How Long Do I Have To Wait To Take Suboxone After Taking Oxycodone (Page 3)


How Long Do I Have To Wait Take Suboxone after taking 10mg oxycodone so i dont go into precipitated withdrawals?

194 Replies (10 Pages)

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Well, I'm about to find out if you're right. Took my last pill this morning but it was half my usual dose and I was already feeling WD and just took 1/3 of a sub because I feel awful already, sweats,cramping, sick. I hope you're right

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For all of you asking how long you have to wait(and specifically to those saying you don't have to wait) here is some info from an experienced user. First of all, you can't take one persons experience and co-opt them into your life. How long you use, what you use and what dose, body metabolism etc. all play a role in how long a drug remains in your system. If you are on methadone maintenance, you MUST wait at least 36 hrs, sometimes even longer or you will feel the precipitated WD's. I'm talking people who take methadone everyday etc. Methadone is one of the longer acting opioids. I went into precipitated WD when I took sub about 48 hours after my last methadone dose. For other extended release like OC or Morphine ES, waiting at least 24 hours after last dose is recommended. I have no experience with the shorter acting pain meds so I won't comment on those, but when you are in doubt always follow this rule of thumb: If you are in WD, then you're probably ok to take sub. I don't mean you have the jonesing anxiety type thoughts, I mean the aches, the sweats/s***s. Listen to your body and respect sub. And for those of you saying I take sub and then I take another opiate on top of that, you are wasting money and time. Sub will greatly reduce or block most other pain meds unless you take a lot more of the regular pain med. Don't use sub to feel high, it is HELL to come off. If you are using sub for a short time just to get over opiate WD easier and get clean, take as LITTLE AS NEEDED TO FEEL NORMAL. Last but not least, if you feel hopeless just know that you're not alone and that you can get through the bad times. Believe in yourself, let the mistakes of your past go and focus on a better future.

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Very true. I did a total of 150 Mgs of oxycodone throughout the day today. My last dose was at 8.15 pm and it was 30 mgs. It is now 4.15 am. So 8 hours later exactly. Just woke up randomly and I don't feel too crappy now but I know I will when I wake up in the later morning so I took a small piece of a 8mg sub strip. I guess roughly 2-3 mgs. I feel just fine and now I know I'll wake up feeling okay as well.

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I took my last 38mg yesterday when is it safe to take saboxin?

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How long should I wait before taking suboxone? I have been taking at least 400 mg/day. I have been on Suboxone before and regrettably relapsed... I read so many different stories here. Would sneezing constitute as w/ds and then could I take a sub?

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Please be very careful if you are planning to take Sub after having taken Morphine - Morphine binds very tightly to the receptors and it stays bound for a long time. If you are taking Morphine for pain and need to take it for long periods of time please do be aware that you can throw yourself into a full on withdrawal when taking the sub too soon after - wait at least ten days without if not longer. Of course discuss with you doctor for sure - maybe switch to a different med like Dilaudid which does not bind so strongly - I believe Methadone, Fentanyl, Morphine and a few others are the ones that stay in your body a long, long time - certainly compared to many of the others where conceivably you can take Sub anywhere from 4 hours after your last dose of whatever and be okay - your physician should know indeed but there are some of us out here too who have had the experience of going into a withdrawal due to taking Sub too soon after and it is really a rotten rotten feeling as well as dangerous!

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Piece of garbage liar. Don't listen to him. Not nearly enough time.

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Thank you! I'm tired of seeing all these people freaking out due to warnings of precipitated withdrawal from taking opiates and subs too close together--people do it all the time without any adverse effects

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Really? Hmmmm I think I mite try that now actually lol, thanx

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If you want to feel as miserable as miserable can be - take some morphine - wait a few hours and then take some Sub - you will be so damn sick you will be begging for relief please know - there is no lie there - Morphine, Methadone, Fentanyl for sure need a lot of time to get out of your system. The others appz 4 hours.

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Yes, especially if it's subutex

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...and get some emotional support. You aren't expected to do this alone... Blessings

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I am not a doctor. However - I have made the serious mistake of taking Sub be it Subutex or Suboxone too soon and it is by far the worst feeling anyone wants - it is horrific - best thing is to ask your doctor or at least a skilled pharmacist - usually the oxy will leave one's system within a day BUT - always better to be safe that sorry. I have taken Subutex without problem the morning after taking Oxy and all was fine - I have to emphasize tho that it was Subutex - I do not know about Suboxone. Always better to er on the side of caution as it is a sick no one wants to feel ever!!!!

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Iv veen taking subutex for 6 months i relaped and took a percoset 15 ml but iv switched clinics to suboxton now .its been 3 days no opiots and two days no subutex i have my prescribed suboxton but dont wanna take it too soon .how do i know if im withdrawing from the pain pill or my subutex and im starting to ferl like crap when do i know its safly to take my suboxton? Please help

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I have an answer to the twelve hours waiting to take a sub. NOT LONG ENOUTH !!!! It was horrible. I went into withdrawal instantly. Shakes,
S""", sweats, vomiting,I thoughts. About calling. Hospital er. It was that bad

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I have seen that the interaction between suboxone and opiates/opioid varies widely due to conditioning of the receptors and tolerance of sub-/naloxone. Your local junkie

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I was on Subutex an I took Subutex an 30mg oxycodone, well roxycodone ir at the same time and I had been doing it for almost a year but that's been about 3years ago. Subutex does not have any type block in it that will cause withdrawals but suboxone has another ingredient in it, I think it's naloxone an that will send ppl into withdrawals fast, and some ppl it does not bother them at all. its not good to take opiates with those type of medications. if you are detoxing an want to get off opiates you use methadone/Suboxone an Subutex. the liquid methadone is called methadose which I'm a pain patient an opiates had stopped working few yrs back so I went to a methadone clinic got on Subutex. it cost me $1134 a month. I did it daily for a year but the pain was so bad I had to go back to opiates. that's the only reason I no how you can take this an that together but everyone is different as is the same with medications, but stick to one or the other unless it's what you want to do, but getting off any of it is the hardest thing ive ever tried. hope this helps

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Hi, would you be able to give me a little bit more detail on what you do for your Suboxone taper? I'm scared to be coming off Roxies and hydrocodone and not waiting long enough and I'm also scared to get hooked on Suboxone and I don't know what I'm doing. I managed to finally get myself to Suboxone strips and just want to be able to take them obviously to feel better and go to work

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@missy- when you can spell it.

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I agree with everything u just said because in my personal experience I'm the same in all the aspects just so others see this... its true but yes people are paranoid or have no experience taking one then the other. Also the scare of withdrawal. Its understandable. Everything I have done has been in every way to be done too and its been experimental for me only because I have no script for suboxone but take it so I don't get sick off other things.

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