Frutaplanta (Page 2)
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Hey ive been taking fruta planta for a month. I lost 15 lbs...i stopped taking it bcuz the box says some crap about periods (u all know the box makes no sense) but i was just wondering if anyone takes it during their cycle cuz i really dont want to stop for a week but if i have too i will.

40 Replies (2 Pages)

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I took FP for about 3 months. It was AMAZING, most of the time. I did lose a lot of weight. I have always been athletic and thick my entire life, but after I graduated college I went up to 182 lbs way too big for a 5'5 medium frame. I slowly started losing the right way by diet and exercise but could not get past 165. I heard about FP from a friend and ordered a box. Right away in the first week I had all sorts of side effects some good and bad. I had so much energy, I was all over the place. If I took the 2nd pill too late I would not sleep at all. My mouth was so dry all the time, I was drinking atleast 10 bottles of water a day if not more, not to mention walking to the bathroom 100 times. I also was constantly clenching my jaw. The only scary thing was my first week my blood pressure dropped so low that I passed out in work due to not eating anything. Not the pills fault, my fault for basically starving myself.

Eventually the insomnia went away when my body got used to the pill. I was losing about 5 pounds a week. It was great. But I had to force myself to eat. I was sweating a lot at the gym but didnt have much energy to work out at my max from not eating. I didnt have any breathing problems or heaviness in my chest. I also was noticing my legs were constantly bruising very easily and now that I read other peoples side effects, I did get 4 UTIs, which is not normal for me. After about a week I wasnt feeling like a crazy lunatic anymore.

My 2nd box I think was from the real web site, the 30$ box with a pamphlet of other products. The foil had the green letters but a red or pink circle holigram thing. I think this was the BEST box I bought. I purchased this from, however the site isnt selling them anymore. Huge bummer.

I bought 2 boxes the next time and there were no blue instructions, like the very first box I bought. I don't know if they were "real" or fake but I think my body is slowly getting used to the ingrediants.

I am no longer taking FP for a few reasons. I hated having bruises all over my legs, I didnt like being constipated all the time, this is from eating close to nothing. I got down to 134 but I was hearing that I was too skinny. I gained back 5 pounds and am happy. Although its been about 1 month since I stopped taking FP I still have dry mouth, and still sometimes clench my jaw. Maybe because the ingrediants are still working their way out of my body, I continue to work out, and diet as usual and stay at a healthy 140. Its not healthy to starve your body of food. I don't think there is anything wrong with taking it to drop 15-20 but force yourself to eat and take a multivitamin. I wish I knew what the long term side effects were and ALL the ingrediants. Someone should take the different pills and have them analyzed in a lab!

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am taking fruta planta for at least ONE MONTH and a half i HAVE LOST about 45 POUNDS but My MOUTH is sooo dryyyyy, i have problems with my chest sometimes i feel a pressure on it, i cant sleep in THREE days i sleep 4 hours I CANT EAT i dont feel hungry, These include blurred vision, am depressed, plus am so angry at all times, sometimes i shake for nothing feeling back pain, nausea but is not all at once few at once but anyway i dont wanna be fat used to weight 189, am 5.1 (have 2 kids 4 and 2 years old)Am 27years old, still taken but now once a day used to take 2 , I dont feel like am dying or anything i work i do everything, but after i saw on the news tonight maybe ill trying something else i wanna be skinny, not a dead person at least to be there for my kids and my husband
Ahhh my friend recommended she has da same symptoms and she lost 50 pounds in almost 2 months

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I have the real ones with seals and holograms.

I can send pics

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I was wondering were you doing anything different for your weight loss?

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Where did you order your pills from?

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you can take while you have your period but i didnt loose any weight that week but i didnt gain any either

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I order the 30-day supply from and Search for: Fruta Planta it is the authentic one because my brother lives in West Palm Beach Florida and he would go to a store nearby his home and mail them to me so I knew what to look for when I decided to order them online. I compared the box to the one I ordered from and it was exact one with the grapes on box and above the box had the "TM" on it the imitation ones don't have the grapes or the TM I noticed when I ordered from from this particular vendor that had the selling price at $5.99.

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Did anyone find out where to buy these pills, I want to use them but Iam afraid if buying the wrong ones.

Please let me know, Thank u

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I take Seasonique it interefered but now my body has gotten use to it. I lost 20lbs my first month. I have taken 5 months straight and lost 50 lbs. I also exercised too. I am where i want to be and stopped taking it.

