How Long Does Ativan Stay In Your Urine (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I took 10 mg of Ativan on Saturday night and have a urine drug test today, Tuesday at 5:30. Will it be out by then?

89 Replies (5 Pages)

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JJJ is right lorazepam leaves your system quickly but the same cannot be said for diazepam.

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My name is Kelly, I took 20mg of Ativan today, I have a drug urinalysis coming up (it gets set to the lab) my appointment isn't until 8/14 which is 26 days away...will my urine be clean?

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Re: Xylinna (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Yeh that does suck girl. Although it is true adavan gets out of your urine faster then the others,nobody believe the hype that you will be fine in a day or less. Definitely depends on how much you took that day and for how long you've been taking it but give yourself a solid two days as a casual user and really don't want to fail.

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Re: JJJ (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you! People need to understand these are different drugs which cause a variety of effects and have various half lives.

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Re: JJJ (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

7 to 12 hours is the half-life for Ativan you will not piss clean in 7 to 12 hours. Typical person from small or single doses is about four days. This is primarily due to the fact that most urine drug screens are looking for a metabolite of Lorazepam called lorazepam glucuronide

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I hadn't taken Adivan for a really long time, until yesterday. I took 10 of the 1mg (had a bad couple of days and gave up on myself) The last ones I took were at 6pm yesterday and I may get tested tonight or tomorrow and I am paniced. Been drinking pomegranate juice, water & detox tea like mad crazy.
1) are you sure i will be good 24hours from the last pill taken
2) is there anything I can do to speed the process??

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Dude I get to urines a week one for subs one for probation I had a slip last Thursday with 6-7 MG's of xanax took a urine Tuesday 4 days 6 hours later and go to see my po tomorrow 6 days 8 hours later your info seemed legit to many different people posting conflicting information that website was also an app thanks I don't aspire to keep slipping but a hot or wrong info could literally destroy my life thank you for the time and effort I will post the outcomes of both urines as I find out the results probation 10 panel instant maintenance is lab........ thankyou

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I'm on the methodone clinic and unfortunately I dibble and dabble with benzos all the time. I have to agree with a couple of ppl-- it all depends on what benzo u take...Zanax has been out of my system as short as 72 hours where Volume has taken quite a bit longer(almost 2 weeks) and recently I've been taken atavain which I've only took a couple of times and I'm pending results on a drug test now...I REALLy hope I'm clean... Its been over 4 days and I will post whether I'm clean or not.....

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Tracy- For me, they didn't fault me for it. It was something the ER was giving me, bc I was having TERRIBLE anxiety bc of symptoms I was experiencing (feeling of choking, tightness in chest, etc. which would cause anxiety alone)- they just kept telling me "it's an anxiety attack, it's just anxiety." Well FINALLY 2 weeks ago, I had an EGD done...and turns out it's a hiatal hernia causing all of these symptoms and I feel much better since Nexium has kicked in. But before I knew what this was it was causing MAJOR anxiety, so when they gave the Ativan- I was amazed at how well it took the anxiety right away! But of course, being on Methadone, benzos can be very dangerous, so my clinic didn't want me taking any, and I haven't since then (I am a very long term MMT patient). However, I am on Zoloft, and once I got on the right dose of it, it has helped A LOT with helping control my anxiety, so check into antidepressants maybe.
Best of luck!

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They did give me a urine n it hasn't come back yet but I'm almost positive It will be dirty.... I went straight to my counselor n told her about the three seizures I had n that's y it was taken n i have a prescription from when they were so outta control. I pray they want take all of my tj homes. I get five weekly n thats the limit with me being on disability. They no I have seizures really bad. N have known that from day .1 I jreally hope allmy hard work of staying clean from day one on mmt doesn't go down the drain. It really has me worried to death. How manydo u think ythey will take. i can deal with one ... But.not all.... I've worked my program to the fullest.

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Took a 1mg of lorazapam on monday will I be OK for a ua on wed

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You should never stop taking benzodiazepines suddenly if youve been taking them regularly. The withdrawls can be very dangerous. You need to titrate down slowly. Take care good luck.

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Absolutely. Redd makes a good point. If someone is taking a Benzodiazapine on a regular basis and they are considering stopping that medication, a slow and steady taper should be undertaken while under close supervision of their physician.
However Tracy, since you took it PRN, you would be completely fine. I hope you are doing well! Check in here and fill me in if you can.
Happy Holidays to you all!

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did you pass?

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Absolutely Douglas! Similar experienee here.

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I can only give MY experience. Like I stated below...I took Ativan one time (and a small amt at that, I believe it was 1 mg I took, it's been so long I would need to look at my comments) in my life. I took it on a Thursday night and 5 days later on a Tuesday I gave a UA and Ativan showed in my system.

Good evening everyone!

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i have failed the urine test wheni went to get my drink because i took 14mg before i got screened. so i went to detox 3 days later and when i did the test there was no benzos in my system, detox released me to a methadone clinic that same night .. so one time use of 14mgs on a thursday, and monday morning it was not in my system

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Thanks for obviously researched info. So many people ignorant on the subject yet they have a strong opinion.

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Hi JT-
Count yourself lucky! I know the different amount of times that certain benzos take to get out of one's system, although there are many variables obviously. I am a Surgical Nurse and thought that I would have zero problem passing a UA on a Tuesday, after taking 1-2 mgs of Ativan the previous Thursday (I believe that has been a long time since I posted that story below). Well...not a chance! For WHATEVER reason, they caught it and it showed positive in my UA, which was fine bc I told them I had been given some from ER, but it aggravated me so! I had never taken any benzo in my life ever, and still somehow, Ativan (which is low on the totem pole of benzos of course) showed up. Never thought it would show, but it did, so I learned a valuable lesson that day- never say never!
I hope this finds all of you posters doing well!

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THANK YOU FOR posting YOUR experience... bc that is what happened to me. Took Ativan ONE time, approximately no more than 2 mgs, and 5 days later it showed up on a U/A sent off to LabCorp. That is THE VERY FIRST TIME I have ever taken ANY benzo (other than once in the hospital) and boom- there it was on the report in black and showed. So like I've said in another post below, I will never say never again- EVER. lol!
Good day all-

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