Harvoni Side Effects (Page 35) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you

717 Replies (36 Pages)

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Re: Melissa (# 666) Expand Referenced Message

I would have stopped at 8 weeks, had I known I was going to feel this bad after tx. Most are cured on 8 weeks so why expose us to another 4 weeks? Money

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Re: erna (# 670) Expand Referenced Message

so many of us with now severe back pain and can't tell you how many times I have heard people say my tailbone hurts,,,mine too,,,something has happened to our pain sensors, nervous system and no one is even looking to see what happened to us 1 %? Or are there actually more of us just not on these forums?

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Re: luna (# 680) Expand Referenced Message

Yes me too. But through detoxing, clean eating, and physical therapy I’m nearly back to pre Harvoni! It took a year to get rid of pain but hep free and Harvoni Free.

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Re: luna (# 680) Expand Referenced Message

I took Harvoni for 8 weeks too and HepC free. Agree that no need to put poisonous drug like Harvoni for 4 weeks more! My body just had enough and by the end of week 8 more and more nasty sideeffects were present! I am not sure I would survive 4 more weeks with high BP, heart palpitations, shortness of breath and much more.

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I was thinking the same thing while reading the recent posts... Not that I want anyone to suffer from this drug, but I also don't want to be told exercise, vitamins, become a vegetarian/vegan, and you'll be cured! If it were that easy don't you feel the majority of these people would choose that? It feels like the Dr.s speech, lose weight, exercise, antidepressants, another drug to try that doesn't work! Only to be told that I've run outta options, you'll need to see a psychiatrist! They don't help with pain, just depression! But if you feel better about life and yourself you won't be in pain! What a load of crap... I want to die most days, I hate myself and my life, I see no future without Drs who are irritated with you, give you another pill, cause they don't know what the hell's wrong with you. Took Harvoni almost 5 weeks out of a 12 week course. I couldn't move, I STOPPED IT!! Dr still wanted me to continue. I am in way more pain now than before the treatment and I had lived with needing a hip replacement (bone in bone) for 4 yrs (2014) before I had it replaced; my knee was replaced Apr 2016 before starting this great drug in June 2016 and I couldn't walk! I could before the Harvoni!? Still have permanent nerve damage from it. But Dr's can't say for a fact it was Harvoni or the surgery. I had no nerve damage from my hip and felt like a million bucks!! Also, I didn't take Harvoni afterwards! Still need a right knee replacement but I am afraid I won't heal right. I was a bubbly, fun, mostly happy person before this drug. Now I'm just an obese blob of pain, that fears life and sees no future, but fears death, cause I want to see my Grandchildren grow up. God help all of us who are that suffering 1%.

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Does anyone know about A-fib after Harvoni treatment? I finished 84 days on a Thursday and was admitted for severe heart issues the following Monday night. Any info would be appreciated. Thanks.

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Re: Patrick (# 689) Expand Referenced Message

Absolutely....there are many reports of heart issues during/post-treatment. Check the FDA website for hundreds of reports of heart problems from Harvoni.

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Re: Sandy (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Wouldn't surprise me if a person had difficulty walking after the Harvoni treatment. It seems to do strange things to muscles. I've developed a terrible problem in calf muscles. If i try to stretch it, just a little, it's impossible and painful. Strange symptom that i did Not have previous to my 8 week treatment. (I've been off of it for 6 mos. now). Have bizarre neurological problems now....and scheduled for MRI to see what my brain shows.

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Re: Candy (# 694) Expand Referenced Message

Funny you mentioned your calf muscles. I'm having the very same issue, but my treatment ended 3 months ago. The liver clinic was supposed to have done blood work on me this month to see if the harvoni worked in the 8 weeks I was able to take it, but I think they may have forgotten about me. The truth is they don't think I had enough of that to cure me, and they really don't want the failure on their record. After all, according to the commercials, there's only 250,000 people that have taken the treatment. It really screwed me up! Made me really sick, and kicked my peripheral neuropathy into overdrive! The peripheral neuropathy is what the pegasus treatment did to me. Ruined my career of 35 years. I'm still pretty disgusted with V.A. healthcare system.

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Re: Dogman (# 682) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I’m glad to see that I’m not alone here. I did the Harvoni treatment in 2016, for 3mnths. There was no hep c detected after 5wks. It was totally gone. But my gastro dr. Wanted me to finish the 3mnth treatment. I hesitated because I was having problems with some of my joints prior to treatment and the treatment was causing more pain in my joints, muscles and nervous system/anxiety. Everything was so intense. I could hardly function. But, I was afraid my hep c would come back,so I finished the treatment. I was told by the pharmacist/pharmacy who was sending me the harvoni that all my side effects should go away after treatment. Well, here I am two yrs later in awful joint and muscle pain through out my whole body. My ansiety is sky high all the time. I have problems with my ears and eyes. I’m so stressed all the time. Now I’m told that I have an rheumatoid autoimmune disease. My blood work shows I have lupus. I’ve always wonder about what could harvoni do to the rest of my body, with it erasing my hep c so fast from my body. I don’t have quality of life really. I get depressed a lot. I’m on 24 hr pain medication and muscle relaxer, lexipro for anxiety.

