didn't pass an at home test until the 11th day with no usage. Of course body type like height, weight, etc. are also variables in the equation.

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Heroin kills people and destroys the families of addicts. It's important for those with addiction to accept responsibility for their addiction. Please get help. You can fight this. A man is a slave to his addiction.

I am a Believer (in Jesus) because he met me where I was in my addiction ( everyone is a slave to something), picked me up and brought me out if it to where I am today. I am so thankful for it. Jesus will do the same for you no matter what you've done. He always provides an escape for those who answer his call.

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OMG!! I agree so much!! The ONLY thing wrong with me doing dope is running out of $$ to buy more. And OMG sick as hell. I'm 21 days clean today and my life is so much better/easier when I'm dosing every day!!! So REFRESHING to read your post!!

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Hi, I was reading ur message. I'm 34 weeks pregnant and I take heroin once in a while. Do u think it will still come up in my child's blood when he's born or is it dangerous?? I don't get any withdraws because I barely do it.

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During 1950 - 1960 they use to give heroin during childbirth in Australia. They stopped sometime in the 1960's. I read this in an Australian Drug History book, after a retired midwife informed me. I was pregnant in 2000 and I didn't have the baby as I was using. Then I met a doctor who informed me that you can have a healthy baby, even if you're on opioids. Royal Women's Hospital have a WADS clinic, and that was the best, as they monitored you regularly, weekly appointments, nutrition and counseling. I am on the liquid handcuffs, and I've had a healthy girl who is 10, and no longer use. She deserves that and not for me to be using. I still think about it, but not worth the risk.

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Then stop using. It will f*** up your baby. Stop being selfish and grow the F up!!!

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The problem with heroin is what it's cut with. Toxic material is often used. Please don't put your unborn child through this. You both deserve better.

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Oh lord that's crazy... and I guess heart failure isn't that great. I know it affects the kidneys... I dose a couple times a week, you can't rationalize that it's not bad for you, everything is.... Including cannabis.. Although it's now proven to eradicate seizures.

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Exercise and drink plenty of water.

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Wow! That baby is being forced to be addicted to heroin, are you serious? I was an addict for over 15 years and I've done pretty much every drug out there and I can testify to the fact that heroin is an evil drug. Not to mention she could kill the baby. Man, I really hope that baby got put in a better home!

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Please stop using heroin. Think about your baby who didn't ask for heroin and doesn't have a choice. Get help. You start out once in a while and it calls you back. It's only a matter of time. My daughter is using. Her doctor told me it's a mind game drug. She was free for months and ran back.

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You should be good. It can stay in your system (urine) been 2-5 days, 6-12 hours (blood) and 5-6 hours (saliva.) But when it comes to urine, (if you're not a heavy user) on your third day you should feel pretty confident about passing the test.

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I agree about the methadone being worse than the heroin. I went to a methadone clinic for over a year after having abused pills and turned to heroin. I have an anxiety disorder so I was pretty much self medicating. Getting off the methadone was much more of a struggle than any detox/withdrawal symptoms I experienced while using. Methadone builds up in your body so even though I was stepping down slowly week after week from the methadone I started to experience severe withdrawal symptoms while still on the methadone. I was going down 4 mg a week and when I got to around 20mg my anxiety became unmanageable. I was lucky enough to be well established with my primary care physician who prescribed me klonopin even though I was already on clonidine for the withdrawal symptoms (it did very little) and when my clonidine dose was increased I started experiencing severe dizziness, lethargy, clumsiness and muscle stiffness especially in my neck. The klonopin helped but I stopped taking the clonidine because I was starting a new job and could barely get off the couch. After a day or so of not taking the clonidine I felt so much better and was able to start my new job on time.

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I used sat nite I get urine tested wed morning, do I have a good chance of passing?

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yes, just keep hydrated and ull be fine!!! u have plenty of time... just emember water is ur best friend!!!!

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Joey- your children should have been taken from you. How irresponsible. And please, explain to the good Lord upon your death why you thought it was okay to jeopardize the lives of multiple children instead of getting help. Cut the BS and get real.

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I'm 36 and a herion user for the past 2 years and it has ruined my life BUT i do agree that methadone is so much more worse and alot more addiction then herion... ummm i can't function unless i use... yes i agree it's alot better then going thru the withdrawals but I'm standing on the same side you are and you sound like a person holding on tight and that will give every excuse in the book to hold on to his drug habit.... please don't give anyone bad advice

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