Help Me Find A Doctor To Prescribe Klonopin, Adderall And Chronic Pain Meds (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I moved to Minnesota and need to find a Doctor to prescribe Klonopin and Adderal or Dexadrine. I have high anxiety and panic disorder and can barely leave the house. I also have ADHD and can't start or finish anything without becoming stuck. I have chronic pain and was forced to start a Methadone program. I don't want to take it but have no choice because the pain is so bad. I am looked at like a "drug seeker" but I need my medication and don't know what to do.

102 Replies (6 Pages)

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m sorry but the way you described the scenario I can't stop laughing BC I experienced something similar thank God I can now control my inappropriate behavior with my prescribed Rx I suppose I'm one of the lucky ones

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Hello I live in Altoona pa and I'm trying to find a doc that ant scare to prescribed kpin I have bad anxiety and panic attacks and all the doc I went to want describe me it because I'm on methadone for my pain any help would be helpful thinks

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I need to find a Dr. that is willing to work with Klonepin, as it has been an effective medication for my severe panic disorder w/ agoraphobia. Please help!

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As an addict of every drug known benzos have been the hardest to kick!! All others were hard but this affects you mentally physically and the time frame is different for all my advice is to try every posible option before taking them , yes they work but unless you wanna take it for life or at some point have a withdrawal period from hell stay away'!

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Lots of pain clinics prescribe methadone tablets to

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I feel your pain on that one! Due to the govenments ever increasing control & butting into our lives with their junk science - all doctors are taking people off of klonopin that have been on it for many years & med compliant. I went through my first major withdrawal over a month ago & I'm still not able to function on any level anymore out in public. I have so many debilitating symptoms that will probably never go away that I now have to try & deal with & I'm actually on disability for Severe Panic Disorder w/ Agoraphobia. What the f*** sense does that make after I was med compliant for 16 years?!

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Brooklyn park mn, vahalla place methadone treatment place is excellent they will take care of u there

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Actually If you're already on a pain medicine with your regular practicing physician and you tell him you would like to get off your pain medicine and you'd like to start taking methadone to wean your self off of it they can do that at their own discretion and I know this to be true because it happened with my mother's doctor and he continued writing her methadone for eight years after the Norco prescription and this was in Illinois

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I've taken Klonopin on and off for almost 10 years. I suffered from anxiety and depression most of my life and I'm 40 years of age. Most of my life I didn't seek any help, cause I didn't know how to approach a doctor about my symptoms. When I finally started to, it took full blown attacks in front of doctors till I got any further help as far as a medication like Klonopin. I don't want to say in depth how s***ty my life is because of these issues or compare. but most of my life has been ruined and wasted even till now cause I can't live a normal life and that's hard to think about. All in all every person is different physically and mentally. Everybody experiences are going to be different no matter what. I think a lot of these antidepressants and tranquilizers doctor's throw at you in the beginning are just as bad for you on a long-term basis than Klonopin. Other benzos like Xanax and Valum actually have a ripple effect which are much more harmful than Klonopin because Klonopin keeps a more even level in and out of your system. Well that's my thoughts and input.

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I've seen a psychiatrist and she lowered my dose of Klonopin from 2 mg 2x dy to .5mg 2x day klonopin. This is not enough. She lowered it because of the methadone and is highly considering cutting me off completely. The issue is that I need a prescription for the med because they do a monthly ua. So I can't order it online. If u have any other suggestions I'd appreciate it very much. Peace

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Re: Rita (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Not everyone reacts the same way to all drugs . There are people who can and do benefit from the use of a drug you may not choose to take.However, I feel it unfair to try instilling fear in the mind of those who may need the drug for rrasons maybe unknown to you. Judging situations without having knowledge of background seems harsh and a bit much .

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Hi I'm in the same situation. Chronic pain. Panic disorder. I have neuropathy too. I've found that taking klonapin relieves the neuropathy. But can't get a doctor that believes me. I have had multiple surgeries for my knees and my back. I agree I feel as if I'm treated like a drug addict. Very sad!

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Re: Eye Strain (# 86) Expand Referenced Message

I agree. I'm labeled because I have chronic pain and take prescription pain medicine. But it seems I'm always under a microscope. For us that REALLY NEED the medications its become a nightmare. Because of all the abuse of the drugs we get critisized.

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Re: JOHNNY (# 83) Expand Referenced Message

I COULDN'T HAVE SAID IT BETTER. YOU NAILED IT! I feel the exact same way!

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Re: Rita (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I've been on klonopin 23 years and the Dr has tried to tappet me off no I have high blood pressure already and sever panic disorder can not be taken off of it would cause more herm now .Even trying I almost went crazy .Shakyness fear mental confusion. And alot more there's some people die to poor health conditions any way. That just can not be taken off especially at the she of 62 now.The drs blame patience e hi out them on it for so long any way doctors now they try to take ppl off it would kill some ppl to but of a risk

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Hey man, don't feel bad. I go to a methadone clinic for my chronic pain and my own father said it's a synthetic heroin; lol wtf does he know? Hey just ignore people who may look down on you.

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Re: Ann (# 85) Expand Referenced Message

I was prescribed klonopin 1mg 4 times a day for anxiety and bipolar disorder and manic depression. I was seeing a doctor in winner but he retired. I live in Altoona and every doctor I've been to over the last 14 months will not prescribe it. Even when I went down to .5 twice a day they still wanted me off of it. This past year has been HELL with my anxiety and my depression. I really need back on it but cannot find a good doctor in Altoona. Will somebody PLZ give me some good advice on where to find a doctor around Altoona who actually gives a f***?

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Re: Richie (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Yea man it's f***ed up but ur definitely right about just at the point where I don't give a f*** anymore.

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Re: Terri (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Yea some people ruin it for the ones who really need it but that's just how it is and there ain't a damn thing that we can do about it. SAD.

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Looking for a doctor in York Pennsylvania that is willing to prescribe anxiety and ADD medication to an adult that has been dealing with it since early teens I am already diagnosed and have tried many many different medications and Xanax and Adderall are the only two that I can take together that seem to even me out and take away all of the symptoms that come with being diagnosed with ADD and severe anxiety disorder has had to deal with it on my own recently in desperate need I don't want to self medicate I don't want to take anything I don't know what it is I have been a test dummy for many medications and I know what works and I don't have use any of that now but I suffer immensely doing online schooling raising a nine-year-old son and running a household on my own because of the opioid epidemic anything is being judged and it's not fair it's causing people to go mental filling are jails with people who only need medical attention not punishment because of the lack of facilities and Physicians willing to work with patients they want to tell you what will help you but they don't know what you're feeling lonely you know

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