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Re: erna (# 697) Expand Referenced Message

My thoughts on this medication are that your body knows when it's time to stop. In my case, 7 and a half weeks was all my body could tolerate. Although my doctor wanted me to be on this medication for twelve weeks, I stopped at 7 and a half weeks. My bloodwork at 3 mos post treatment shows no virus detected. My understanding is if you show no virus post harvoni at 3 months, it's considered a cure. The reason I stopped is because I started to spike a fever over 101 every day the 7th week, and I was extremely dizzy!! I also lost 40 pounds in that 7 week time. The neuropathy in my hands and feet caused by the pegasys treatment went into overdrive. I felt horrible for about a week after I quit taking this drug, and at the end of that week my fever finally broke, and I all of a sudden felt better than I have in a very long time. I was still dizzy as hell though. I also started craving oranges. I was going through oranges like a fiend! Orange juice too. It was a craving that wouldn't stop. I'm still drinking lots of oj. But not like I was after the week of hell. Now I'm dealing with tendonitis in my shoulder. Really severe, and extremely painful, and that started shortly after the harvoni treatment. I'm pretty sure it's related, considering how badly the neuropathy was from taking this drug. I start physical therapy this thursday. 4 weeks at three times per week. We'll see how that turns out. Plus, I've had insomnia for the past two months. That started when the pain was at its worst. Regardless, though, I'm cured! It worked. My doctor said 7 and a half weeks wasn't enough time for me to be hep c free, but my bloodwork says different. I'm supposed to have an appointment with her sometime this month. I'm not sure when that is though. I guess they'll let me know, but it took me two months just to find out what the results of my bloodwork was. Getting information from the V.A. health care system is like pulling teeth! They're just not very forthcoming. Anybody considering this treatment should think long and hard before you start. I don't know what the effects of taking this drug are going to be. It's a waiting game now.

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I was one of the first treated with Harvoni in late 2014 to early 2015. Since then, I've gained a lot of weight, have shortness of breath and I developed night blindness. Has any one else experienced the same side effects?

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I've been taking harvoni for 3 weeks now. All is well "for the most part", but my veins are very pronounced now. This wasn't the case before. Please don't judge and I don't need negative feedback. Just an answer. Is it ok to drink non alcoholic beer?

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Re: Kathleen (# 705) Expand Referenced Message

Yes. Alcohol is what is damaging to your liver and a hindrance to this treatment. Non alcoholic beer won't damage your liver. I don't drink alcohol. Occasionally I'll take some wine, but not much. I was scheduled for 12 weeks for harvoni, but at 7 weeks I started to have SEVERE problems and stopped taking this drug at 7 and 1/2 weeks. I may have missed a couple of doses too. Long story short, my body told me when to stop, and at my last blood draw at 6 months post shows I am clear of the virus. I AM CURED. I am however having a serious problem with neuropathy, and tendinopathy in my shoulders with muscle spasms and cramps in my legs, hands, and feet. I've been going to occupational therapy for the past 6 weeks and not only has it not helped, in many ways it's gotten worse. Harvoni may have cured me, but it may have also caused the problems I am having today. Listen to your body. It will tell you when it's time to stop. Take in lots of water, and in my case, lots and lots of vitamin c. No alcohol, occasional beef, but mostly chicken and fish for protein. Low starch vegetables. Good luck.

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I am one month post treatment with Harvoni and have severe muscle pain and numbness on left side particularly calf, thigh, and hip. It’s to the point that it hurts all the time and is effecting sleep. I walk with a limp trying to minimize weight on left leg. I think I’m going to bypass my GI and go see my PCP since every time I say anything about side effects my GI doctor says there are not any.

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Re: Jsda (# 707) Expand Referenced Message

Try cramp defense magnesium bought online, it helped with cramps. Keep us posted. Many of us are in terrible shape.

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A law firm that is interested in those injured by Harvoni, Sovaldi or Veikrira. Give Fleming Law out of Texas a call or do it online:


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My name is Karen. I took Harvoni with interferon because my geno
Is 3b. I only took it for 9 days 2 years ago and I have nuropathy (nerve damage). My nerve damage is so bad I had to give up wearing socks. It keeps me awake at night many nights. I won't take pain killers because they make me vomit. Other medications to relive my pain only make me feel wierd and don't really work for my nuropathty. Nothing works because the medication was not made specifally for nuropathy. There is no cure. I'll will catch up with you all at a latervdate. My legs are freaking out right now. I can't sit still it hurts so bad. I also have it in my hands. I only took the Harvoni for 10 days and I have a world of side effects

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Re: Von (# 711) Expand Referenced Message

I took it in 2016 and also got peripheral neuropathy in my feet as a side effect from harvoni. The doctors just gave me gabapentin which does nothing for the nerve pain relief so I know how it feels. I blame the FDA for fast tracking it so the government would get off their back to find a cure for hepatitis c

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Re: Von (# 713) Expand Referenced Message

David! I was reading that drug named Lyrica is for nerve pain. Read about it on Internet. Maybe your family Dr. will give you prescribtion for it. Good luck with treatment.

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