Fruta Planta (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Dryness of the mouth
Fast heart beat

297 Replies (15 Pages)

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Hi guys.. I been on FP for over 1 month.. On one week off 2 days,I have had no side effects I lost 22 pounds.. No heart racing.. no headaches,, just dry mouth... but i drink 4-6 pt of water..Just be aware of the fake FP.. lots out there.. got mine from a Doc..,,

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I have commented on here before, actually 2 months ago, i have recently finished my 3rd box of FP, and it has worked extremely great!!! i have lost over 35 lbs, YES i still have the dry mouth, and i have had headaches lately but its not unusual (its the heat, always happens every summer) i have been 2 days without taking them but i have a new box i am about to start i have also started on my exercise routine and look foward to additional weight loss!!

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i star my 3rd box but it was like 5 days that i stopped then and i start with headache but when i star drinking them again the head ache stop i dnt know what is it but i lose 25 pounds and im goin on my 3rd yes i drink a lot of water and my heart bits increased i just dont want to get sick with this or adicted

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Hey everyone, Just wanted to join this topic and post my experience so far with FP. I started taking it 10 days ago, I have lost 5lbs. In the past i have tried losing weight with alot of different pills and I've never seen results like this without working out. Its too good to be true so it is scary. I have read all of these post and I have to say the main side effect that I have felt is the dry mouth. I drink alot of water on the regular so this really doesn't bother me. The crazy part is alot of post say that one of the side affects is constipation but it is the other way around for me. I usually have problems going to the bathroom and since I've started these pills I have been going to the bathroom more frequently. This week I will incorporate exercising in my daily routines once again to see if it makes a big difference. I have been a yoyo dieter for the past 10 years, I have tried all kinds of pills and have never had results like with FP. I am losing weight and I am losing it where I want to lose it.. My belly and back area, I will continue to use the pills for now but i will also keep track of post and other individuals experiences. Good luck to all and hopefully future research will prove FP to be OK for consumption because it really does work.

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I started my new box of Fruta Planta six days ago, and for the last four days I have had the following side effects: depression, anxiety, headaches, mood swings, confusion, and constant headaches. This is actually my fourth box, but I have never had these side effects. I'm very upset right now because I spent $35 after lots of research and believing that I was finally buying the REAL DEAL. I didn't want to believe that I got taken, but I feel so sick today that I just have to accept the sad truth. Just venting UGGHHH!!!!! :Z

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I just received and email from FrutaPlanta/com, and they've informed me that They have a no refund for an unopened, unused box. I said their ad never stated that. Can you say scam?

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Jenna can you please tell me what your box and foil the pills are in look like. I too experienced the bad headached with one of the boxes I had.

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Hi Ana, My box has REDUCE WEIGHT in all the same size print, not with the DUC in bigger and bolder print. It also has two pills near the middle of the box with bright white and green pills, not the cream and green pills.

The foil is silver with green writing on both sides of package.

Since I stopped taking them, I feel SO much better!!! I'm trying to get a refund. This is such a joke.

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Can anyone help me out here? Where can I buy some real Fruta Planta? And if you're a seller, please don't waste my time...I have bought from an authentic seller and I got really sick and I'm in the process of getting my money back. It turns out that I will get a refund :) Anyways, I just want real replies and help. Sellers can take a hike!

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Jenna I'm looking for the same thing! First box I bought REALLY worked and I lost 11 pounds real fast but I got real sick!! The new box I purchased from ebay does not seem to be working on me, I am getting the dry mouth and it seems to curb my appetite but for only about half the day when the first box I had I didnt feel hungry at all but the massive headaches and rapid heart beating, and difficult breathing was not worth it, and I started getting those systems into my third week. So I'm not sure which box I have is real. The first one I know worked but had horrible side effects or the second box that seems to work a little but hasn't given me any side effects?? If you find out where you can get real ones please let me know as well!!

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Hey Jenna, I'm still just trying to compare here.....

