Generic Buprenorphine 54 411 Vs M 924 (Page 11) (Top voted first)


I've been going to a clinic for almost a year now and each time I get prescribed 8mg Subutex. When I would fill my prescription I would receive 54 411 white tablets. Today when I picked it up I got M 924 white tablets. The only difference I've found is the manufacturer. The manufacturer for the 54 411 is ROXANE and for the M 924 is MYLAN. Are they pretty much the same pill just different imprint/manufacturer?

221 Replies (12 Pages)

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Re: Harry (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Whatever man, those are the best ones. Any other brand tastes like cat piss. But akorn went bankrupt so now I'm stuck taking all the other crap. Makes me want to quit these altogether.

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Re: T (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

SAME! DO YOU KNOW WHY?? Like I have zero energy on the other subs

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Where do you go to get the 54 411 by the Roxane brand, I have had the same exact issues as the others.

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Having trouble finding a pharmacy that carries the 54 411. Can anyone help? I feel the same the mylan ones are not as good. Seem to only last half as long.

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All the walmarts I have went to carry them

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I think it's just all in the head....listen I've been on suboxone and then was switched to subutex..for maybe 6-7 years...there definitely is different fillers in there but they are the same ingredients as far as Buprenorphine (8mg) ..I get whatever my pharmacist has at the time..but I definitely prefer the 54s more..they dissolve so much quicker under the tongue..and maybe it is just me but it feels a little cleaner..I'm not sick on the M924s but always bummed a little when I get em.

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They have white suboxone pills as well maybe he did give u suboxone and ur unaware of it..good luck

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Leituras, e conhecimentos que 'despertem interesse' assim como atividades de lazer, ainda que pela Internet, ajudam a manter afastada a 'dependência', destes venenos. Tive sérios problemas com o Álcool, e sei ser 'um dos', pelo menos piores venenos, porém acessível sem receita, e somente com alguns 'cents' ;1 Dolar. Café, Chás 'estimulantes' TEA WHITE, cigarretes, não são recomendados, mas não são 'psicoativos', de modo a deixar-nos sedados,ou 'euphoria Chemical'. Temos que nós mesmos nos darmos 'alta-médica', e parar com os remédios. Desintoxicar é fácil; nem precisa sair de casa; mas aí vem a necessidade imperativa, de nos intoxicarmos,novamente, para nos sentirmos normais. Acho ser uma 'doença sem cura', infelizmente. Não é simples assim.

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

Readings, and knowledge that 'arouses interest' as well as leisure activities, even on the Internet, help to keep away the 'dependence' of these poisons. I had serious problems with Alcohol, and I know to be 'one of the', at least worst poisons, but accessible without prescription, and only with a few 'cents'; Coffee, TEA WHITE 'stimulating' teas, cigarettes, are not recommended, but they are not 'psychoactive' so as to leave us sedated, or 'euphoria Chemical'. We have to get ourselves 'high-doctor' ourselves, and stop the drugs. Detox is easy; nor do you need to leave the house; but here comes the imperative need, to intoxicate us again, to feel normal. I think it's a 'disease without cure', unfortunately. It's not that simple.

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Não tenho certeza,mas me parece que Naltrexone e Buprenorfina são derivados de Tebaína,um 'alcalóide' extraído da Papoula,e sintetizado a partir da Morfina,porém,induz a 'mal - estar' e à convulsões;uma espécie de antagonista 'Opiáceos',que isoladamente,não possui nenhum efeito 'torpor',ou analgesia.Somente induz à 'convulsões'.Talvez,tenham quebrado 'alguma molécula' (Laboratório),e transformado,mediante 'reação química',e acrescida de outras substâncias,também derivados de Morfina,transformando em remédio.Pesquisei,no 'google',a substância Tebaína,após eu achar um frasco 'cheio de uma espécie de 'azeite amarelo',semelhante à um 'frasco de perfume'.Estava escrito Tebaína,no rótulo,e pensei tratar-se de algum 'óleo mineral',usado e cosméticos,ou coisa parecida.Mas pelo fato de achar o nome 'tebaína',ligado à algum princípio ativo medicinal,acabei por memorizar este nome,e posteriormente 'pesquisar' tebaína no google,e tudo que li,não fazia referência à nenhum 'medicamento',a não ser como isento de 'efeitos úteis',em Medicina,mesmo para 'qualquer coisa',e que era um excelente 'indutor de convulsões'.

