Harvoni Side Effects (Page 34) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Harvoni for 3 months now and am having nerve pain in my legs and lower back pain. Is anyone else taking Harvoni having any of these same side effects as me? Please help if you are able. Thank you

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I broke my tailbone while taking harvoni. What effects does it have on healing broken bones?

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Re: Johnny (# 649) Expand Referenced Message

brother just hang in there, drink water and eat!

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Re: HepCFree (# 651) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your time. Please tell people that there is 24-hour help for the ones that need it. God bless and thank you for sharing this site, I will file.

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My husband has been taking Harvoni for about 9 weeks and is now having severe lower back and leg pain. He thought it was his sciatica as it seems to only effect one side. He had an MRI last week and we are waiting on the results but from what I am reading this may be due to the Harvoni. He has 23 days left and we are hoping this treatment will cure him so he can be pain free :)

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Re: Johnny (# 649) Expand Referenced Message

Harvoni left my friend do you have liver cancer he had no lesions before he took harvoni now he's on chemo and my husband has severe high cholesterol from the medication he's a heart patient he's on three different cholesterol medicines his cholesterol was so high they couldn't even read it the medications that we have to pay for out-of-pocket one is $418 copay with his insurance and then 28 for one and then $30 for the other one and we don't know what's going on we don't know what's going to happen from here

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I started getting back and leg pain, muscular weakness, and nerve pain at the end of my Harvoni treatment. It’s been almost a year and slowly recovering, but it can get bad at times. Lots of physical therapy, massage, and chiropractory.
Has anyone had similar for this long? Will it ever go away?

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Yes. Completed treatment 10 months ago and still having back and leg pain. No more HEP C.
More debilitated now!

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Re: AJ (# 624) Expand Referenced Message

I had to stop taking Harvoni after 8 weeks of treatment. Had scarry day when my always normal BP jumped to 171! Shortness of breath and heart palpitations. Had to go to my GP who prescribed Liprosol 1 pill a day. Was very scarry and I was feeling like I am going to die from Heart attack pretty soon. BP gave me tge worst headache in my life. Virus is gone on week 3 so no way someone will talk me to finish all 12 weeks of Harvoni.

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Re: erna (# 659) Expand Referenced Message

I am glad you decided to stop treatment. If the virus is no longer detected in your blood, the amount of treatment you did should hopefully keep you in remission. My blood work at 8 weeks showed Hep C. not detectable! I was convinced by doctor to stay on for another 4 weeks..... Then my troubles began big time! My joints, nerve pain, I know have Leukemia and a host of other auto immune issues. I wish I would have stopped at 8 weeks!!

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Re: erna (# 662) Expand Referenced Message

I made it a little over 5 weeks into a 12 week course. My levels were undetectable at 4 weeks. When I called the Dr office I told the Nurse I was stopping because I was miserable, couldn't walk, could hardly get out bed because of the depression. Her reply "too bad you can't continue, it seems to be curing you!" WTH. I couldn't believe it! Cured of what? A disease that I was living a productive life with? Sure it can kill me? So can a car, bus, gun or knife? Believe me, I would have lived with that over Harvoni. Even stopping at 5 weeks, that was 16 months ago... My life is nowhere near normal! I have worse sinus issues then before, I now have chronic pain, nerve damage (not sure if it's from the Harvoni or total knee replacement I had 2 months before starting it) need other knee replaced but I am afraid of it too not healing correctly. I make appointments with my PCP (who at first seem to care) and I come out feeling worse than when I went in! Given a round of NEW medications that are supposed to help. Feeling like a hypochondriac, and the Drs do nothing to make you feel any better about it!

PCP is now forcing me to see a Psychiatrist for Pain/Depression medications because she has run out of options!!! My body does not (has not) for years processed medications right. I'm constantly changing BRANDS because I have a reaction to it. Have to pay full price for Name Brand Sudafed because I can't take a lot of the generics and its needed for my sinus issues. I even told my PCP that I really didn't want to die, but if my life now is an example of what my future is? I don't want to live.... That was the appointment where I was given her last option of pain/depression meds. I have made 2 appointments since, only to cancel, because I Know she won't help me. I even asked to have a complete blood workup, because I feel something is not right?? They told me I just had one 6 months ago... So nothing changed in 6 months? I'm tired of health care providers Oregon has legalized Marijuana, for the first time in my life I'm feeling that might be the way to go? I just want to be the Happy person I was before Harvoni came into life.

