Getting Prescriptions From 2 Different Doctors For Pain Meds But There Are Conditions (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Well I just really need to know if what I am doing is considered doctor shopping. I fell at at department store and injured my knee. Now I have to go to the doctor the lawyer sent me to. He prescribes pain meds for me but the only thing he can treat is my knee. I started having back problems. My primary care doctor sent me to a different doctor and he also gives me meds. But the pharmacy said they would call the doctors and tell on me. So I went and ahead and told the doctors myself so that it would not look as bad. What do you think will happen to me? The pharmacy refused to give me back my prescription. Can they do that?

528 Replies (27 Pages)

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Hello Victor,
It's amazing to hear things are turning out positively for you & therefore positive for your mom! You'll likely find the hospital based Pain Management Dept is professional and caring. Which y'all deserve! What you went through, the feelings of angst, guilt, anger & fear will hopefully fade quickly from your mind now. You did good, Victor. Your parents are blessed to have you by their side. Take care of yourself. Life is short. Enjoy!

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Victor, you need to let your Mom handled her medical appointments and meds. These drs may well be thinking these pain meds are for you.

Frankly, I'm surprised she got the rx she did. Pain management clinics at teaching hospitals are teaching other forms of pain management instead of opiates. I seriously doubt they replace the rx or give her another rx for pain meds if she returns. You really need to let your Mom handle this on her own. If she isn't capable of being responsible with her meds, you won't find a Dr that will rx her what you want her to have. If she is responsible there is no need for your being this involved in her drs appointments or getting her meds.

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DrJoey, Dude, did you take a bit of all the meds you mentioned in your post? Have mercy. I'm sorry about your Auto accident but I'm happy your HA are gone. I thought you were gonna mention or suggest going to Peru for the Shaman medicine when the word "amazon" popped up which would be very interesting. ..anyway, Doc...take care of yourself.

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Dont get caught up in it, I can make this very simple, and no matter what gender. but remember, there are vulnerable people on here that are going to believe in people like P. And for that reason alone, for someone who claims to be getting doctors referrals yet in the process, starts making these grand proclamations, spouting unverifiable statistics and yet manages to let everyone know that he is or she is credentialed here? You have to know then, by its very definition, to proclaim that, in a forum like this, is either beyond ridiculous or simply too sad to fathom, geeze the yearning you have for those real "credentials" is almost palpable here. leave people alone here before you do some real harm. your ticket to entitlement is invalid in this forum

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Victor, I could not agree with you more. P450 states she worked in a mental hospital as a nurse. Her so call medical knowledge is something anyone who has the time can find and read on the internet.I also have worked in the medical profession but I certainly do not mention it on 90% of every post I write. I am sure there are other medical professionals who have chronic pain that are on these sites but I never seen someone so determined to convince others about there work in the medical profession. In fact no real nurse would be telling people what to do medically because of the possible dangers of leading a person in the wrong direction since you they have no background or real knowledge of the patient. I also have some spinal stenosis along with many others on this site. However mine is not at the point to were your mother's in needing surgery. To do surgery for stenosis it has to be causing nerve damage and I know that pain can be horrible. I have has it before but for a another reason. P450 has never examine your mother nor looked at her tests or anything else. While P450 is right that your mother will have some pain for the rest of her life that does not mean the surgery will not help her pain level decrease greatly.

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p450, cant you just give the information without all the other BS. you have as much right to be on here as I do but Im tired of the resistance everywhere, this was support for me, so say what you will, personally, Im sorry, and embarrassed at my behavior,i still have a mom who needs guidance and clearly im not the one to give it soooo cant we just shutup and talk already, i dont care who you are, please dont question my motives, im way past that and time is short. if you got info, i got questions.

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P450 writes one post stating she is working, but in another post has workman's compensation and is doing an appeal for SSDI. It can't be both. She can't understand that it is up to each person that reads her posts how much credibility she has. Because this is a public internet board anyone can claim anything without having to prove it.

She said she sent her credentials to the Administration here but they have no reason to verify them because she is the same as everyone else when she posts her answers/advice. I can't remember seeing anyone regularly write long posts like she does. The posts usually include what she calls her credentials, the settings she has previously worked in, job descriptions. etc over and over, according to her. But she can't comprehend that none of that matters and no one cares.