Google Translate (may not be 100% accurate):

I'm not sure, but it seems to me that Naltrexone and Buprenorphine are derivatives of Thebaine, an 'alkaloid' extracted from the Poppy, and synthesized from Morphine, but it induces 'malaise' and convulsions, a kind of Opiate antagonist, which alone has no 'torpor' effect, or analgesia. It only induces 'convulsions'. They may have broken 'some molecule' (Laboratory), and transformed, by 'chemical reaction', plus other substances, also derived from Morphine, transforming it into a remedy. I researched the substance Thebaine in google, after finding a vial 'filled with a kind of' yellow oil ', similar to a' perfume bottle '. label, and I thought it was some 'mineral oil', used and cosmetics, or something. But because I found the name 'Thebaine', linked to some active medicinal principle, I ended up by memorizing this name, 'thebaine on google, and everything I read, did not reference to no 'medicine', except as free from 'useful effects' in medicine, even for 'anything', and that it was an excellent 'convulsion inducer'.

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I have been taking the one by Roxanne for over 5 years, and my dose has been the same for the past 3yrs. I'm able to function fine, 2 small kids, etc. no cravings, and my pain is managed. So.... insurance changed and I can only get the meds from CVS now. Last week I picked the Rx up and didn't think anything of it. All week long Ive had a terrible headache and felt so sluggish like I have the flu. The only thing I could think of that had changed was the medication, so I checked & saw that the new prescription was by Mylan. I looked online and found similar experiences. Just to test it I had a couple old pills- a day after I switched back I was good as new! I'm going to report this to Mylan... maybe the dosing is inconsistent, or maybe I'm sensitive to a filler they use?

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subutex is supposed to be perscribed to people with pain management problems, and suboxone is for people with drug addiction problems. Thats usually why one is percsribed to a certain person over the other, like a person on suboxone wants that blocker cause they don't want to use drugs again but you have a person with serious pain issues and say they're in an accident, they might actually need stronger pain medication, and if the same happens to an addict they can give them non-narcotic pain meds.

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Trust me. If your picky about your subutex, go with the 54s. Me personally, I could care less because it all does the trick for me. The 924s feel the same, they just dont seem to last as long. 924s are a little cheaper for me than the 54s. Might i suggest going to marsh pharmacy. They have an orange football shaped subutex. It works for me. I quit the 54s and 924s and switched to the orange subutex for that reason. I'm tapering down. Ultimately, if you want to know the best one if there was a vote in my town, the 54s get 90% of them easy. I'm just different. I don't want to be on them anymore. I hate having to depend on a pill to feel normal.

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Re: suffering 63 (# 21) Expand Referenced Message

Well let's see here special one, while u are screaming at 4 in the morning because of pain, is the same reason 90% of this epidemic even took place in the first place. So get over your fragile egg mother goose s***.

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I was on the actual suboxone for years. The orange tablets. I had surgery last year and the doctor changed my prescription to the Roxane brand. I did not like them as well as the suboxone but then one month the pharmacy gave me the same but instead of roxane the company was Akron. I, too, liked the roxane better. They finally switched me back to suboxone and life was good. Like you, I have never gone back to drugs. Last week my mother fell, broke her hip, surgery and now rehab. I ran out of my suboxone and finally found a doctor to prescribe for me. I specifically told him I needed suboxone, but when I went to fill I turns out it is the same damn white pills, this time the company is not even on the bottle. These don't work as well. It's Saturday so I now have to wait until Monday. I am so over this. When I get home I need to get off this. I am so over it.

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64 the m924 taste totally diff and worse?? I tried. The m924 and it taste totally diff and really bad ..

