How Long Does Ativan Stay In Your Urine (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I took 10 mg of Ativan on Saturday night and have a urine drug test today, Tuesday at 5:30. Will it be out by then?

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How long does lorazapan take to get into urine sample

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No it's con. Klonopin last longer....

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You said 2 days after 6grams and we're good

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Just curious. How did it go? I am in a similar situation and want to know.

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Minnilonium (sorry if misspelled) I am also in a methadone clinic and have been taking ativan (lorrazapam) for the past year, I go once a week to the clinic and usually will not take any the day before I go up in case of test and I've been fine. So example, I take them daily up until Wed. I don't take any at all on Wed. and if I have a urine test Thursday I've been clean. Now this is the first time that I've taken them on a Wed. I took 1.5 mg at about 6am or so and low and behold I had a test today, which I took about 5:40am and I'm worried, that would be a bit shy of 24 hours. so what do you think? looks like you have said it was fine for you when you have taken them before 5pm and had a test done the next morning. I have had a lot of overwhelming life events happening and anxiety is through the roof, so i had to take my meds. Let me know what you all think, if I do NOT pass, I will post on here but otherwise, lets pray I pass. I don't wanna have to drive 30minutes away for 30 days :)

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No!! I just found out that drug testing checks for marijuana, coke & pcp.

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Thanks for reposting yr results I was in same situation..

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JJJ THANK YOU!!!! Finally someone that understands this. I thought I would NEVER find a like mind!

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I go o the method clinic a n have all my take homes so only have o go to go one Tim a week,well I had apanik attack an the Dr at er gave me ativan so I'm scared an don't know what the clinic will door take from me??????_ tbaanks.

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i havent touched ativan in over a year but last week i took 14 mg of ativan in one day and, i went to get screened so i can get my first methadone drink but was denied because of benzo being in my system. how long does it take for it to not be detected in urine. do you understand what i mean? like i havent used ativan in well over a year but the other day i took 14 mg in a run of a day, how long will it be detectable. for a 260lbs guy

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Wow really?? So i can take 5 mg on friday and ill be clean by monday? Thats awesome

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if i take 10mgs of ativan, how long before i could passa urine test

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Hi Lulu-

I absolutely agree, it is nice to hear from someone who knows what they speak of. But, this is the internet, and you have no idea who is at the other end writing a reply to a question. Therefore, most of us are here to ask a question or give an answer to someone and share their experiences as to what happened to them, and that is the reason I am here- to share what happened to ME. I really dont think (for the most part) that people come here to "lie" to scare others, especially due to the DEA (or whatever else was written), because after all... well, nevermind, that's not important and it takes away from the subject.
Anyway, from my experience that I posted below (you'll have to scroll to see all entries) you will see it is NOT always that cut and dry. I am a Breast Cancer Survivor and I am a Surgical Scrub Nurse by trade, therefore I will not "lie to scare people" (and I am not saying that the poster below that said that is speaking of me, I'm just saying that because I will NOT make up a story), I came here to tell MY story and what happened with ME, so maybe it can help someone else. On a Thursday night I took Ativan ONE time, and a VERY small amt (2mgs at the most), thinking that there was no way that it would be found on a test on the following Tuesday (and that test was given very early that morning, and sent off to a lab) For whatever reason it did...and I gave a urine test, not blood, not a swab, a U/A. This happened in north Alabama, in the fall/or late Summer months of 2014...and after researching this online back then (to see if it would show up when I took that test) I never thought it would show; FOR WHATEVER REASON IT DID. It was neither here nor there, because it didn't mean anything in terms of "I'd be in trouble for taking it, etc.," it was just something that I casually wanted to know, and thought nothing else about...until it actually showed. Since then, I've learned to never say never- ever.

I wish you the very best, and to you all, have a great weekend!

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How many hours will it take for my Ativan to show up in urine? I will be tested 3-4 hours after only consuming one 0.5mg dose. Also, does anyone know how long clean frozen urine will stay good?

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It depends on the type of testing. If the test is a simple drug panel dip test Ativan will show up depending on weight, metabolism, and other factors for 5-7 days. If the test being used is a GC - MS test it can show up for a much longer period. If its a hair sample it will show up for 6 months.

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I have been taking 4-6 MG's of Vatican for a month...I have stopped for 5 days and have to piss on the 6th day..will it show?

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Thought I would pass my experience along. First, a little background to put this in context. I am also on MMT (Methadone Maintenance) and have been for many years, and I have never had any urinalysis' come back positive for illicit meds, as I have taken nothing but Methadone since I began MMT (over a decade ago), other than non-addictive meds such as antibiotics for example.
Recently I have had 3 trips to the ER due to some symptoms I was having, and after going through many tests and seeing many drs (including a full cardiac workup), doctors kept insisting that I was just having panic/anxiety attacks. Well, I knew they were wrong and I now FINALLY have been diagnosed with a hiatal hernia.
ANYWAY...before this was found, the ER gave me some Ativan which helped tremendously with the anxiety I was experiencing (I had major anxiety due to the symptoms). Several weeks back I took a 1mg Ativan on a Thursday night and on the following Tuesday I had to give a UA, and it did come back showing positive for Ativan. SO- just know that Ativan obviously does not "get out of your system within a day," as I was surprised that the UA picked up ONE 1mg Ativan pill taken 5 days before the UA. I didn't receive any "punishment" for having it in my system because it was a short-term legit prescription.
Sorry for the length, but I just wanted to explain the circumstances involved. Bottom line: DO NOT assume that Ativan leaves your system in hours or even in a day or two, because evidently it CAN stay much longer (though it stays in your system the least of the big 3 benzos; Xanax has been shown to stay the longest, then Valium, then Ativan).

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I agree David...I do not think Ativan would be in your system for a UA 6 weeks later. Although, I have to say that I was so surprised to have Ativan show up on my Urinalysis 5 days after ingested. I took a little over 1mg (probably 1 and a half mgs I suppose) on a Thursday night and I gave a urine sample at 5:30am on the following Tuesday and it came back positive. I was not expecting that...but now I know for the future just in case, if I ever have to take any again. I try to just stay away from benzos, as these past 2 months is the only time I've ever had to take any. I was amazed though at how effectively the Ativan was for the anxiety. It melted right away! I actually cried at how well it felt to have that anxiety gone for the first time in weeks, as what I was going through with feeling as if I had a rope tied around my esophagus was not fun. I now have a diagnosis of hiatal hernia and I feel 80% better since starting Nexium, but before that happened every doctor was trying to tell me that I was just having anxiety, and them not listening to me caused me even more anxiety, as if I needed more of that. So the few times I took Ativan, it helped me tremendously.

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"You guys are horrible." Lmao....

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