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This discussion thread has been locked for one day. Those arguing need to simmer down, as we would like to steer this discussion thread back towards a constructive sharing of knowledge.

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Ok, this discussion thread has been reopened. Everyone, please try to cooperate, and if you cannot remain objective, state facts, or focus on the topic at hand (and instead feel the need to lash out at others on this or any other thread) - don't do it. You will receive a permanent site-wide ban.

Thank you and happy Friday!

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Thank you Medschat Admin and your credentials are? Just kidding! TGIF

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P450 I would love to see were you read or heard about the patient who is serving 20 years in jail because she was getting her medication at a pill mill. Something is greatly missing in the story. Not even the 2 people in FL who were running the largest pill in the country were sentence for 20 years and the doctors who worked there mostly got less then 10 years each. I am not saying this person is a addict but they do not put people in jail for 20 years for abusing drugs unless the person committed another crime with it - armed robbery or selling large amount of drugs or has been in jail a couple time before drug abuse type crimes.

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What if you pain management doc is only concerned about his 3 offices and not me! I was on oxycodone 30 mgs for 10 years in PA. My doctor passed away suddenly and not one person, even the hospital did anything to help me. My new doc will only write Opana and for me, it's like taking nothing at all! Pa doc are scared and won't give you what you know works for you pain and body! I am considering seeking a doc that will have the guts and compassion to give me what has worked for over 10 yrs. On the new docs regime, I'm gonna lose my business because I can't work. By the way, I have systemic Scleroderma and extreme raynoids, 2 of the most painful diseases there are! Please help, what can I do, 1 Doctor is not meeting my needs, he only cares about $$$$ and protecting his 3 offices.

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Im in Pa too. And you will still get percocet 120. Thats the max amount by kaw now. Theybmightvup your dose and you will need to sign a pain contact. You will not be allowed to get pain meds from the er, dentist or ANY DOCTOR WHATSOEVER. They will know and you will get dropped right away. The er can give you a shot of something but if they try to give you a script whole seeing pain management, do not get it filled, again you will get dropped, flagged and have a hard time finding a dr to treat you.

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Keikee what makes you so sure there won't be any cops at my door. That's what has me worried the most right because I forgot to cancel one stupid script. As far as the va dr I do plan on being honest all the way.

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They have no reason to lie to you as far as the police showing up at your door. You will be fine unless you give yourself a heart attack first :-).

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I believe I have overstayed my welcome here. Hot heads are prevailing and that is not the atmosphere I want to be around. Thank you to the few that heard me out. Take care

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Christopher, what date did you fill the first script for oxycodone 10? Usually the insurance co allows you to fill a script 2 days before you run out. For example, if my Dr writes me oxy 10 #60 take 2 tabs per day every month, my insurance Co will allow or pay for it every 28 days. If the pharmacists policy is not to fill it till the 30th day that's her perogative tho. If your Dr would simply change the number of pills you're allowed to take on the instructions that changes things. The pharmacist would have to fill it because you'll run out too soon. I hope that makes sense. You should let your Dr know the pharmacy refused to fill until the 10th.
Mpathia, I agree 100%. I feel we're experiencing a national disaster.

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I'm seeing pain management doc prescribing 20mg oxycodone 2 every 6 hrs. I just finished taper from 100mcg fentanyl patch so I don't take that as of this week. Just had a root canal yesterday n dentist gave Rx for percocets. So filling them would be illegal? And pain management doc will find out even if I pay out of pocket not using my insurance? Then he will probably cut me off n I'll be screwed n in withdraw, sick as a lab rat...

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Steve000 , filling the dentist prescription isn't illegal. BUT, if you sign a pain contract and agreed to only have your pain treated by your pain dr, your pain dr will more than likely dismiss you and it will be difficult, if not impossible, to find another dr to manage yor pain. Your drs, dentist and pharmacists can see all of the opiates prescriptions that you have gotten filled for pain meds in your states Prescription Monitoring Program Database and depending on your state laws, they may be able to see other prescriptions that you have gotten filled. In most states, drs are required to look up patient profiles before they write a prescription for opiates to all patients.

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Bumblebee, the answer to your question is yes, you're most definitely dr shopping. I'm absolutely shocked anyone can get away with this these days.

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