How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

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Totally confused its been 20 hours since doctor gave me 20mg of meth. My body wants to take 1/4 of sub. Have I waited long enough. Exhausted bad leg syndrome can't sleep OK answer!!!

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You don't need to wait sometimes I think it's propaganda so that people feel full with drawl and never want to experience it again because the Suboxone and works wonders I have mixed both Suboxone and opiates
At same time for you don't need to wait sometimes I think it's propaganda so that people feel full with drawl and never want to experience it again because the Suboxone and works wonders I have mixed both Suboxone and opiates pain--i've taken Suboxone four hours after my last dose of opiates and as I said earlier taking opiates when the Suboxone did not help with pain I know people who of mixed it for years I've never encountered or heard of a single individual ever!!!!

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Please be very careful if you are planning to take Sub after having taken Morphine - Morphine binds very tightly to the receptors and it stays bound for a long time. If you are taking Morphine for pain and need to take it for long periods of time please do be aware that you can throw yourself into a full on withdrawal when taking the sub too soon after - wait at least ten days without if not longer. Of course discuss with you doctor for sure - maybe switch to a different med like Dilaudid which does not bind so strongly - I believe Methadone, Fentanyl, Morphine and a few others are the ones that stay in your body a long, long time - certainly compared to many of the others where conceivably you can take Sub anywhere from 4 hours after your last dose of whatever and be okay - your physician should know indeed but there are some of us out here too who have had the experience of going into a withdrawal due to taking Sub too soon after and it is really a rotten rotten feeling as well as dangerous!

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Really? Hmmmm I think I mite try that now actually lol, thanx

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Yes, especially if it's subutex

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...and get some emotional support. You aren't expected to do this alone... Blessings

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I am not a doctor. However - I have made the serious mistake of taking Sub be it Subutex or Suboxone too soon and it is by far the worst feeling anyone wants - it is horrific - best thing is to ask your doctor or at least a skilled pharmacist - usually the oxy will leave one's system within a day BUT - always better to be safe that sorry. I have taken Subutex without problem the morning after taking Oxy and all was fine - I have to emphasize tho that it was Subutex - I do not know about Suboxone. Always better to er on the side of caution as it is a sick no one wants to feel ever!!!!

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I have seen that the interaction between suboxone and opiates/opioid varies widely due to conditioning of the receptors and tolerance of sub-/naloxone. Your local junkie

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Hi, would you be able to give me a little bit more detail on what you do for your Suboxone taper? I'm scared to be coming off Roxies and hydrocodone and not waiting long enough and I'm also scared to get hooked on Suboxone and I don't know what I'm doing. I managed to finally get myself to Suboxone strips and just want to be able to take them obviously to feel better and go to work

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@missy- when you can spell it.

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this is the thing I dont get, everybody says to wait this long ass time, dude I can take some norcos and like an hour later take some suboxone and feel great, no w/d or anything.

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Agreed. I have used op/sub or sub/op either direction at what would just be my next dose same time four hours or whatever never had PW it's completely along either direction at what would just be my next dose same time four hours or whatever never had PW it's complete BS!!
If u take sub & feel wdishb then you just simply don't have enough sub on board to match your prior op!
Sub is for Replacing and Stopping op-- so I think the PW Is part of the marketing/psychological propaganda Because when you are in severe wd & take sub it feels like a miracle! So think it creates a psy reinforcement of "wow. This sub saved me from wd agony!" And psy bonds you to sub & the commitment to replacement therapy!
Every long term pm says same thing--no pw going in "either" direction!!

Also, every pm i know agrees Sub can be awesone/better for pain same/better than ops--yet, it is still a "op replace therapy" not PM!
Its all marketing propaganda!
Sidenote: some pm patients & i discussed that when we were younger or before we knew what " WD was " we did not recollect having such severe WD symptoms does anyone else have that same experience ?

