How Long Before I Take Second Suboxone (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Am trying to kick heroin. Took half of an 8mg suboxone after experiencing 18 hrs of withdrawals. That did the trick. It has now been 13 hrs since I took the fist dose. Am now wondering how long do I wait before I take a second dose of suboxone? Will I need to wait until I go through withdrawals again or what? A speedy reply will be greatly appreciated.

74 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: LFRANKENSTEIN (# 62) Expand Referenced Message

You went into precip because tramadol is an opiate dumb doctor

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Re: Deb (# 70) Expand Referenced Message

Deb, you are so right about tramadol, dumb Doc, lol. If you doubt the opioid, even though synthetic, just use some next time you are in withdrawal. Does not completely relieve sympyoms, but it makes them tolerable. If there was no opioid, it would not help. It has much less than something like oxy, does not control pain well, but is perfect for relieving withdrawal sufferings. Though a weaker opioid, don't let it fool you, prolonged use of Tramadol, for many, leads to addiction. If you don't believe it, look it up and see what others say. And tramadol withdrawal, say after months or more of use, is MORE intense than opiate withdrawal.

So for one week of use to help get through opioid withdrawal, I say it's useful 7 more. There now....I have totally derailed this thread. Sorry

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Me and my friend stop using harion lastnight at 8:30 pm and we woke up today at about 7:30 am and took a half of a 8mlg a piece my friend went into straight withdrawl me not so much how long before she is better??

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Re: CourtyB (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I just started the Suboxone, 8 mg twice a day and was taking almost same amount as you were in all three pain pills. You can do it. It does help.

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Hi I just started suboxone after being on morphine for spinal stenosis for over 10 yrs. Last night was the worst, no sleep like fire in my legs & unbelievable pain! Dr gave me 8 mg 2 x a day. How many hours apart do I take it. I really hope this works.

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Me and my girl have been back on heroin 6 months, took about a third of a 8mg strip bout 20 minutes ago and I'm waiting patiently. Haven't shot since yesrerday so I'm good. Someone mentioned taking 2 8g strips a day, WOW, I think that amount is ery high and taking that regularly will be so hard to come off of. Suboxone habit is hard to kick. I take it for about 5 or 6 days less everyday and I'm great.

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I know man. God I got on here because of taking a strip and going I to straight withdrawals after being off methadone for four days and can't get any help

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To those like Courty, yes - it works. Suboxone fills all of the mu opiate receptors which prevents withdrawal from ALL opiates. Unless you are opiate naive (don't take opiates regularly) there is no high which eliminates the craving to be high. Addiction (drug seeking) creates new behavioral habits and new neural pathways Taking Suboxone will enable you to recover from both. See a doctor, be honest with her\him, take your meds as prescribed and start hitting meetings.

If we are painstaking about this phase of our development, we will be amazed before we are half way through. We are going to know a new freedom and a new happiness. We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it. We will comprehend the word serenity and we will know peace. No matter how far down the scale we have gone, we will see how our experience can benefit others. That feeling of uselessness and self pity will disappear. We will lose interest in selfish things and gain interest in our fellows. Self-seeking will slip away. Our whole attitude and outlook upon life will change. Fear of people and of economic insecurity will leave us. We will intuitively know how to handle situations which used to baffle us. We will suddenly realize that God is doing for us what we could not do for ourselves.

Are these extravagant promises? We think not. They are being fulfilled among us—sometimes quickly, sometimes slowly. They will always materialize if we work for them.

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hi i have been on 75 mg of methadone a day and last dose was sunday so after reading up on it figured wed i could take a strip and stop wd ya that was a mistake it sent me into prewd was worst feeling i could ever imagine woke up today feeling sick still wich today is thur and am scared to take the strip again i took a roxy to take the edge off but not enough to really do more thatn that will it be safe for me to try take the suboxone again tomorrow friday which will be 120 hrs since last methadone

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I used the answers to your question to help me yesterday. I've cut strips of a sub and its worked, but my tolerance has gotten higher since the last time I took one so that little piece wasn't enough. I wasn't sure if I could take more so I turned to the Internet. Most of what I read said I could. So I was horrible. I felt worse. So bad that I went up to the hospital. The doctor I saw told me that when once it's been cut it activates the blocker and there's a chance it will block itself. In my case it did. So my advice: DO NOT CUT IT IF YOU'RE GOING TO TAKE MORE!!! I wasn't able to fall asleep for longer than 4 minutes all night until about 8:30 am. Mind you I took this at about 8:00 that night. So this morning I did get a bag. It was a bad idea, but the entire night was unbearable. Any way my point is: if you're going to detox at home DO NOT cut the strip if you're going to take more!

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Yes, a doctor who is trained in using it for addiction treatment, will usually carefully calibrate your dosage to match that of the drug you were abusing to prevent withdrawals and they monitor you for the first few days to make sure that they have the dosage correct, so if they don't they can adjust accordingly.

Once the correct dosage is found, it is usually taken once a day. Then, slowly, over time the medication is tapered to help you become drug free.


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ya you have to wait 24hours before you take or it will send u straight into horrible withdraws... if that was a few days ago u will b fine now to contiue ur suboxone

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i took first saboxone yesterday when i was sopose to wait til the next day, and i got sick as hell and now i dont know if i should take it today and wait. please help.

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So I've been on heroin for 3 years now at about 4 bags a day sometime more and want to get clean i have suBoxen strips how much should I take for the first day its been 21 hours since I last used a quick response would be greatly appreciated i feel like I'm dying

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