Generic Suboxone Which Is Better Cvs Or Walgreens (Page 2) (Top voted first)


who has been suboxone CVS or walgreens.I know thwy are generic but which is better of the two

70 Replies (4 Pages)

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Jeremy stop being a troll. It's not a sign of incompetence that I was misinformed initially about the existence of suboxone tablets even still being marketed.

Somehow actually educating myself and proceeding to share the information the pharmacist gave me makes me fall short on the evolutionary ladder?

Sounds like you need a xanax prescription to go with the suboxone, YOUR short comings are pretty evident.

Have a lovely day, you angry, egotistical little man.

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I have been on Suboxone and Xanax for about three to four years but they just gave me the green xanax 1 milligram and I don't like him one bit.

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Due to my chronic pancreatitas, I was on very many pain meds and once I said enough is enough I want my lilfe back my Dr. put me on Subutex. They are both different in many ways. CVS are the white ones and they taste like complete sh*t so I tried Walgreens and they are an orange color and the taste is a lot milder. They also don't make me feel nausea after taking it. That is my personal evaluation so do what is best for your body. Good luck!

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Cvs is better all day they dissolve quicker and the closest to the name brand is effect. It's cheaper for me than Walgreens but different areas have different prices..

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I've been taking the fairly new pink oval subutex from WallGreens and I must say they work the best for me. I was prescribed 3 8.2 orange Suboxon a day and still felt terrible so my Dr switched me to 3 8mg subutex and I only have to take one a day on most days, I feel normal and just feel like I'm somebody again, while on the Suboxone I felt like crap and was always down.

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This is not accurate, as most all doctors are now prescribing burpnorphine tablets, as most insurances won't cover films anymore due to the cost. Furthermore, orange tablets imprinted "AN" are terrible and I question the proprietary ingredients as equivalent to films. I would recommend to anyone that they get the white tablets made by Actavis or the ones made by Hi-Tech.

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Re: J (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Srips n pills have 2 seperate effects. N there's generic pills not generic strips.

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Re: Ash (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry but Your wrong the strip doesn’t have a generic but the pill does. And there are several companies making it now the patent is up.

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I just see no where that I ever referenced anyone taking anything. The only piece of ill advised info I gave pertained only to thinking there was no generic. I don't see anything in my previous comments advising anyone that suboxone or subutex is okay to use along with narcotics.

Perhaps you read someone else's.

Im well aware that suboxone contains both bupe and nalaxone. I've experienced precipitated withdrawal myself and wouldn't recommend it to anyone. You shouldn't jump the gun and be so hard pressed to bash people you haven't read their statement clearly and you don't have the pleasure of knowing.

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honestly, when did they come out with a generic suboxone? I had no idea!

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Could someone please tell me if they have ever seen a red suboxan film strip its supposed to be a generics can any one help

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No, I've seen them all and Red was not one I've seen. It's probably a fake, but I suggest taking it to a Pharmacy and have them check it. I've only seen orange Strips, and orange and White in the Tablet Form.

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I'm with you hundred percent. I understand. It's something in your head and mine. I truly want to get better I just hope I have the strength to. I wish you the best i've noticed that if you try not to focus your day around it and try to put it on top of your day it makes it easier. I know easier said than done

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Walgreens has it. I've been taking it for over a year. It is the best. I think it is better than suboxone.

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Not here in Cambridge,Somerville MA it's opposite Walgreen has white CVS has orange....Does anyone happen to know what the Rite Aide in Somerville,ma use the orange or white?

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Where do u live ? Cuz here in Massachusetts we very much still have Suboxone pills I know that for a fact I get my insurance won't even cover the strips so yes there are generic but they are still around here

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Duh u should investigate b4 u post...theve always had the pills im eating 1 as i type

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Wrong...there are at least 4 different generic Suboxone tablets (buprenorphine/naloxone) currently available. I prefer the orange Amneal's currently available at your local Walgreens.

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First of all, all of you are incorrect you have it twisted around because Walgreens actually have the white crecent half moons tablets, and CVS have the orange tablets...I've been taking the white tablets with the crecent moons for almost 2 years now and I always go to Walgreens, one time I went to CVS and they carried the orange tablets, I was like no thanks...but I have always wondered which of the two were better, so thank you Jeremy for confirming that the white tablets blow all other tablets

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You are very much correct January raindrop, that's what I was trying to tell people that Walgreens have the white and CVS have the the way I live in the NATI... FYI Cincinnati...

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