How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

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Read this now. Please. It made me change my life! There's a video I watched once. The video explained that because of lab evaluations on rats in the 1970s, we have an oversimplified, incorrect framework of how addiction works. These diagnostics showed that if we give a rat the choice between plain water OR water spiked with coke, they’ll choose coke every time until they eventually drink themselves to death. This was repeated time and time again. Because of this, we assume that DRUGS are what cause addiction. You take opiates for 20 days, and the chemical changes cause your body to NEED this drug in order to avoid withdrawal. This is true… but it’s only half the story. If you break your hip, you’ll be given LOADS of high quality, pure opiates in a hospital in the form of morphine. So why don’t hospital stays cause the same exact addiction? Turns out, there was a problem with the rat evaluations. A researcher came forward and pointed out that the original rat given the choice of coke-laced water was in an empty cage all alone. He redesigned the study to include an experimental group called “Rat Park,” where the rat’s cage was FILLED with creature comforts: colored balls and toys for stimulation, tunnels, friends, and a mate to have intimacy with. Guess what? The rats in Rat Park hardly ever used the drugged water. NONE overdosed. Is this unique to rats? An accidental human experiment suggests otherwise.

During the Vietnam War, 20% of American troops were taking opiates. Why not? They were in a horrific jungle in a foreign country forced to kill or be killed. Just like the lonely rat in the empty cage, they had nothing else. Americans panicked thinking 100s of thousands of junkies would come back. Except they didn’t. The troops came back alright, but a phenomenon happened - no rehab, no withdrawal… 95% just STOPPED the drug altogether. “It’s not the chemicals, it’s your cage.” Human beings have an innate need to bond and connect. When we are happy and healthy, in positive environments, exposed to color and LIFE — we bond with the people & nature around us. When we can’t bond, because we’re traumatized, isolated, depressed, or trapped in a “cage”-like environment we feel we can’t escape, we’ll bond with SOMETHING that gives us relief. That may be alcohol at 5pm when we leave our 9-5 hamster wheels. That may be junk food when we feel alone and trapped in a body we hate. It could be endlessly checking our smartphones, pornography, video games, or drugs. Whatever it is, we WILL bond with something because that is our nature. Addiction is just one symptom of the crisis of disconnection that's happening all around us. “It’s not the chemicals, it’s your cage.”

I can’t blame America for craving unhealthy, processed food. We are removed from our natural habitats. We stare at concrete walls all day. Removing ourselves from nature has quieted our instincts and makes it so much harder to listen to what our bodies truly want. When you get outside into fresh air and BOND with NATURE instead of man-made materials, it’s so much easier to know when your body wants to sleep, how much, and what you want to eat. So if you’re in a cage right now, work on changing it slowly every day. Make time for nature. Make time for green grass and human BEing instead of human DOing. The way out of unhealthy bonds is to create healthy ones; go for a walk in the woods with people you WANT to be present with and connect. You will want more of what’s good, and less of what’s bad… effortlessly. Instead of forcing yourself to change your diet, change your environment and the diet falls into place. The happier you are, the healthier your choices will be, and at the end of the day, that’s all that matters.

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When it comes to prescription opiates you do not need to be in withdrawal AND DOESNT CAUSE PRECIP WD. As I said in a previous post there have been times where my script was delayed in filling either due to not being able to find it or shipping issues and I've taken 8 mg of Suboxone for pain or have been on sub for a few days waiting and as soon as my prescription was available for opiate took it immediately--no wd!! And don or have been on sub for a few days waiting and as soon as my prescription was available for opiate took it immediately and never a prob -- I know people who have been on opiates and then took the Suboxone and absolutely no withdrawal and no waiting time. -- not just my experience but that of every single Suboxone user I have ever encountered -- again I think it's almost propaganda because when you experience withdrawl it's hell and then the Suboxone is an absolute miracle!

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To everyone advising people they don't need to wait until they are in full withdrawals, please stop giving this advice.

I used to think the same thing. I'd go on short breaks from subs, and when I switched back to sub I'd use before bed and feel withdrawal in the morning and pop a sub. That is until one time it didn't work that way. I experienced a hell that you wouldn't believe. At several points I begged my chick to get me a knife so I could kill myself. I'm shaky just thinking about it, it was traumatizing. I've been through cold-turkey opiate withdrawal, and that was pleasant times compared to this. You're playing with fire every time you induct onto subs without being fully in withdrawal. I was feeling withdrawal, maybe it was psychological, but I felt sick.

YOU NEED TO BE IN MODERATE TO SEVERE WITHDRAWAL BEFORE STARTING ON SUBOXONE. PERIOD. Just because you got away with it doesn't mean everyone else will, so stop advising people based on your personal experiences.

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Hi i just wanted to say that i took 100mgs of oxycodone yesterday last dose being at about 5pm last night. By 8:30 this morning i was already feeling w/d but i waited until about 10am to take 8mgs of that is 17 hours give or is now 11:25 am and i feel 100% that whole "wait 24-36 hrs" is NOT least with OxyCODONE.

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Re: liberty (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I was wondering how you are doing? Did you kick the opiates and start the sub? Suboxone has been a miracle for me. I’m on such a small amount and won’t be on it long. The pain the opiates caused was worse than anything imaginable along with the depression. I don’t know how folks go back to taking them I don’t even think of them anymore and it feels so good! Good luck everyone, be strong! Be free and take your life back!

