Harvoni Side Effects For My Wife - Concerned Husband (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Hi my wife has just started harvoni - about 9 days or so now - and she is getting swelling in left leg and also feels like there is pressure in her head. Anyone else have anything similar? Thanks

59 Replies (3 Pages)

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How did you find the medical help you needed? I am desperate

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Holistic fibromyalgia specialists and chiropractors are very helpful. Seek them out.

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You are probably free of hepatitis C. Give your body time to heal from the treatment.

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Don't despair. I too was getting worse but I'm able to maintain now by doing mild exercises designed for fibromyalgia in a therapeutic salt water pool followed by hours of rest in the pool - it takes the gravity off the body. I decreased how much I do during the day and I'm now avoiding walking. You're lucky you have disability benefits. I've been fighting for them for years and am praying I won't be rejected once again. If I get benefits, it will only be SSI, which is 750 dollars plus $200 in food stamps. My chiropractors have been very helpful. They've prescribed isotonic supplements which my body can absorb. I have had strong side effects from fibromyalgia medications and so I am doing without, which I think is a blessing in disguise. Have you been diagnosed with fibromyalgia? If not, a diagnosis of it might get you long term disability from your job if you appeal their decision. My recommendation is to figure out a way to stay in San Miguel de Allende in Mexico because they have natural hot springs and the weather is eternally like Spring. An income on 1,800 a month would suffice.

{edited for privacy}

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It's not good to deny problems because you believe it is being positive.

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not a doc - I would stop treatment, but what stage is her liver in? It is not worth it. I've taken it and the doc keeps pushing you to take it. I pray for you guys.

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Hi Marion. I'm so sorry about everything you've gone through on this drug. My mother was treated with interferon treatment 15 years ago which was absolute hell, but it did bring down her viral load considerably. Now Dr.'s want her to go on Harvoni because of swollen liver. She is 72, has Alzheimer's, cops, diabetic. I'm really afraid for her to go on this drug. Any advice ??

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How do i go about. Requesting fda info or who do i do this throu i am 24 days into tteatmwnt and its not going like i jave thought at all i can bately walk or move at all the pain is so severe .. Plz

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Re: Bobvie (# 46) Expand Referenced Message

The FDA has opened their adverse effects to the public. We are not allowed to post direct links but you should be able to find it. I also have a detailed report from them but again I am not allowed to post my email. {edited for privacy}

Editor's note: Direct links to the FDA / CDC / NIH, drug manufacturers, .gov, and .edu sites ARE allowed and encouraged, so please feel free to reference them in the future.

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Re: Bkenut10 (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Keep us posted on your recovery. Exercising in a warm, therapeutic pool is very helpful for body aches.

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Re: jimmy7141 (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

First you need to be honest about how you got to this point. I personally am happy to have a option to cure this viral infection. Risk taking is how I contracted the virus. And if its a risk taking this drug so be it. I have one friend that died because his virus was too far advance, but also have a acquaintance that took it and has been find. I am noticing side affect such joint pain, but I just up my work out. I am 65 and in the 3rd and final month. I think its worth mentioning that I have not lose a day of work nor had to change my normal activities. However because it best not to drink while on Harvoni (and I haven't) I have become my wife's designated driver (lol).

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Yup me too!! So sorry for your wife.my left leg has been going numb and brain fog ..like dementia

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Has your wife fully recovered from treatment? Or does she have long term side effects from Harvoni?

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Re: erna (# 54) Expand Referenced Message

Indeed it is hellish. I would not recommend it to anyone who is "healthy", i.e. limited liver damage, good blood work. Doctors are still pushing Harvoni and refusing to acknowledge the hellish permanent side effects that diminish quality of life. Please do your homework before starting this med. It is good for some and horrible for others. Three years post tx and so wish I had never taken Harvoni.

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The side effects will only get worse. Some people don't get them at all. I had to quit after nine days. The Harvoni was killing my red blood cells faster than I could make them and I ended up in the heart unit. There are other drugs the harvoni may not be for her.

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Re: Von (# 56) Expand Referenced Message

I took it in 2015 towards the end of the year and I got peripheral neuropathy in my feet as a side effect of harvoni. I wouldn't wish it on anyone. When I contacted Gilead of course they denied it so I contacted the FDA and they sent me a 12 page list of the side effects of it...

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Verwon I'm not sure where you get your information but ,just about everyone I know who has been on Epclusa or Harvoni have Poste treatment Edema abdominal bloating nausea and neuropathy seems to be one of the most common system along with anxiety exhaustion numb swollen feet ect,when I spoke to the so called liver experts experts in my area they were very helpful pre treatment but Poste treatment not helpful at all ,there favourite line being "oh IV never heard of that happening before ' I'm 2 yrs Poste treatment no hcv ATM but feel as if my immune system is stuffed I actually felt better pre treatment oh nearly forgot besides all the side effects I mentioned my knees are so swollen I have trouble walking somedays , my advice is don't believe everything experts say .thanks.

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Re: HepCFree (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Totally agree i finished treatment 3 yrs ago ,no virus now but I have breathing problems numb feet many infections I could go on so many problems now,I felt better pre treatment Gilliard no support at all,I would not have shaken someone s hand from Gilliard maybe shook something else ,can't see why people don't believe that some of us have really bad effects from Gilliard .thanks

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You can request the FDA info yourself under a FOIA request. It costs money but for me it was well worth it.

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