How Long Do Topamax Side Effects Last? (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I began Topamax a week and a half ago as a migraine prevention. I am experiencing random facial, hands, and feet numbness. Mental fogginess, dull headaches, and tiredness. For those of you who have had success with migraine prevention and have taken this medication for a long time: How long did your side effects last? I have heard only a few weeks. I'm not sure If I can deal with this constantly much longer. I am contemplating which is the lesser of the two evils side effects vs. migraines. I have lost 10 lbs. though. Any advice?

199 Replies (10 Pages)

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I would rather have the headache instead of my side effects

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I was on Topamax for years and I started getting the pins, needles, and numbness in my hands. No one could figure out why? I'm not diabetic (it's a neuropathy type pain). I saw a neurologist for a year and he sent me for an assessment a a Top 10 University Medical School and they felt it was fibromyalgia. Both recommended pain managent to the point that in November 2011 I had a spinal cord stimulator placed to help with pain because nothing was working. In May 2013 I finallY went to a different neurologist and she immediately weaned off topamax. Most of the pain went away and then I had to have the stimulator removed in 2014. If you are having the parasthesia I would get off asap. The longer I was on it, the worse it got.

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Hi. I am weaning off of Topamax - I am truly sorry I ever started it. I posted a reply a couple of days earlier; you can see it above in the thread. There were many things I did not mention as there is only so much room (lol), but I will add I started out weighing 112 lbs. I am 5'4". I lost 9lbs in about a month. I was down to 103 which was alarming. I am recovering from an eating disorder but this even scared me. Drug from hell. I have an appointment this Wednesday with a different neurologist who administers botox inj's. as a form of treatment for migraines. I am hoping I am a candidate or they believe this will work for me. I will post after my appointment.

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When you are down that low, our Neuro said to stop, you will still have symptoms, side effects for possible 2-3 more months, just speaking from experience. Blessings.

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You may have just saved my life. Several years ago I suffered from what was called a "thunderclap" headache. It felt like I had been shot in the back of the head. In the hospital I was given Butalbutal which was a miracle drug. As a result my doctor prescribed it for me for future headaches and I have been using it for about four years now. Recently I have been suffering from daily debilitating headaches and found I was using the meds every four hours but they were not helping. After a trip to the ER for the famous "cocktail" which only lasted 24 hours my doctor prescribed the Butalbutal with codeine. Long story short I now know my miracle drug is fiorinal and I am pretty sure that I in fact am suffering from rebound headaches which have been horrible beyond belief. I have been prescribed topamax which I have taken for three days with all of the terrible side effects described in this message board. The pain of the headaches is unbearable but there must be other options out there. My neurologists says because of my age (70) some of the other treatments put me at risk for heart attack. I am planning on a visit to the cardiologist to plan a strategy but I thank you for your insight and caring comments.

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I am stopping Topamax due to the memory and word finding issues. Did you find that being off it help? I have a fear this is permanent I pray not.

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Hi. I love Topamax! I asked my Dr to put me on it due to things I've heard about it and altho i get the pins and needles in my hands and feet, and cognitive impairment, I'm finally happy!!!! I've been on every damn antidepressant known to man...HAD they tried me on this years ago maybe i wouldn't have lost so many years to depression! Makes me mad and feeling cheated actually.
Yesterday i lost my SUV at walmart tho. It was embarrassing. I also forgot detergent and after i located my vehicle i had to run back in...took me about 2 hours to get to the laundromat because i was in la la land. I'd rather this tho. Now the big question is will it keep these horrid headaches away for the first full month I'm on it? I really hope it does because i can't deal with fioricet making me even more tired than i naturally am!

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Not a good medication. If your insurance will cover Botox, try it. This medication is horrible!

