Heroin False Positive Drug Test
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My nephew keeps testing positive for Heroin after 14 days of not taking any, but he took a swig of codeine six days ago and swears he is not using. Is this possible?

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Hi Jes yes it is possible because codiene, co-codamol, believe it or not even a Benelyn cough bottle can show up as positive because they all come under as opiates x

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I had a hair toxicology test done due to accusations from my junkie ex-husband. I have never in my life taken heroin & it showed up positive. I swear I have never touched it. What could the reason for this be as I am terrified I could lose my son? Could someone please help asap? Thanks.

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My son takes Circadin to help him sleep. He has tested positive in a drug test for opiates and heroin. Could Circadin cause a false positive?

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I have pills that were marketed as Endocodil 10mg (oxycodone), by Biogentec.

Are these real? No imprint. I used the “kit opiate test k” which turned black indicating heroin... It was a little green to start, then turned dark black. Any other idea on how I can find out what it is?

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Yes! It will cause a false positive for Heroin!! Not a small chance. I am saying 100 percent it will test positive for Heroin. Pain pills, Vicodin and codine will test positive as Heroin!
I know because it just happened to me and I have never used Heroin! I don’t even know what it looks like. I freaked out and the tester didn’t even know and didn’t believe me till the nurse came out and explained to him about how pain pills will test positive for Heroin. And for certain Vicodin and Codeine 100 percent cause false positives for Heroin 100 percent of the time, everytime!

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Re: Jules (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, if you are on pain pills for pain they will test positive for Heroin.
I had a urine screen and it tested positive for Heroin. I don’t even know what heroine looks like no less ever taken it. I almost had a heart attack when they tested me, of coarse the tester didn’t believe me and also did not know anything about false positives. Which you would think someone who tests you should have to have knowledge and know about medications and what can cause false positives. Only when I asked for the nurse to come out and speak. She looked at the test and then told the tester that vicdion and some other pain pills cause a false positive for Heroin. Not a small chance.
I mean 100 percent chance everything single time!! You would think testers would know that!
So yes if you takepain pills it will 100 percent test you positive for Heroin!!
And it is also a 100 percent fact that it does, not a opinion but a known fact. I will go back to the place and demand to speak to someone and tell them they need to make calls or do tests that confirm that it is not Heroin!

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Re: Tonya (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

I have heard that Tylenol pm can cause false positives. But I didn’t look it up and also I can’t remember where I read it.

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NoTonya (# 18) --

No way sweetie.... I'm sorry to hear about them taking ur son, however, methadone doesn't come up as an opiate nor with Tylenol PM..... Could e been a false positive??? I would request another UA especially u knowing you've been clean 11 months.... Which congrats on that btw, quite an accomplishment

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I'm really trying to find this out because I have been clean for 11 months and just recently got my son back one month ago. Now he's already been taken away from me again because my urine came back for heroin. I'm on methadone and I take Tylenol pm every night to go to sleep. Could that be the reason for my dirty urine, because I know I haven't used?

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I was taking methadone, oxycodone, xanax, prozac & wellbutrin, and it came up showing that I was using heroin. I never touched heroin ever in my life. Is there anyway that these drugs can come up as heroin?

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Spikey (# 15) -

Not true.... More has to be done to "cut thru" both... Even tho subs have nalaxone in them, it can be cut thru

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Re: Panda Jean (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Methadone ain't a blocker at all - only sub's are!

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Re: Panda Jean (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Everything bagel contains poppy seed which will cause u to test positive for heroin

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I had a false positive result for heroin on a urine test that was taken on the site of my employer. I only take otc Motrin and once in awhile Advil pm (one tablet) at night. I lost my job, for the last 12 years I always had random drug tests done -in a lab- with negative results. I just took and paid out of pocket for a hair follicle test to prove my innocence and am waiting for results. Should I be worried about a false positive result again?

