Harvoni Side Effects (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you

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I have severe leg pain it feels like nerve pain,it started when I was on harvoni.i have been off med for 10 months and I'm still having leg pain it gets quite bad at times, if you get any answers I would like to know.

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I had nerve problems in my legs. Some mornings I woke up and stand and my legs would lose strength and I would grab hold of something to keep from falling. I had serious memory problems. It took 16 months from the first day I took a pill for the medicine to exit and leave my body. I couldn't get enough rest while being affected by the medicine and I couldn't even remember what day it was. I went to bed one night knowing it was Saturday woke up the next morning thinking it was Monday. My body and my mind wouldn't wake up in the mornings. Some mornings I couldn't even go to work. I was asleep half the day. I couldn't even wake up. I was let go from my job (that I loved very much) of 7 years! I'm 55 yrs of age, built a career for myself and now I can hardly even get a job. I'm working with the North Carolina foreclosure prevention foundation to try to save my house, they're trying to foreclose on it I'm so far behind. I need help. Does anyone know someone who can help me with this?

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James, you sound like you only have the normal, listed side effects. The ones that most of us have (including me) you would not be going to work. Ringing in your ears so that you are always asking what did you say? Pain in one or both legs that narcotic pain killers barely touch, racing heart and pain in chest and left arm so you think you are having a heart attack. While some side effects with some people develop after finishing Harvoni, most start while on it. I am really against Gilead not coming forth with all the side effects, you sound like you just have the lighter side effects. HepC is bad enough that if you think you can finish your treatment, please try. If they get worse, make your decision then.

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Today's my 24th day on Harvoni. Has it caused any changes? Yes! Day 3 I started to get head fog, day 5 my liver was pulsing & pushing for hrs! Felt like something was trying to get out. After a few days it stopped. I feel like I need to eat & I feel acidic. I'm sure all my gut flora is dead! Things have changed. I'm so clumsy & I have dreadful dyslexia!! I'm not feeling right, however this drug is very powerful & HCV is a dreadful virus that keeps trying to replicate & is capable of 'hiding' in other parts of our system so I guess it has to be powerful!! See: (Review Article A New Twist to a Chronic HCV Infection: Occult Hepatitis C, Revised 15 April 2015). I researched a lot before starting. I actually refused treatment for a year as I felt it may be only suppressing the HCV & not actually be a "cure", as the case with interferon. I know many people died during interferon treatment trials! I still think Gilead Sciences are more interested in making huge profits to keep their shareholder happy, than being honest!! I must admit I am a bit concerned I may be presented with something like cancer down the track but isn't that where the HCV was heading anyhow?? I wanted to comment here regarding drinking lots of tap water. I'm sure that is what's causing aching joints, etc. My town was regularly 'overdosed' with fluoride in our water supply some years ago due to a worn shaft in the mixer which eventually broke and fell to the bottom of the tank causing a huge overdosing and our water being cut off! We stopped drinking tap water and bought rain tanks. My 'Rheumatoid arthritis' slowly vanished and hasn't troubled me since we stopped drinking tap treated water. I'm also careful what bottled water we buy when traveling. Many have high amounts of fluoride added. My husband and children grew up on tank water without fluoride, they all have fab teeth and no fillings. Also after we got the rain tanks and I used that water to cook and drink, my total health improved and my ALT levels dropped down to almost normal!! So I think that tap water makes your HCV worse!! I hope you all find a way of life that brings you happiness. Life is precious, take care people.

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Hi all. I wrote in detail about my horrendous experience taking Harvoni last year. I had about 12 side effects and was basically not functioning. I was cured and felt well again about a month after completing the course.
About a month after that I got what I thought was a sinus infection or virus. I have had 3 courses of antibiotics and many doctors appointments. It is now 4 months later and I am worse. It pains me to write this but I am back to feeling afraid again.
I am chronically fatigued, sore throat, muscle aches and a headache that I cannot even describe it is so bad. My eyes even hurt. I am not old and used to enjoy working and looking after my family, now I cannot wait to sit on the couch and do nothing. I am not sleepy, I just cannot make my body do what my mind wants it to.
Tomorrow I am starting testing for other illnesses (more freakin fun) but I have my doubts.
Pathetically, I never thought I would hear myself say this, but I am HOPING to have glandular fever because it fits the symptoms. I fear though that it is Harvoni aftermath. The timing was just too coincidental. I am wondering about my immune system. Did anyone else experience anything like this post Harvoni ?
I know many of you have nerve pain (my sincere sympathies, that must be horrible), but my symptoms seemed quite different from most people.
Thanks for reading

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Dont do it if you are not sick. I took it for 12 weeks and cleared HepC but now have chronic auto immune diseases

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My cousin was on harvoni a year and half ago.He is cured 100 pecent.That is wonderful,but now he seems to exhibit strange behavior.Always feels tired.Lost a lot of energy .Had a few kidney infections (never had one before harvoni).Now he almost acts like he has dimentia .Sleeps horrible ,walks very slowly ,I just wondered if anyone else had these symptoms-He also has anxiety and worries constantly ......Was always a strong person

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Popeye and san12, I used to post a lot here but haven't in a couple months. Some people take Harvoni and just sail right thru treatment. Then there is a percentage of us that it just destroys our life. I finished 12 weeks in June of 2015 and this morning had a test still trying to find out what Harvoni did to me. I am a member on another support group that everyone is having all the same problems you guys mention. Most of us are 2 years past treatment. It doesn't go away.