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I am taking Harvoni and am only on day 5. Everything had been fine except today I experienced horrible pains in my neck and back. It almost feels like they need to be cracked but can't because of the pain levels. Neck feels like whiplash. I am hurting but my doctor and pharmacist didn't say anything about these types of side effects. Am I the only one? I don't know what else it could be? I haven't done anything different except take the Harvoni. And I was just sitting there when the pains started. Please let me know if I am not alone in this. Or if there is anything I can do. Thanks.

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Re: Drew (# 664) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, experienced that too near the end of treatment and until now about 1 year.
I started detoxing with vitamins, healthy eating, and essential oils. Detox anyway you can! It has helped me.

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Re: JGP (# 59) Expand Referenced Message

I am going into week 6 of Harvoni treatment and I wish I never started taking it. My hands are painfully freezing and numb all the way up to my shoulders. I have to sleep with gloves on. The depression is awful, I keep gaining weight, have insomnia, blurry vision, mild occasional arrhythmia, joint pain, tired all the time and no motivation. The doctor of course says "your side effects are in less than 1% of people reported but don't call the CDC because they will tell you to stop taking it". I am half way done and I hate it. Wish I never started?????? I was going to the gym 5 days a week and now I can't drive my truck safely with numb hands and dont have the energy to make a bowl of oatmeal ??.

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Re: Dogman (# 645) Expand Referenced Message

Okay. I had to quit the 12 week course on week 8. Dizziness, depression, anxiety, and illness stopped me cold. My hands have nerve damage from the pegasus interferon treatment, and the harvoni has made this even worse, if you can believe that. Temperature spiked the Sunday of the time change, and I went down for just over 13 hours. I was having moments where I found myself on the floor, or on the bed, with no knowledge of how I got there. Even had some wounds on my head. I must have been passing out. So I had to quit. Still dizzy, but not passing out anymore. But still, my doctor tried to convince me to go ahead and resume the medication. I responded with an emphatic nope. Not happening. I live alone. I don't have anyone doing anything for me. I have two dogs and a cat, and I keep a bowl of food down for them all of the time, and normally feed them wet food each morning, but they didn't get that for a few days. Another reason for me to stop. My kids gotta eat! They'll eat the dry food, but they look forward to the wet food each morning. Anyway. I still do not know what my viral load is. The doctor hasn't told me. I asked, but she said the VA has to send the blood work out to be evaluated. So I don't know, and truly, I don't really care. If God wants me to be clear, I suppose he'll make sure I've taken enough of this drug. We will see what we will see, but it's been 5 days since I stopped taking this drug, and my head is starting to clear, and the dizziness is still an issue, but it feels like it's getting better. I know I'm a lot happier. My dogs are getting fed, and the cat seems to be a little calmer.

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Re: HepCFree (# 668) Expand Referenced Message

I am almost 3 weeks after stopping Harvoni on week 9. Have to take Lisinopril for BP, which I never had any problems before starting Harvoni. Also noticed my memory is not the same as before. Still have weird pains all over the body. Even in the most unlikely area like tail bone. They do not last longer then a second but give very unpleasant sensation. BP medication took care of heart palpitations which Harvoni brought into my life! Have impression that my skin has aged too-very dull and dry.

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Re: HepCFree (# 668) Expand Referenced Message

How go we notify the CDC?
Harvoni changed my life!!

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Re: Calldor (# 671) Expand Referenced Message

It's pretty easy to get that number. Just get on Google and you'll get directed right to them. I told my doctor the book on this drug isn't written yet. This drug is reaching so many more people, and the reactions are widely diverse. It's because people are different, and have different reactions to this drug! We are the ones who will fill in the chapters of the book about this drug and it's looking like it's going to be pretty extensive.

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Re: jana (# 672) Expand Referenced Message

I agree!! Pharm companies don't give a dam about whose lives they destroy. We are guinea pigs to them. Let's see how many of them would dish out these drugs to there family members.

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I started harvoni last month on the 27th of October and I have felt horrible. My stomach is bloated, my neck is swollen, I can't swallow, my eye's twitch, my heart goes bum bum bum. I really want to stop this. Will the side effects go away? I was at a very low level.

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Tony! Sideeffects will go away. I am 1 month after 8 weeks of Harvoni. Still sometimes have strange pains for a split of a second. Not so often anymore and brain fog is still present. My Dr. did not cancel BP pill yet but I hope I will stop taking it soon. Never had BP troubles before Harvoni treatment. Hope for the best and you, please, do the same.

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