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I call bull. I've been off subs, opiates, Ds etc... for years now. It is true you never have to use again period, its a choice we have to make all the time. It's wasn't easy but possible. You can do it. Maybe deep down you just aren't ready to give the dope up once and for all. You know the only reason you can't do it is because you say you can't. Good luck. I wish you all the best!

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Personally, buprenorphine in my book is the worst drug that ever hit the market. For a true chronic pain suffer like myself we have been subjected to this drug that does nothing for moderate to severe pain. I have put up with this disgusting thing for 2 years. Finally I told my doctor at my last appointment this is ridiculous the side effects far outweigh the 15 to 20% pain relief it offers. He said well I will give you to 10 milligrams of percocet a day and that's it. I told him that was incredibly ridiculous and at the lowest level I've ever been on in over 15 years. He said, too late already wrote the prescription take it feel it or don't. He's a crappy doctor who has over 4,000 patients and does nothing but write scripts for buprenorphine while collecting offer insurance companies. On the other hand if you do suffer from opiate addiction through other misuse and abuse or Simply the fact that you took it for a surgery and continued to want it other than needed after you are healed, then this is the drug for you. Because you do not actually require pain relief, you require a relief from opiate addiction. I on the other hand Have never drank, do not smoke, do not have any Addictions nor does any single member of my family or my extended family. But due to the massive epidemic of opiate use and the abuse of prescription pain pills significantly higher since 2004, people like myself Are literally dying because of the lack of pain relief we receive. Two of my friends in my group has already killed themselves over it. So why everybody is slapping each other on the back and they're all smiles and they're thanking God that there are over there opiate addictions, I want you to consider this. Individuals with chronic pain are no longer being treated. It is now assumed that everyone that walks through a door with or without documentation Is simply turned down. Just to let you know, I have loved scoliosis 6 vertebrae that her twisted 5 herniated discs, fibromyalgia and a top it all off the cherry on the cake of my day I have also had crohns for over 15 years. Now imagine me getting a whole 20 milligrams of freaking percocet a day to handle that pain. Congratulations you are sober, congratulations I'm in my garage screaming at 4 in the morning so I don't wake my husband up. Oh and did I mention I live in Salt Lake City Utah, so not only do we have our doctors assuming every single person is a drug addict, but we also had a religious background Interfering By bias and opinion and judgment instead of practicing medicine. Somebody told me to try kratom. That would be the equivalent of telling me to try bath salts. Incredibly dangerous Incredibly wrong and soon to be incredibly illegal. So why I do feel for people with drug addiction, Where are the headlines that are talking about the rest of us with real chronic pain that will never go away. We can have surgery after surgery after surgery, but a lot of these things are not surgically repaired they are just a life sentence. Does anybody know a real pain management specialist in Salt Lake City Utah area? & I am NOT talking about some doctor who took a 3 day course to get his what is it 2008 a certificate so he can prescribe buprenorphine. Like I said it does not cover moderate to severe pain. Talk to somebody with real chronic pain and they will tell you we don't feel high off of drugs and we don't abuse them because we need them. They save our lives. They enable us to do something as little as folding a load of clothes Or Make dinner. Something as easy as changing the sheets on the bed. We are isolated because we cannot get out as much as others And we are isolated because we must decline social events due to our pain. Now we are isolated in a world that will no longer treat that pain. Obviously the pharmaceutical companies are busy making such a dime On buprenorphine and heart medication high blood pressure medication and diabetic medication because nobody Is prescribing an opiate anymore. No I'm not going to think positive and I'm not going to meditate and I'm not going to do yoga Because paying takes up three quarters of my brain space. Change my diet I have the most holistic diet on the planet! So anybody know a real doctor in Salt Lake City that is actually still practicing the science of medicine or have they all crawled into a hole and decided to just do it the easy way.

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If subs work for someone, they work. And drs cant switch you from suboxone or subutex. It's the other way around.

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Everybody has their own opinions, and just so you know the top two most favorite brands for Subutex are Roxane labs/big whites and high-tech/small whites.

Nobody likes Mylan. I really haven't met anybody that hasn't said that they prefer Roxane labs. It seems to be the #1 choice

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I'm trying to figure out the same issue!!

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