Harvoni Side Effects (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you

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Mag, thanks for replying! I also have tremendous pain in my joints - my rheumy now has me on morphine. My anxiety level is thru the roof - I have to take Ativan so I don't have any more panic attacks, and to turn my brain off at night to be able to sleep. Several other problems that developed during Harvoni treatment, but the worst is my liver. Before with HepC if I over did things it would swell and hurt. A week or so of rest usually took care of it. During my third week of Harvoni it swelled up and became painful and hadn't stopped - for 15 months now. My wife had a bad feeling taking Harvoni just a couple months after fda approval, but after 2 courses of interferon, then 2 more courses of interferon with ribavirin, I was desperate for a cure after 35+ years with this disease. No one have me any hint of the true side effects, or that they would last after treatment ended.

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I'm not sure what this comment means. I do, however, feel that the people who are suffering from taking a drug that has done so much damage deserve to be addressed in a serious manner. They were told that this poison would have very few side effects and, when they tried to get help from those who prescribed Harvoni, they were ignored or told they were imagining the side effects. The term"Russian Roulette" is a little insulting to patients who didn't realize they were being lied to.

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Carol, Nicely said. Now that we know the doctors, the FDA and Gilead have all lied, we must take this into our own hands. I too am damaged by Harvoni and was assured by my doc that is was safe and he now insists none of my problems related to it. HA! Folks, if you are considering taking this, you are playing Russian Roulette. However, you have the benefit of the experience of those who have gone before you. If you experience problems during treatment, YOU are in control. You can stop taking it. MANY MANY symptoms are LONG term and likely permanent. Since many of us are now more than 1 1/2 years post treatment and still suffering, unfortunately is seems we are permanently damaged. Again I will say...I wish I never took it.

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Hey I have finished the Harvoni treatment but the first month landed me in the hospital for pancreatitis. The 2nd on charge told me I should quit but Liver Doc says stay on it. Now that I'm finished one month after treatment I am having problems with my pancreas again and possibly bile duct blockages. I am also experimenting bad headaches and blurred vision. I'm wondering now if I should have taken it at all!

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Hey I'm Lisa. I'm thru with Harvoni but got pancreatitis from Harvoni. The doctor at the hospital wanted me to stop but I am stage 4 Liver Disease with cirrhosis of the liver. Now I have cysts on my kidneys and had no idea if the Harvoni caused it but I feel worse Now than I did before taking Harvoni. We are there long term data and that really concerns me. My liver doc says I will always test positive for hep c. I think they want me to keep this as my medical history so they will have access to me for the long term data for Harvoni.

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Hi there, I am into my last two weeks of Harvoni after 6 months and at 7 weeks after beginning the course I had cleared the virus, or virus undetected as they say...for a few weeks i had intermittent headaches as well as aching lumbar pain which ive dealt with for years...added to this cocktail of a dismal state I had been getting waves of nausea as if I had travel motion sickness or so...at about 8 or 9 weeks this has all passed....now im feeling better, the depression has eased somewhat and in another twelve weeks im hoping for a virus not present pass on my bloods and ultrasound....xo

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For everyone that is suffering, take a look at Mitochondria Toxicity. The FDA does not require testing for this toxicity so indeed we were guinea pigs. This toxicity can effect any and every body system. In your search, you will likely find that HIV drugs cause this, but Harvoni works in a similar fashion. There are many other drugs that cause it as well. I fully expect this to be known at some point but in the meantime many of us already suffer. Don't wait for the medical community to get around to looking at this aspect. It could be years, and also unfortunately, there are very few docs that know how to treat this. There is some hope in that this toxicity can potentially be reversed. Do your homework. Also, look on change.org and search Harvoni. Make the FDA responsible for disclosure. Best Wishes

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You are definitely not alone at all . I have been off Harvoni for 1 1/2 years and have not been the same since. It has ruined my life totally. The sad thing is that i almost died twice. The first time i went to the ER for vomiting so much blood i had to be airlifted to the nearest hospital. The second time i went to the ER for slow heart rate and was in the ICU next morning when my heart completely stopped for a minute then i was shocked back to life. I now have a difibulator/pacemaker because of Harvoni . I have severe nerve damage in my neck, legs and feet. It is very painful . I also get dizzy spells on a daily basis. My eye sight was perfect before i started that poison pill and now i see all blurry. I also have permanent insomnia now. Like many others i also tell the doctors about the side effects of Harvoni and they either ignore me or they say not to blame on the Harvoni. Everyday i struggle to keep my balance and soon i am going to have an MRI taken of my brain . I will keep everyone posted on the results. Remember that you are not alone and i pray for you and everyone else who has suffered through this terrible nightmere. I wish i was told the truth from the start .The FDA had just approved a week before i had the appointment with the Hepatologist . I will never forget that i was told " ONLY ONE SIDE EFFECT SLIGHT HEADACHE " The doctor made it out to be some miracle pill just because of no inferion but i just found out that 10% of Harvoni is chemotherapy. What i should have been told was that it is too new and we don't know the side effects yet but i blame myself for not waiting a while but i totally trusted my doctor and boy i will never make that same mistake again. I hope this help you to know that you are not alone at all . GOD BLESS YOU

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James, the "cure" can be worse than the illness. You have a very big decision to make. Many of us wish we had never taken Harvoni. We were healthy before Harvoni and now miserable, although Hep C free. It can be even more devastating being not so healthy before and end up less healthy. Keep in mind the doctors do not really know about this medicine either. Do your homework and best wishes on your decision.