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Re: liberty (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I? understand completely. It’s like you only feel normal when you’re high .. but that perfect high takes from your kids diapers, clothes and future. Which puts you in a depressive state that causes you to want them more because you feel like a failure.. let me tell you. Suboxen saved me. Now some people are against it but the other 40% that’s all for it will tell you, it’s a huge life savor. Since I? started it I? can go to parks w them, shopping w them, school functions. It saved me in so many ways. Go into your nearest pain clinic and ask to be on the suboxen plan. It’ll help

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Everyone is different but yesterday, Monday, I took 2-8mg Suboxone at 7pm and I took 1 100 MG MS Contin, Morphine, at 9am, at 6 pm I already felt withdrawal starting
I was hesitant , but took Sub anyway, I felt better within an hour
Normally I take 600mgs of MS Contin & 12 -30mg Roxicodone a day. Which I last took on sunday.
So important,

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I took a suboxone 12 hours after I took a 30mg oxycodone and feel fine, you don't have to wait 24 hours that's not true. 10 to 12 hours and you'll be fine trust me I did it

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Wire your story is do much like mine! I hate myself for being addicted to Roxie 's! My kids see me sick and say daddy is sick again! I pray to God that we get clean this time. It has been about 20 hours since I had Roxie feel pretty rough but nothing compared to taking subs to early. Hang in there get clean!!!!

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I been on roxys 30 for about 5 yrs I took my last 1 today about 10:00a.m. and took zubsolv at 9:00p.m. and felt good

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I was on Subutex an I took Subutex an 30mg oxycodone, well roxycodone ir at the same time and I had been doing it for almost a year but that's been about 3years ago. Subutex does not have any type block in it that will cause withdrawals but suboxone has another ingredient in it, I think it's naloxone an that will send ppl into withdrawals fast, and some ppl it does not bother them at all. its not good to take opiates with those type of medications. if you are detoxing an want to get off opiates you use methadone/Suboxone an Subutex. the liquid methadone is called methadose which I'm a pain patient an opiates had stopped working few yrs back so I went to a methadone clinic got on Subutex. it cost me $1134 a month. I did it daily for a year but the pain was so bad I had to go back to opiates. that's the only reason I no how you can take this an that together but everyone is different as is the same with medications, but stick to one or the other unless it's what you want to do, but getting off any of it is the hardest thing ive ever tried. hope this helps

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You are so lucky. I have been taking suboxone for years and just had surgery my sub Dr prescribed oxy 10mg was taking 2 @ time every 3 hrs for 2 weeks. Took last oxy @ 11 pm. Woke up @ 7 am figured it was okay to take 1/2 strip of Sub so 4 MG and within 5 minutes started sweating feeling sick horrible w/d.

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I take 1/4 piece to aid in withdrawal after 12 to 24 hours after doing without and showing symptoms. Been on subs for a week straight and that's good compared to my previous routine. A miracle drug to replace the pain pills but also has dependency with withdrawal.

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Total BS I have alternated the subs and Oxsee's in either direction precipitated withdrawal is bogus I think is part of the marketing campaign to make people feel like crap so is the box and can save them because it is a miracle drug to help them stay clean I know countless people That alternate with drawl has never happened if you don't feel good or withdraw me when you take Suboxone's it's not because you took them to early it's because you didn't take enough !

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You do not have to wait till full withdrawals are in affect before taking sub... At the first sign of withdrawal you can take sub safely... No reason to start puking n s***ting b4 your dose. 16 years of every day use... lots of medical issues from living so hardcore :-)

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This is been discussed multiple times on many boards, you do not have to wait. I've had surgeries after being on Suboxone anesthesiologist of told me precipitated withdrawal is our bulls*** that what they are is simply not enough Suboxone on board to fill the opiate receptors and that you're simply experiencing regular withdrawal. I've gone back-and-forth many times and everyone I know on Suboxone has as well no one has experienced precipitated withdrawal's once. when I felt like I was still withdrawing while on Suboxone the pain management doctor told me it's simply because the 8 mg was not enough and to take another eight or another four but precipitated withdrawal is total BS!!! If u feel wd after taking an opiate it's because you did not take up Suboxone and opiates can be taken safely with Suboxone as explained by the anesthesiologist. it's not a problem. I don't know why Suboxone manufactures perpetuate the Smith maybe they want people completely miserable in total full on withdrawal so then a little bit of Suboxone will save them! But I've been on a high dose of opiates and will take sub at the next scheduled time four hours later totally fine! Try it if you don't believe me and if you start to deal with withdrawl you take another sub and you'll be fine. it's just regular withdrawal under treated by one strip or pill of Suboxone is not precipitated! Just my opinion and the opinion of about 95% of sub patients!! If going from sub to ops you may not feel as much opiate response but you won't have WD either! So if subs and opiates were mutually exclusive it would work in both directions. I really think it's marketing bulls*** because sub is supposed to take you off opiates but many opiate patients take sub as a stoppage measure. If having problems filling, finding their scripts, etc. Just an opinion, clearly not medical advice. Do whatever works for you!!!

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In my years of being on strong large amounts of opiates 15yrs plus I got to were I needed to get off them as nothing was working as it use to I went an got on suboxone strips an tablets an they didn't help me at all I had 4 strips at a time an no help an then I went back to my doctor an got put back on opiates I took both an didn't affect me but everyone is different an what works for one may do the opposite to another I get sick about 4to6hours after my last dose of opiates so I'd say 4to6 hrs but we all are different on meds llike I can take 5 10mg Valiums an feel wired up I no another person can take 1an sleep for hrs wish I could hope this helps you an others wondering to thanks Ken

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If you want the correct way you should wait around eight hours. It sounds like you are serious about this. I hope you don't do like the others and go back and forth between other opiates and suboxone.

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Very true ...i just took 15mg of oxy this morning at 8:00 am and dropped 2mgs of suboxon at 3:00 pm and now a hr and a half later feeling great.... Stop streesin guys 8-12 hours is perfect

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I hope you're right or Ill be thinking of you while I'm puking. Lol

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