How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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Im sorry but thats BS. The oxycodone (roxy's) are out of your body in 6 hours give or take, after taking the oxycodone even for years you can take the subs in about 8 to 10 hours depending on your body's metab...! If you can do 12 then do 12 but 12 is just fine, believe me, i do it all the time. Its just within them first 6 to 8 hours is where the danger zone is, now for oxyCONTIN i would say no LESS then 12 hours, im about to see myself tomorrow. But, with percs, roxy's and vics/tabs 8 to 12 hours is fine, if can like i said wait 12 hours and you will be fine. Because basically they give you subs when your withdrawing and after 10 to 12 hours without roxy's or percs you are feeling pretty s***ty, if you've been on them long enough. I know this is way late and wrong but i HAD to state this fact.... Too many paranoid people out there! GL.

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How long do I wait to take a sub after opiates?

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I'm taking suboxone can I take a 15 mg of morphine I took it befor the sub and only asking because I still need the morphine for pain

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It has been 24 hrs since 30mg dose of methadone and H use even prior to that. I am not having excruciating wd but slight. I took 1/4 of my sub an hour ago and am not feeling any worse, precipitated wd. Does this mean its safe to take my other 1/4? Wouldn't I feel worse already if it was too soon to take?

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I wait about 4 hours after and I've never had a problem. I've been taking oxy for a few years and whenever I take a break and use subs I'm always perfectly fine. The best thing to do is take your last dose before you go to bed and when u wake up start the suboxone. That's what I normally do.

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how long does it take oxycodone to be metabolized by the body after taking 10 mgs one time.

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Iv been on suboxone for two years.started on 8 mg now down yo four.I had a kidney transplant Dec.2nd and was put on 10 mg percosets every 6 hours and 15 mg morphine every 12 hours.iv been taking them for 3 weeks. I wanted to start suboxone. Every time I woke up on the percs and morphine I felt terrible.already feeling withdrawl.suboxone doesnt do that, as long as you take the prescribed dose u never feel that icky feeling.I have been an opiate addict for over 10 years. Detoxed several times. Rehab for a year.detox program 3 times.certainly not proud of it! If I had one wish (that couldnt include bringing my little brother back to life (he overdosed on lorcet and xanax):(miss him.I would wish to not be an opiate addict even over million dollars! Anyway I was so scared to take the suboxone too soon.i took my last dose of morp day before yesterday and last perc @ 6pm last night.I was trying to wait till 12 noon today but I gave in at 10:30.I took 4 mg suboxone.its been 2 hours and I feel much better. You have to wait till you feel some withdrawl but not full terrible withdrawl!I waited about 17 hours after I took my last dose of perc (10mg) people say wait 24hrs to 3 days (not true for me)God bless anyone with this devil in your life! You are not alone!

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Hey mr clean..thanks so much for the honesty. .I was prescribed perc 10's 2yrs ago n found myself abusing them at least the past year..I can take up to 10a day n b wat ppl call normal..I knew it was a problem when I needed 2n the morning to feel ok withdrawls is pure hell i have 3kids a toddler no way can i afford to b sick i knew i needed help when my daughter said were ot going to the park today mommies out of fear of state getting involved i feared my kids would b taken n i have only 3family members alive i couldnt risk loosing my babies so i found suboxone on the street 15 bucks a strip but today is my first time taking it i last popped a few pills around midnight but felt s***ty n couldnt go anymire so u took my suboxone at 11am and was scared that it wasnt long enough a so scared more like so full of anxiety about long n how long i have to take suboxone...n heard about sadness n miidswings while on it n i have a history of depression n anxiety vut i wantvmy life bk tired of scheduling me n my kids daily life around if i have enough percs...i spend so much on it. That could b towards my kids future so guilty..i just wanted to share..fulll of anxiety but Im ready to b opiate free i fear relapsing the only addiction i ever had n life was shoe shopping n never thought this would happen to me ive had so many loved ones loose their life to addiction n i just dont wanna b a repeat i want more n better for my kids.....need encouragement plus i kno i cant afford to keep buying the s*** when i run out ready to get off the roller coaster.

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you seem to be the one to ask...just want to be clear..youre saying that after 8-10 hours after taking vics, its safe for the sub?

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Insufflated 80mg oxycodone at 10:30. took 16mg suboxone at 4:30. Felt perfectly fine.

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How long do I wait to take a suboxone after I took a 30mg of oxycotin

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Im onthe suboxone program 12ml a day and I had one 5mg endone at midnight but need to Know can i have suboxone now? Its been just over 5 hours.