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I have joint pain in hip sometime can't hardly get out of bed .Been taking harvoni since December 9th got til February 9th be glad when it's over. Is anyone having same problem? Please share.

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James, hearing you get thru Harvoni is great. Hearing how hard you are pushing yourself to keep your job and insurance is a testament to human strength and desire. I applaud you and I am sincere about that. However for some reason, could be previous knees l illness or genetic make up, I don't know, but some people react differently to Harvoni, and it's not just a few people on this board and a few on a couple others. Look at the FDA complaint site for Harvoni. People have died. People have heart attacks with no previous heart issues. There are about 100,000 complaints, mainly serious. I know one veteran - someone that volunteered to protect this country - that can't get out of bed and had no issues previously. Looks like you are going to be a lucky one that when you are finished you will be free of the dragon and carry no lasting effects. I am happy for you. Don't judge the rest of us until you have walked in our shoes.

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I finished Harvoni in June of 2015, and had the side effects start within the first two weeks of treatment but pushed on to finish hoping they would go away when I finished treatment. Instead they got even worse. I am on blood thinners, thyroid medication, stomach med, of course pain killers, and lorazapam. Even tho I am clear of the virus since third week of treatment my liver swelled up from Harvoni - verified by ultra sound - every breath causes pain. I sleep for 10-12 hours, wake up and have 2 cups of coffee, and go back to sleep. Within a month of finishing treatment I get pains in the left chest and left arm. Been tested for heart attack, nothing. Random sharp pain in the legs. I have arthritis, but that is always there and doesn't feel like the sharp stabbing pains I now have. Brain fog. You've heard of older people walking into another room and forget why they went there? I stand up and forget why. I forgot who I was, who my wife was, where I was, and was hospitalized for 10 days of testing. Couldn't find out anything as why it happened. I have had several events that my wife says are seizures, falling on the floor twitching. No evidence as to why it happens. Because of this I can no longer drive. While I had liver disease before Harvoni, I have no life since. The only sunshine in my life is when my grandson comes over to visit.

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To Keithn8eb...it breaks my heart to hear your story. I am so sorry this has happened to you. I will pray God will deliver you from your pain! I was diagnosed in '95 and took Interferon for 18 months. The VA wants me on a drug similar to Harvoni but since I have Geno type 3 the Harvoni will not work for me. I have declined their offer. I choose to live with the HepC. These side effects sound terrible and right now although I have no energy I'm better than you and others seem to be. I hope you start feeling better soon. I really do!

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I totally agree with you about the pharmaceutical companies. Killing us and it's OK and destroying our lives.Was poisoned with Cipro and Levaquin by my pulmonary Dr.

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MrsM, I feel the same as your husband. If I had a clue what life after Harvoni was going to be, I would choose to stay infected. Like I said, many people sail right thru treatment and are fine afterwards. Some of us don't. I had HepC for about 35 years, I stopped drinking almost 30 years ago and led a clean life and I knew how my day, week, month - how my life was going to be. From January of 2017 until April I had at least one test or doctor appt each and every week. If I could get my old life back I would live with HepC.

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Took harvoni and now my heart doctor says my cholesterol is off the charts. I know it has to be from taking harvoni because I have not changed one thing about my diet . Now I'm on 7 pills per day to try to bring it down. I'm scared - I've had a five way bypass plus 4 stents. I need help.

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My "bones" hurt so bad and I was slammed like I got the flu. That was the end to my Harvoni days!! My PA did blood work and then sent me to the Oncologist. It all comes up in your blood count. The crystals in my joint were found by doing sonograms on all my joints because my joint pain was insane. Now I have a new one.... I also had a dry cough that I put on the back burner and finally told my PA. So she ordered a chest catscan. Now diagnosed with NSIP with fibrosis! I can't believe how much my life has changed since Harvoni. I am back to dealing with a Liver Specialist because NO ONE can believe what is happening to me. I was pretty darn healthy before this miracle treatment?? Good luck.

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Re: holly (# 633) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on harvoni for 10 weeks and 70 days and my viral load quantitive is very low. It started with 3.3 million, now down to 40! It brought down my sgt and sat levels to normal range. It worked on the virus but I now have muscle pains in my feet and lower limbs. My feet are swelling daily!!! Shooting nerve pain also. Some days are rough. I believe that eliminating the hep-c virus has added years to my life. Some days I have a lot more energy. The harvoni makes me sleepy for a few hours. After taking it I usually take a nap! Hopefully, my pain will subside. The dr prescribed tramadol for pain which seems to help. Hang in there, it's worth it!

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Re: jana (# 646) Expand Referenced Message

4 8 oz water a day ! And that depends on were u live and what u do for a living! I work in the oil and gas fitin permien basin in 104 degrees! This is a bad med! No matter what anyone says! God help the little man ! Big phram always wins! I guess u know were this meds are mad ?

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Re: Calldor (# 671) Expand Referenced Message

The CDC is not involved with pharmaceuticals. The FDA is the agency that granted Gilead the right to cut the Harvoni trial time by 1/2. It's all about money and I will never take a new drug again.

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