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AGREED!!! it makes me crazy when i see these questions about pw!!! Every sub user i I have spoken with doesn't want to admit it to everybody but they often alternate whenever they get pills-- and they never have a problem even if they take it at the same time two hours later zero hours later and either direction and I've also done this myself when waiting for a script and my pain was out of control I think it's total marketing propaganda! Sub is a muracle if getting off pills but so many people are using it as a "stopgap"'or in emergencyvand in that case there's absolutely no reason to suffer because such p wdrls!!!! Eithr "direction!"

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Your experience was likely simply not enough sub to counteract the opiate & were on opiate wd. Not only do i have experience personally that waiting is total bs--anesthialogist told me total bs before & after major surgeries/knocked & went back & forth w/ subs & opiates-- everybody is different its true so people need to take "board advice" lightly but funny how when people think its precip wd-if they take another 8mg of sub--it goes away!! Its straight opiate w/d without enough sub onboard to allevitate it!! Anesth dr was like "wd is dangerous, sub is just a partial opiate so not getting full affect of ops/knock med so we have to adjust" & they did the same when i asked for sub in hospital After surgical pain was under control and had been on iv morphine for 3 days!!! They said not a prob & started sub immediately but started w higher dose 24mg instead of 16--for one day...precip wd is bs...its good old fashioned opiate wd without enough sub on board to fix...just my opin ... But everybody starts out with the precipitated withdrawal "paranoia"

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You know everyone its a big mobkey on our backs i had 4 operations on one foot ended up addicted to opiets FINALLY when i could not get any more i suffered withdrawl and we all know how that feels so i went into a saboxin program now i ended up breaking 4 ribs and bruising my lung yup had to go back on perks (really needed them) this particular dr was giving a hell of lot of perks as an addict of course i am going to eat them! Well i overdid it and have my saboxin waiting for me at the pharmacy well cuz i ate so many perks i cannot get my saboxin for 28 days going thru withdrawal and mad at myself for asking the dr for more scripts when i was not in any pain anymore!!!!!! All i can say is it really really sucks to be an addict and we are not all to blame that runs in our genes whos mother grandmother grandfather had addiction problems i wish everyone good luck and strength and will power NOT to let this take over our lives

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You said because Suboxone is supposed to take you off opiates but opiate patients take Suboxone as stoppage measure. Is this not saying the same thing. Most patients take Suboxone if taken corrective to help with their addiction. Not to feel high! No reputable doctor would tell you that it was safe to take Suboxone with other opiates. Why would you be going back and forth between the two? I know my pain management doctor would never give me both. These meds suppress the respiratory system so you should be careful mixing the two.

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I would say definitely not. Any informed Dr would tell you that if you have either one in your body at the same time it will immediately throw you into acute withdrawal. Trust me it's happened to me twice. Once I thought I was gonna die. I was on oxycodone and took subs before all the oxy was out of my body and I was experiencing full withdrawal symptoms. It through me into immediate and far more severe withdrawal than if I had waited. Do not play with that without knowing the facts. You will pay severely and painfully.

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Yes you are so right!!! If you're only taking oxycodone or vicodin, it's good to wait at least 9 hrs before taking a piece of suboxone!!

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It will be hell!! It happened to me because my DOCTOR said it was safe since 24 hours had passed!! I was only on hydrocodone for 2weeks after an oral tissue graft with complications from the harvest site. Anyway, my doctor said if it's been 24 hours go ahead and start. I had never gone through any major withdrawal but I was seizing!! I was sent to the ER (thanks to my hubby who left work as I was frantic at home with my two little girls!!) and I don't even remember getting there. I do remember crying to the doctor saying "why is this happening?!!" My medication was purely naloxone (just to help me stop drinking) but that's in subs. Anyway, I woke up 2 days later. Most horrific and embarrassing situation I've ever dealt with. Be careful people!! Maybe my metabolism is slower and that's why... but I'm in good shape (although that's not a sure thing).

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I've taken Percocet for one day - you don't withdraw after one day

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