Flecainide Side Effect
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Anyone suffer abdominal distention (bloating) from Flecainide? It's making me want to go off the drug...only been on it a week.


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Re: Barbara (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Going back to the PA at the cardiologists office tomorrow. I have to get off the Flecainide. My stomach hurts and losing weight. My stomach is constantly bloated and I am so uncomfortable. One PA said there is nothing else to replace Flecainide. It helps the palpitations somewhat. I am so discouraged.

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Yes. I have been on it since the end of March. Awful belly bloat and stomach pain. I don’t see the cardiologist until mid-July but thinking of quitting it.

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Re: Mary Whitley (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

On flecanide for Afib nauseous and loss of appetite burning in stomach and bloating

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I was put on flecainide for afib. In great exercise shape - I asked doc about excercising and described my exercise, with in 10 days while excrcising experienced v-tach - was lucky AED was close by
bp great
cholesterol great
no diabetes
no thyroid
no drugs
no blockage
Is there any warning about flecainide and exercise?

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I have an irregular heartbeat and bigeminy. I have been treated with bisoprolol which made me feel like rubbish, tired and lack lustre. I also tried diltiazem which made me dizzy, so I tried to return to bisoprolol to no avail. Now I tried verapamil and I feel terrible and my episodes of arrhythmia seem to increase! Now I've been told to take 120mg of verapamil and 2 x 50mg flecainide - I'm worried that flecainide will make me just as feel weird as everything else does! I have been in A and E 3 times and my cardiologist is suggesting ablation but I got to try all drug options first. I'm fed up with this experimental misery!

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Flecainide-have not known that my problem was this drug-thought I had something else! Thank you, people! I have severe bloating-no appetite-lost lots of weight-make myself eat a tiny bit-am on protein drinks! If you have had these symptoms, please let me know!

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I have had numerous bad side effects after taking flecanide. Terrible abdominal bloating to the degree i could fasten any of my pants, severe tremors of both hands, visual difficulty focusing my eyes if i turn my head side to side or up and down, and agitation and impatience over little things. Also noticed increased salivation. Im currently being weaned off of it for these reasons. It did control my a-flutter and a-fib but the trade off was terrible . I dont understand why all the anti arrhytmics cause so much bloating. I've probably been on at least 8 different meds and had to go off all of them because of severe bloating which also makes it very difficult to breathe! Really would just like to go totally without meds and see if i feel better.

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I have just started Flecainide for control of atrial flutter and PVC's (had 2 ablations and afib is under control, but not the other stuff). Although the Flecainide is working beautifully on minimizing the rhythm issues, my stomach is a mess!! Bloating is a big problem. I just started the medication, so I'm hoping the bloating diminishes over time. I'm glad to read the information about this side effect on this site; if you read standard medical texts, they don't mention this unpleasant side effect! Would appreciate hearing other people's experiences with side effects related to bloating, mild nausea and the like. Thank you!

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On Flecanide for 1 week and my stomach is huge...It was instantanious. On Flecanide 50mg 2 X per day. Feel weak, tired, and not thinking as clear. Besides Afib have COPD so these heart drugs always make my breathing more challenged.
although I have had Afib for 5 years have been successful in taking care of them myself until the Shingle shot 4 days later put me in a 6 week spiral leaving me to have a cardio version & an ablation. After the Shingle shot my plain old afib went into Aflutter....feel like I am on a highway to hell. Anyone with arrhythmia issues I urge you to consult with your physician and think twice before having it administered.

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ME! I have been on Flechainide twice now for Afib. That is its worst side effect I have is bad stomach gas or indegestion which causes upper center chest pain. It also caused some chest tightness. I chew the Mylanta chewable gas tabs to combat it.

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I am bloating up like crazy since being on this drug. I called my doctor about it and he said to excercise it couldn't be from the flecainide. After reading this forum I will challenge him on his answer.

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Have you consulted your doctor?

It has been known to cause dyspepsia in anywhere from 1 to 3% of people that use it, according to the clinical studies.

If it is very severe, you should consult your doctor for a dosage adjustment or possible switch to a different medication.


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