The first box I had has the REDUCE WEIGHT all in the same size but my foil from that box was silver with red writing and a green symbol in the background. And this is the one that gave me the bad side effects. I purchased this one from a store in NY that was recommended by a friend. It worked for her but then again maybe they get different ones in at times cause she took hers awhile ago.

The second box I got that I'm on now I got from amazon and it has the DUC in bolder print but the foil is the silver with green writing and also has the hologram in the background and so far I'm doing ok as in side effects but the pill is not helping curb my appetite and I've pretty much stayed the same weight.

So this is what is confusing me. My first box and your box seem the same but our foil inside is different so it's almost like you can't go simply by the box it's in??? I'm so lost! I understand there are fakes out there but is it soooo hard to get information on the real ones??? Me, my mom, and friends and searched the internet and get different answers everywhere.

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hey Jenna,
so are you saying the FAKE box has the DUC in bold, bigger letters? because thats what my box looks like. So annoying!!!

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Perhaps, the reason almost eveyone is getting a headache is (Your not Eating).
Think about it guys, you virtually have no appetite. Honestly, when I dont get a meal or two Im a bit of a b-tch & have a pounding headache to accompany my loveable attitude. That's just an observation, everyone reacts diffferently to lack of food. I purchased my FP from an on line site. With all your helpful info I beleive Ive got the authentic FP...wish me good blessings. I plan to start on Monday. I'll try to keep you all posted.

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It was definitely not hunger or thirst that caused my headaches...I was eating and drinking A LOT of water. It was the imitation Fruta Planta. Within an hour of taking it, I became racy, irritable, jittery, impatient, depressed, weepy, and unable to be around anyone. It felt like a used to feel from the old, cheap diet pills but 10X stronger!!

I hope you have success with your new Fruta Planta. Please post back and let us know how you feel. BTW, does your new box have two green/white capsules pictured on the box, near the center? Or are they green/beige? I'm really curious about this.

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Hey Jenna,
The FP box is green with a light beige background & the only white on the box is the title (RW/FP) & the Chinese writing. Also to answer your question, the 2 pills are green & beige pictured on the box. I've been full of trepidation all night over the idea of taking these pills. Then I read your post this morning! Should I ingest these things? I dont want to experience any of the symptoms you've had. I'll do a bit more research before taking them.

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Hey Jenna,
Did a little more research & found out FP has been proven in England to have a dose of Sibutramine in it. If you google the word you will see a caption with a capsule under it in red & bule. It should say Sibutramine Brand name; Merida.
The info is on (
it won't appear unless i google the word sibutramine, maybe you'll have better luck with it. I dont have any of the issues it warns you to discuss with your Dr.
Im gonna get started on them.
Good blessings.

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The box you have sounds like the one I'm looking for!! I'm looking for the two green/beige capsules on the box/no holograms. Please post back and let me know how you're doing. The only side effect you should have is dry mouth. If you get the symptoms that I had, please don't worry and just stop taking them. I've taken four boxes total, and the only time I suffered ANY side effects was from the box with the green/white capsules shown on the box.

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Hey Anna. I read your message about the fruta planta u had purchase was red letter with green simbol that's the box I'm looking for can u plz tell me were did u get it from in ny.. I pretty sure those are the real one. It gave me the same side effect but it went away after 4 days. I got a secound box but is so different from the first one I feel hungry still and the box was so different. I would like to purchase 2 more boxes plz
write back to me .. Either here or email thanks

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I sent you a post but its under review for some reason. Probably since i added a website along with it. Anyway... go to wiki answers & tpye in (reduce weihgt fruta planta ). Yes i know weight is spelled incorrectly, its possibly the misspelled boxes thats causing the problems, who knows? If my first post isnt approved, google the word Sibutramine & go with the Pub Med Health info. It seems to be Dr.approved info.p.s. got my FP from, Arnold Supplements online.
Good blessings.

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Thank you Rie!!! That is the website that I'll be trying next. I've read many times that it's a trusted site. The box that is shown on their site is the one I've been looking for. Please let me know how you're doing!!

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