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Your %100 right 12 hours is fine off pills , now H or meth should wait atleast 12-24hrs , I've been on perks for 4 years once I wake up in the morning I take 4mg of suboxone and I'm fine

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For all of you asking how long you have to wait(and specifically to those saying you don't have to wait) here is some info from an experienced user. First of all, you can't take one persons experience and co-opt them into your life. How long you use, what you use and what dose, body metabolism etc. all play a role in how long a drug remains in your system. If you are on methadone maintenance, you MUST wait at least 36 hrs, sometimes even longer or you will feel the precipitated WD's. I'm talking people who take methadone everyday etc. Methadone is one of the longer acting opioids. I went into precipitated WD when I took sub about 48 hours after my last methadone dose. For other extended release like OC or Morphine ES, waiting at least 24 hours after last dose is recommended. I have no experience with the shorter acting pain meds so I won't comment on those, but when you are in doubt always follow this rule of thumb: If you are in WD, then you're probably ok to take sub. I don't mean you have the jonesing anxiety type thoughts, I mean the aches, the sweats/s***s. Listen to your body and respect sub. And for those of you saying I take sub and then I take another opiate on top of that, you are wasting money and time. Sub will greatly reduce or block most other pain meds unless you take a lot more of the regular pain med. Don't use sub to feel high, it is HELL to come off. If you are using sub for a short time just to get over opiate WD easier and get clean, take as LITTLE AS NEEDED TO FEEL NORMAL. Last but not least, if you feel hopeless just know that you're not alone and that you can get through the bad times. Believe in yourself, let the mistakes of your past go and focus on a better future.

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You have to be in full withdrawal from all other opiates, before you can safely take Suboxone.

Learn more Suboxone details here.

The precise time that happens can vary from person to person, depending on their own body, how much of the given drug(s) they were taking and other factors.

It's a very fine line, because taking it too soon can throw you into withdrawals, but you have to be full in them, before it's safe.

Are there any other questions or comments?

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Wait til u are in withdrawal or u will b really sick 12 hrs to 24 hrs good luck try to enter a sub program it will change ur life.

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Very true. I did a total of 150 Mgs of oxycodone throughout the day today. My last dose was at 8.15 pm and it was 30 mgs. It is now 4.15 am. So 8 hours later exactly. Just woke up randomly and I don't feel too crappy now but I know I will when I wake up in the later morning so I took a small piece of a 8mg sub strip. I guess roughly 2-3 mgs. I feel just fine and now I know I'll wake up feeling okay as well.

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Re: wtarin1 (# 188) Expand Referenced Message

Stop judging people. You don't wear a robe and you're not God. Stop judging.

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I have never understood the hype or propgandA or lie regarding "pw" if someone takes sub (film) b4, After, or even w an opiate. It is totL bs it causes wd. Every sub film & opiate user i know agrees total bs! Perhaps propagNda to keep people clean or on one product ( replacement ) for another product like an opiate . I suffered many years during a Roxy shortage and cancer treatment afraid to take a sub because everything I read about precipitated withdrawal and then I found out from a sub users who either ran short or had pain they would mix the two and never have any problem I'm talking long-term opioid patients and long term large dose sub patients . They and I have now taken it and every variety combination right before one another right after one another or with both on board never as it caused any withdraw ever .
I believe the Suboxone is actually a superior painkiller and wish it would be approved for that . Just my opinion and the opinion of about 25 other chronic and or terminal patients I know none of us understand they lie about precipitated withdrawal and it is a lie or it's all mental

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Glad you took that second one and felt fine -- when I say I suffered waiting many times because I was afraid sub would take me into PW's I'm not kidding. I also agree with the other users who say they believe that PW when you start Suboxone is and actually PW it's your actual opiate withdrawal and you simply do not have enough Suboxone on board in the receptors. I have seen Suboxone work wonders for other people I have a friend who I would've never believed was on pills for years due to a legitimate medical problem but Suboxone worked such a miracle on her if she told me later that she was on pills I would've never Believe tour or I would've thought it was just a low dose for a number of years. However after she was on Suboxone for a year she stepped down she's very good about stepping down and eventually was taking almost hair like pieces of Suboxone the films since she cut them when stepping down as close as you can to jump off spot~~ I don't know if it's the pharmaceutical mechanism of action or simply the longer half-life but Suboxone withdraw doesn't cause that panic of opiate withdrawal whereby the hour you know how much worse it gets Suboxone seems to get worse by the day when stepping down -- this is the advice of my friend not me I've never had full replacement but she did and she didn't properly but she claims that the PAws you know the postacute withdrawal syndrome from the sub created more depression than any opiate then she claimed was worse and after maybe six months of being clean she's back on Suboxone which now appears to be both her drug of choice and drug of replacement. When she was clean and during her step down maybe she was even on some for a year and a half or two years but she and I both discussed she thought the brain healing that occurred during replacement therapy the brain healing from chronic opiate use was the biggest benefit of the Suboxone. I think she return to Suboxone in truth due to boredom/the addictive personality but also because of the huge depression. Suboxone seems to stimulate that positive feeling I think even more so than opiates so I think in effort to treat her with drawl she returned to the Suboxone either way she's trying to step back down now. I think used properly Suboxone is a miracle drug I think the government should give it to opiate addict's for free but I know that will never happen but I think used properly and step down properly it creates a miracle for a lot of people so if you have the financial and medical ability to take Suboxone properly and step down -- I hope you take full advantage of it and let it be a miracle in your life but be very careful of the depression that happens after you discontinue Suboxone and don't run into the situation that my friend has. Good luck

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