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I am suffering terrible pain, pain meds barely help , my muscles in my body feel like they are constricting all the time, I can barely sleep at night from the physical pain. I am sick of suffering and wonder if any of us will ever get compensation, Big Pharma owns the country right now and no attorney will take our case, even when death is involved

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Re: Melissa (# 666) Expand Referenced Message
After 2 1/2 years I still feel like crap. Fingers are nerve damaged due to Vitamin B12 shortage. Teeth ache. Brain fog. Can't even add correctly any more. Health care provider poohpoohed all side effects. Became sensitive to tylenol, aspirin & motrin. I hadn't used alcohol in over 10 years. Now I drink to stop the pain in my face. Harvoni destroyed my life. Oh how I understand what you and others here are going through.

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i'm sorry to hear about all the discomfort you are going through. i finished my medication almost two weeks ago. I've been having the most severe lower back pain and it is in goes down into my groins. Like you i've had a history of back pain so i'm used to it. But this is just terrible. Going to the chiropractor doesn't help except for a short time. anti inflammatories help but not for long. It's piecing debilitating pain like i've never had before. I think of going to the emergency clinic it's so bad..but i just keep thinking that it will get better.I keep think that if i just stay as reasonably active as i can it will get better. i hope your're better by now! and everyone who has suffered side effects will get over them quickly.

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I don't know. I just know that now I'm crippled up and the Dr is unsure why. I've never had so much pain and need to be able to take care of my husband whose I'll. Like I said I'm grateful the hep c was cured but believe they should explain all side affects.

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I've been experiencing numbness in my upper thigh, pain in my lower back, and now, here is the kicker. I started treatment at 245 lbs. My taste buds have since rebelled and I am having a rough time eating. I am a good cook and know what spices and when to use them. A grilled Cheese sandwich, which is a favorite, doesn't taste good. I have lost a good 75% of the strength in both my legs. My bike got knocked over and, before, it was no problem setting it upright. I nearly passed out trying to lift it, I nearly had to crawl to the house because I thought I was a goner.I now weigh 215 lbs. I DON'T LIKE THIS !!!!! I can spend 10 minutes mowing my little yard before not being able to breathe well and couldn't straighten up. The couch saved me. I have never had a problem doing hard physical before this regimen of pills.

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Yes! I'm having both leg pain and very very restless legs at night. I've had to both ice my legs and take a prescribed pain med. I am very healthy , am already at 0 detectable, 0-1 for cirrhosis, but the cramping is awful. I'm also having insomnia like crazy. I am a bit annoyed as I feel the side effects of Harvoni are being down played as they are so much less than interferon however these side effects are still really awful and I totally understand what you're going through. Just remember this is for a very short time and it does work! Much live and light to you. :-)

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All the doctors are saying the same thing.. They have no one with problems. Funny but if you are on any blog you will see there are many long term problems being reported. As I have said I have communicated with at least 50 you have problems to include a death of someone's mother. Remember this is your choice, not your doctors. I too was pressured into taking the meds. Wish I had not. The FDA is supposed to report out in April 2016 on what they have found this past 18 months. Caution however, they will only tell the public what they feel the public needs to know (FDA employee told me this.)

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Harvoni can cause nerve damage (even though it does not say so anywhere....yet) I have severe small fiber neuropathy (tingling in hands and feet) and so do many others that I communicate with Many others have severe pain in their legs. Read about a woman the other day who is now using a walker due to pain after taking Harvoni. Please be sure to report all your issues to the FDA.

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I was also on suboxone at the time of my harvoni treatment,it is completely ok to take during treatment.i did have alot of side effects taking harvoni,the worst was after finishing treatment but im now 7 months post treatment and feel good again.also finished suboxone treatment 2 mths ago,actually jus decided to quit bc i was feeling so bad in the final mths of dosage lowering.i was on it for 6 yrs,the last yr my doses got lower and lower and i was in a constant withdrawl..didnt know this until i stopped taking it..10 days later all the symptoms id felt for a yr went away.its a miracle drug if not taken past 2 yrs.if taken for yrs like me it is havoc on yur body and mind.one good thing though is the withdrawl is so bad it makes u never wanna take it again or pain med..for me anyway.hepc free..12 week treatment

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I completed 24 weeks of Harvoni 11 weeks ago. I too have a lot of joint pain, lower back, knee and wrist discomfort but I am also experiencing a numbness or tingling in both arms and hands but they also feel like there on the verge of freezing but they are warm. I have not yet had end of TX blood work to check for SVR but also have some liver pain. Has anyone else had the numbness and how long does take to go away if at all?

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New Day and others. I have FDA reports which show ALL the side effects reported by those taking Harvoni which are many more than just headache and fatigue and include well over 40 deaths....granted some may have been very sick but I personally know of two who were very healthy. You are welcome to the reports as well as other information as to how anti-virals work, i.e. they change your DNA with unknown consequences. Don't let the doctors bully you. I wish I hadn't been held an emotional hostage.

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I have FDA reports listing issues people reported while on Harvoni. Of the most severe being reported:

43 Deaths
4 Blind
8 Cardiac Arrest
58 Renal Issues
16 Respiratory Failure
7 Pancreatitis

That is just a smattering of what was reported. Of course there are many who make it through cured and unscathed. Blessings on your decision.......

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