Gralise Forums
Recently active Gralise forums and community discussion threads. Post your question or story about Gralise and connect with others who have experience with the same medications. No registration is required and your identity remains anonymous.I take Gralise for Trigeminal Neuralgia, TN2 (1800 mg). It works far better then Gabapentin, which made me feel terrible. I have trouble with most drugs…they don’t work allergic reactions…. 600 mg worked for the first month. My only side effect was terrible heartburn that came and went. Then it just stopped working. At 1800 mg I must take with other drugs….Klonopin and Aimovig. I was also on Cymbalta, but gained 60 pounds, had severe insomnia and terrible nocturnal leg pains. I got off it, but now need something to get that pain under control again.
UpdatedI tapered up to 1800 mg on a sample pack and my Dr. didn't listen & called in Gabapentin. I tried that off & on for a few years post chemo. (Peripheral Neuropathy). I then went cold turkey to about 2-3 '300' mg pills for a couple of days, felt that swirly headed silly almost tipsy feeling & decided to just stop the drug. It has never helped my PN. And an online msg. board has many posts about Gralise being a big joke. Maybe it is??? I'm having some pain relief from Cymbalta, but probably only 75% back pain relief. I still have 25% back/shoulder pain. Such is life. Everyone lives with pain. But I do have chronic pain from PN. And emotional pain. PTSD from past cancer, etc. ## Hello, Marie! How are you doing? Gralise is Gabapentin, it's just a name brand fo...
Please use extreme caution when using this drug. My husband is a chronic pain sufferer. His pain doc prescribed it for him. It's very expensive. It also caused suicidal thoughts and tendencies. My husband cried and cried for no reason at all. He stopped taking it immediately. However he was only taking it for a week. It was a horrible experience!! ## Hello, Gingerbread89! How is your husband doing? Gralise contains the active ingredient Gabapentin and it can cause mood swings, as a side effect, in some people that take it, along with headache, dry mouth and weight changes. Thank you for posting this warning for others. ## It us not the same or interchangeable with gabapitine. I was overdosed on it by my dr almost 2 years ago. It was horrible. Stomach burned, could not even keep wate...
Hi, I just received this cream from my pain management doctor. I have had 2 LS surgeries for severely sequestered discs, severe radiating pain and peroneal nerve decompression. Continued pain/numbness in my R leg due to radiculopathy. I take 3000mg of Gralise (gababentin) - Yes, you read correctly! I take 5x the amount of Gralise to decrease the nerve pain in my leg. Do you think there is hope with this topical cream? ## Hi Jennifer, The cream you're describing containing baclofen + cyclobenzaprine + gabapentin + ketoprofen + lidocaine, is reportedly prescribed as a topical pain reliever. However medications like this can and often do affect each person differently, whereas it's possible that you may receive more benefits from it than others or vise versa, depending on the sever...