Help! Methadone Dialated Morphine Somas (Top voted first)
UpdatedI need answers please! My mother just passed away and I believe it was from the medications she was on. She had lyme disease she said she was always in so much pain but I feel like she was on way too much medications. I believe that is what killed her..she was on methadone, morphine, dialoted, somas, sleeping pills, nerve pills. I want to know if these are even mixable? If this can cause death by taking it together?
7 Replies
What have the doctors or coroners said was the cause of death? Without their agreement, you will have no case, regardless of your own suspicions.
As to the Morphine, Methadone and Dilaudid, various pain medications are often used in combination, to give someone better pain control, when they suffer from a condition that causes severe, chronic pain.
Are you also certain that they were all prescribed to be used concomitantly? Were they all prescribed by the same doctor or by doctors who were aware of what else she was taking? Were they all filled by the same pharmacy that had a record of everything she was taking?
The main problem that has to be watched for, with the use of multiple medications, especially narcotics, is central nervous system depression. They can all cause it and using them at the same time can make this more pronounced, so anyone using several, at once, should know to watch for this,
It can result in lowered blood pressure, lower heart/pulse rate and slower breathing rate.
Soma contains Carisoprodol, it is a muscle relaxant, so it can also cause the CNS depression.
As I said, they are commonly used together, but such use must be monitored by a doctor and the patient and dosage adjustments made, as necessary.
As to the sleeping pills and nerve pills, since you didn't say what they were and there are many different types on the market, I cannot provide you with any information on those.
But, just as an example of the effects that some medications can have, years ago, I was misdiagnosed and put on pain management. I was on high doses of Skelaxin, a muscle relaxant, Morphine, Oxycodone and Ambien, which is a sleeping pill, as well as an antidepressant, Zoloft. Since they all can cause CNS depression, they masked the fact that I had high blood pressure, because taking them lowered it enough to keep it barely elevated. It wasn't until several years later, when I got disgusted with it all and stopped them cold turkey, that the blood pressure problem was finally discovered, as well as the real problem that was causing my pain. These problems both have simple solutions, however, due to the misdiagnosis, I suffered for years.
As I said, though, you would need proof, before you could do anything or make any claims. Medical malpractice is a very serious claim and if you make it, without proof, then you could find yourself being sued by her doctor(s).
Can you post back with the name of the sleeping pills and the nerve pills? I will gladly provide you with information on them, as well.
Another relevant questions, how old was your mother? If she was elderly, dosages of these types of medications have to be carefully considered, because an older person is much more sensitive to them and their effects.
If my mother is allergic to morphine (as am I)- Would she also have an adverse reaction to methadone? She is allergic to many medications and has chronic pain from stage four cervical cancer. She also has a pace to maker.Her Dr. refuses to prescribe oxycontin.
If my mother is allergic to morphine (as am I)- Would she also have an adverse reaction to methadone? She is allergic to many medications and has chronic pain from stage four cervical cancer. She also has a pace maker.Her Dr. refuses to prescribe oxycontin.
I have a friend that is taking soma clonazipam and methadone is that safe? She takes about 4 350 mg of some and as I know 3 to 4 2mg clonazipam.
Are you a client of that methadone clinic? Or do you work there? Sounds junk...or should I say junkie legal advice.
Re: LC (# 2)
My older Sister Died In 2013 From Cervical Cancer She Was 32. She was on Dilaudid Soma Hydrocodone and various other drugs. . Is Your Mother Still Alive? I Dont wanna be Rude and say sorry for your loss if she has beat it.. my sis Didn't unfortunately????
???? God Bless You & Your Family???? Much Luv!!
Methadone and soma IS A DEADLY MIX. I go to a local methadone clinic and in my clinical handbook it states what medications are safe, dangerous, and risky. Soma on methadone if taken together has a 96% kill ratio. Which means 96% of people who mix these together go to sleep and never wake up. 11% of the 96% seize and die. The remaining 4% survive but 1.6% of them have a severe reaction and some have to have major heart or respiratory surgery cause it shuts it down. .4% of them have a stroke or heart attack and survive. Definitely not worth the risk at all. Sorry about your mother but you could have a big malpractice legal suit. On the back of the card they give you when you join the clinic to give the er if you have to go has 4 medication to not administer while under the er care. Soma is on that list.
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