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can u tell me where ican purshase the authentic fruta planta???please

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where do you order this polls from..they said there is a lot of imitations

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^ well said Marilyn

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Ok. So can cigerretes cause cancer... Can Alcohol cause liver problems.... can talking on a cell phone give you brain tumpors....Yes. And guess what we all do one of the three if not all three correct...... I have clients that use my Fruta Planta and have lost weight rapidly. They dont over do it. They get to where they know that the rest of the weight can be naturally reduced. To much of anything is always bad for everyone. I do explain to them if you have diabetes, heart problems or high blood pressure DO NOT TAKE THIS PRODUCT. The only reason the FDA has not approved it is because of the same reason the cure for AIDS has not. THE TREATMENT IS MORE CONVINIENT FOR THEM THEN THE CURE!!!! They make more $$$$$ with treatment than just doing ONE cure! I get them directly from China, with all the seals, instructions and great effects. Thank you

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JD, the reason it was behind the counter and not on the shelves is due to the reason I stated in my prior post, they are not supposed to be selling this product.

The U.S. FDA found it to contain an undeclared drug ingredient Sibutramine, which was pulled from the market due to the fact that is causes a very high risk of dangerous cardiovascular problems, such as heart attack and stroke.

The side effect of Sibutramine will also explain most of the other symptoms you have described in your post.

Learn more:


This is definitely not a safe product to use and I strongly urge anyone that has been using it to stop immediately and consult their doctor as soon as possible.

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I have been taking this spill for a good while, but I hve developed eyes sight prolem, dizziness, fast heart bit severe headaches, insomnia and sudden hot flashes.
I did not why all over sudden I have all these deseases.
I went and baught a pair of reading glasses with out knowing what was wrong with me. To day, i went to buy the pill at a local store, but noticed that it was not on the shelves and asked for it, I wa told that it is on sale so people baught them all and the cashier bent down under the counter to get it. So asked her why is it hadden, she told me " we do not have enough space on the shelves and gave a lecture about it is so good that people buy too much of it... I purchased 2 boxes and when I got home I felt some thing is not too kosher about the clerk behavior So i decided to do some search on google about (fruta planta). Bingo!
When I purchased this pill for the first time, my friend a biologist and I tried to find out about the ingedients written on the label. We scanned the boxe for information... We were interersted in the pill because it supposed to be 100% natural Plants and fruits. However, we were concerned about hedden information written in chinese. Because not enough information given, my friend decided not to use it. it did not want it to interfere with his diabetist medication, So decided to give it a try but I was always skeptical about.
The first boxe was find, but the other boxes were not efficient. I stoped for a couple of months then I gained substancial amount of wait in a short period of time, so went back to it again. I got so worried about the pill s tarted collected the boxes, just incase i need them for recollection of how many I have been using. Don't ask me why I did that, but i felt something was right about this pill.
I do not know what to say, I feel like the pill was like a miracle, you only need to take one a day and you are ok.
Unfortunateky, these side effects have to taken very seriously. My eyes sights are soo bad, I need glasses to even use a computer. I never have to use glasses before in my life.

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Wow They sound kinda different...I know I would be scared about a false reaction...But I would love to hear if you have anymore insight after the next doc visit..pls feel free to share!! -Jana

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where did you get yours? I bought some and started working out but i didnt see much of a difference... 1or 2 lbs a week, I think I got the fake ones...

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Hello! I was wondering if you are still taking these pills? I ordered these pills from a couple of different places and the 1 box that really showed results was the box with the sparkles/holigrams on it. The other boxes without the holigrams, they dont seem to have the same good effect. Have you experienced this? Thank you for your input

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The U.S. FDA has issued a warning regarding the use of this product and the manufacturer is supposed to be recalling it from the market.

It was found to contain an undeclared drug ingredient, Sibutramine, which was pulled from the market in the U.S. due to the fact that it has caused severe cardiac problems for many of those that were using it. In some cases, this resulted in permanent injury or death.

The company that makes it, PRock, has advised users to either dispose of the product or contact them to return it, by calling 1-877-225-1009.


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Goldie, I have taken them with my cycle and there has been no change. The weight still comes off. Of course I still have the cramps and feel bloated. But for me the pills still work. Good luck!

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