How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 8) (Top voted first)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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Yes. Absolutely. I don't know why you waited 20 hours. You would have been fine at 3 hours. It is at least for me.

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I need a little bit of help first time I've been on here I have one Subutex I have taken a 60 milligram morphine at 7 o'clock this morning and 5 Lortab 10 and one Percocet 10 how long do I have to wait before I can take my Subutex is my question can somebody please help me with this

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I totally agree that 12-16 hrs after taking your last dose of Roxy is sufficient to switch over back to Suboxone. ..You don't need to be in full withdrawls before taking Sub...I will take roxy for 3 days in a row...Let's says I stop taking Rox at 11 pm on a Sunday night and the very next day Monday at 2 pm I'm fine and the Sub makes me feel really good

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6-8 hours is always the case with me. I'm prescribed 6 - 20mg Oxy IR daily and if my script runs short before refill time I wait about 6 hrs after my last dose. Never once dealt with precipitated withdrawals. Never. Besides, people are telling you to wait until your fully into withdrawals anyway, so I say chance it, nothing worse can happen to you and you'll probably avoid the withdraws anyway like I have the last 18 yrs.

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I took 4mg sub today at 1:00pm. Blew 90mg of oxycodone at midnight (11 hours after taking 4mg suboxone) and I felt the rush almost immediately. The high set in about 45 minutes later. At 2:00am a little nod started to kick in. It's now 3:15am and I'm just starting to come down off the high. Solid 3 hour high with the rush, euphoria, high, etc.

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Is suboxone bad for kidney transplant patients? That is just my question. My boyfriend is a transplant patient and I'm scared for him to take suboxone. We are currently in our process of coming off opiates.

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My uncle takes suboxone and morphine for pain. He just doesn't feel euphoria from the morphine because the suboxone blocks it but he still gets pain relief.

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Really three days or prepare for hell. You are so wrong. Stop giving people bad and stupid information. If you don't know the answer. Don't say anything. Please.

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I've been an addict for about 20 years. I recently tried to get clean. After 24 hours after taking H before I took 4mgs of Suboxone. Like I said 20 years as an addict...But I have NEVER had wds like I did after taking the 4mgs. Within minutes I was in the worst pain ever and the anxiety and flipping and flopping around and the hot/cold flashes were so bad. The only good part is the ads are over quickly, I felt better within an hour but wouldn't wish that feeling on anyone. If you can, wait at least a couple days for methadone, if you can't, buckle up for an hour or so and go for it. Like I said it's THE worst but it's over in hors not days.

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I took only a one 10mg Oxycodone. How long must I wait to take Suboxone? I took the Oxycodone at around 8am.

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How long should i wait to have subutex after taking an oxycodone 30mg at 5am?

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I was on fifty milligrams for five years then I stopped going to methadone clinic and I did 200 milligrams of pill form of methadone but I have not took anything for four day's can I take a suboxon

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If you're talking about methamphetamine it's not an opioid and you can take subs while taking it with no risk of precipitated withdrawals. If you're talking about methadone on the other hand which is a long acting opioid you should wait 48-72 hours before taking subs. Please be more specific when dowling out info information that potentially cause someone great pain. I took 15mg of oxycodone at 9:00am and 2/0.5 mg of subs at 1:00pm it's now 2:00pm and I feel fine. For what it's worth

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If i took a 20mg oxy at 6 am and a 10mg methadone at 7:15. When can i take my first sub

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In my experience of being an addict for over 16 years i found that don't focus on the hours but just how you feel. The last time i was on 30mg roxy's and taking 10-12 a day i ended up waiting about 16 hours to take my subs. I took the last of my roxy at about 830am and went til about midnight when i woke up sweating and in the first stages of WD when i took 2mg of subs, waitied an hour felt about same maybe little better then took another 4mg of subs and back to sleep i went. If you take to early because your afraid of feeling any WD's you will regret it. Precipitated WD's are weekend killers to say the least. WAIT til the first signs of WD then you should be fine. The physical WD's not the mental issue of "i dont want to feel bad". You must feel bad to feel good. Hope this helps.

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Re: Brown (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Brown if you take suboxone the morphine will be completely blocked

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message
I will tell you from experience that you don't want to start to early
I made that mistake and the withdrawals seemed to intensify. I took my recommended
Dosage the next day and felt better within the hour. This is one medication you
need to stick to the rules. Be patient better to wait a it longer if you can then
To take to early.
Good luck.

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree with you, I just wait between 10 and 12 hrs and take the sub and it does its job , I do it all the time, you don’t have to wait 24hrs, thats BS

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Need answer how long do I wait to take suboxens after I took my last Oxycodone10mg yesterday

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Re: Mr Clean (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks. You sound like you know what you're talking about.

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