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I've previously posted about this issue on this forum six months after I stopped taking this medication. Been off Topiramate for over a year now but still suffering the metal taste which I never had until I took this medication. I've given up asking the medics for help with this as they look at me as if I'm nuts (one even suggested counselling...). Nobody seems to get that this symptom only started after I took these pills & I've never suffered from it before. It's intrusive, unpleasant and confidence sapping but looks like I'm stuck with it. (Yes I drink plenty of water - you name it I've tried it to no avail). I wish I'd never taken the stuff. :(

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I started topamax 3 months ago for debilitating migraines. it has helped prevent. .although, few weeks now I've been getting them again. also I'm so tired I can't function. cannot work cook clean get up for long nothing... lower doses make the headaches worse.. higher doses brought on severe depression and scary thoughts... and crying... I've heard about botox. I'm at a loss. I'm so tired I can't keep my eyes open. I'm misserable.the imitrex prescribed for insets is beginning to not even work smh 8 had mri. they said it's fine. I'm only 35 misserable

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I have been on name brand topomax for 19 years..I am 67 yesrs old and in the last month noticed my stream of urine was coming out slowly and i could not completely empty my bladder. I have always been a very healthy woman. Did an experiment today and did not take my morning dose of 25 mg and my steam of urine has come back to nearly normal. I take 50 mg daily. One in the morning and one at night. So if anyone has issues with their bladder or kidneys, this medicine is toxic for that organ. I am starting to taper off tonight.

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When I first started Topamax (Topiramate) for Complex PTSD (I also suffer migraines) about 6 years ago, I started at a small dose (I don't remember), but I got severe tingling in my hands that really intensified when I was driving. I told my doctor and he cut the dose back and titrate me up to the or dose. I think the dose was 50 mg.

I know take 250 mg/day and have no problems. I rarely have migraines (maybe 3x/yr), but also have other diagnoses that can contribute to that.

I think the best thing to do is to talk to your doctor about titration to see if that solves your problem. It worked wonders for me and I'm highly sensitive to medication. Unfortunately, I have 10 medications that I have to have refilled monthly and 6 of them required either a medication change and/or dosage change almost immediately. One (Abilify) took a year before they figured out it was causing the horrendous symptom, grind my teeth until my jaws hurt and I looked like I was chewing. There is no generic and with insurance a replacement for a lost prescription 2 years ago was $1,038 for 30 tablets! Thankfully, I never lost any.

Best of luck with Topamax and your reason for taking it. For me, it has really helped. I also have a friend who takes it for seizures (400 mg/day) who has great success with it, too.

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Has your memory gotten better? I will be going to graduate school next year. I noticed this last semester my memory and verbal communication has gotten horrible. Hoping going off Topamax will fix the issue.

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I believe the side effects do subside. Definitely get off of it as soon as you can. Wean yourself off slowly just like you did when starting Topamax. I didn't have any withdrawals to speak of like the others I've read. Best wishes!

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Anyone ever experience being very ill on this drug like diarrhea 3-4 times a day ? Also no relief from what it was prescribed for ? I was diagnosed with migraines. I am seeing some results but not enough to matter my hearing hasn't returned in my right ear, ringing is still present, as well as being off balance and my vertigo. I also have experienced every side effect of this drug and it's been a living hell. Any comments, help is much appreciated really struggling here.

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I stopped taking it, I was doing 50 morning 100 at night, I couldn't see where it was helping me.

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I started the generic form of Topamax on Monday for migraines. I can't say I get them often but at least a few a month especially in the summer when storm fronts come through. Since Monday I have been having really bad abdominal cramping when sitting and standing that seems to come in waves. It doesn't seem to matter if I eat or don't eat same with drinking. Sometimes it feels like eating and drinking actually makes me cramp more. I don't know the dosage I am on as I just realized today that this could be a side effect. Also noticed I have been more tired than usual and foggy. Moving physically slower as well. Has anyone had these complications and since I've only been on it for less than a week should I be okay to just stop taking it? I forgot this mornings dose but am still having pain today.

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Do you feel changing to the name brand helped.Do you think that the topamax helped you at all.

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I felt sick on it, pulled out in front of cars because of lack of concentration and could not even make change.....horrible.

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I still have memory issues and have been off for several years. I still wonder if it's cuz I was on topamax. But I'm 36, I shouldn't have memory loss like this yet

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