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I wish i was brave enough to do something like this but im worried i will get kicked out of the clinic and i would be sick..im suppose to be on pain meds for chronic pain i was for 23 years straight until the dr i had the last 7 years closed up no warning lost my records so no new pain dr would take me as a patient and i had to stop very high doses of morphine and roxicodone cold turkey which after 23 years of being on opiates i couldn't handle the sickness of withdraws so i had to start going to a methadone clinic but cant say um there for pain. I started there cuz i did start heroin cuz it was cheaper than the pills i needed to stop withdraws and help my pain but methadone does help my pain for a few hours so its a bonus but after a year of clean tests and now a positive fir heroin after i havent used in a year is messed up and even if i can prove it it wont matter. the big deal besides ppl thinking i used is i had 4 take homes so i only had to go to clinic 3 days a week but now i go everyday again and thats hard cuz of my pain and hard to afford gas everyday on a 700 a month disability check with 2 kids so it would be nice if they would accept a hair test to prove it but they wont so im not wasting money i shouldn't spend on that if it wont help. Ive been told to contact the state cuz clinics are suppose to allow retesting but im scared to get them mad and get kicked out when idk of another place to go to get meds i need. Good luck with what you're doing. Sorry it happened to you too.

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Hi. I'm currently on Family Treatment Drug Court right now. I am trying to stay clean for DHS to get my daughter back. On April 25th 2017. They told me I tested positive for coke. Then two days later I had a family team meeting. I then admitted towards the end of the team meeting that I did it. I cried and crap and all was well. I continued to go on my merry way, going to the clinic every morning, doing morning check in's by calling a line and the voicemail says we are testing clients today. Then Monday and Thursdays from 2:30-5pm I visit with my daughter with HTC services. Then on Tuesdays from 9-11:30 we meet for an all girls group. This is where they were testing me and said I was positive. Every Tuesday morning on my way to Seek and Safety group I stop at Dunkin' for an everything bagel with two cream cheeses on the side. I then eat it in my group so I don't get too hungry cuz it's a 2 1/2 hr group. But then on Wednesday I go to the same office and have counseling and I get a UA half the time. Well Thursday I had my drug court counselor show up and tell me I tested positive for heroin on May 17th 2017!! Wtf! No!! I admit to doing the coke in April but I am not going to admit to something I did not do! I'm on 34mg of methadone! Why would I do heroin when it wouldn't do anything to me because methadone is a blocker! I will not admit to the one in May cuz I did nothing wrong! Please help me. What went wrong and what can I do?? It depends on my life! My daughter!!!

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It's definitely possible to get a false positive result for heroin, even if you've never touched or seen heroin in your entire life. It happened to me, not once, not twice, but 11 times in a row!! I nearly had a heart attack when I was informed the first time and became really upset because I didn't want people to think that I had actually done that. The only thing I've ever taken was opiates (Vicodin, Percocet). I'm on suboxone and test weekly in order for me to get my prescription. My urine was sent off for further testing, and each time it proved to be false. The only other meds that I take, besides suboxone, is BC powder for migraines that I get frequently, and the generic unisom to help me sleep. It's one of the two that's causing the false positives. I was also told after the first test came back positive, and it was sent off for further testing, that having a urinary track infection can also cause a false positive. I didn't have a UTI, so it's either the sleepaid, or BC powders that were causing these false positives. I hope everything worked out, because I know how frustrating it can be when this happens and you know you haven't done anything wrong.

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KRIS, the exact same thing happened to me. I have never touched heroin. Wouldn't even know how to get it, plus I don't break the law. Pain mgmt doc treated me like an addict, although I had gone for an MRI and numerous other tests. NEVER tested
positive before. I have spent so much money with these people, but have not found a good one yet. I am left to lay in bed 24/7 with no life... they have destroyed it.

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I am sorry you said codeine, yes that will give u a false positive for opiates because codeine is an opiate, not like heroine or morphine but is used for pain, so there is doubt there. The only way to find out if he lied is to have a better test,one that goes to the lab and they break it down and test to see if it was just codeine or other pills or heroin. The test, one that is done quick will show opiates only, not the kind of opiate he used, so please do not kick him out yet until you sure he really lied to you.

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suboxone for opiates no way, subaxone do is cut the opiates from you not give you more

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