Filling An Rx For Percocet, Same Dr. Prescribing (Page 4)
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I was issued 2 scripts from the same Dr. For 10mg/325 Oxycodone. Due to Surgery last week total Hip Replacement! I know I will have to pay out of pocket cause my insurance just filled at beginning of the month. He gave me 2 due to tolerance & going through PHYSICAL THERAPY 2 to 3 times a week! Why won't a pharmacy fill this for me if I am getting them from the same Dr?

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Re: Nick (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

GREAT post Nick. We need to get the government out of our medicine cabinets. I suffer greatly from RSD a nerve disorder. Most days I can hardly get out of bed because the pain of walking. I run out of my meds from time to time but I can't get a refill until the 30 days is up. Mind you I am taking 5mg of Norco which barley touches the pain. Most days I just don't feel like being here any more.

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Re: Maria (# 18) Expand Referenced Message

Wow, pharmacies now know more than Doctors?

Every month, on the same day I fill...
1) Klonopin 1mg ^ x3
2) Flexeril 10mg ^ x3
3) Suboxone 8mg x1
4) Ambien 10mg
5) Prilosec 20mg x1
6) Lamictal 15mg x1
7) Topamax 100mg x2
8) Seroquel 15mg x1
9) Effexor. 75mg x3
10) Ranidine
11) Furosemide 40mm x1

Over counter....
12) Multi Vitamin
13) Vitamin D
14) Vitamin B12
15) Iron
16) Vitamin C
17) Monthly B12 shot

My husband is a heart patient, 3 heart attacks, and also PTSD, chronic pain, the list goes on. He gets about double the amount of prescriptions I get.

So I need to choose anxiety, chronic pain so I don't wd, or muscle relaxers, so I can wash my floor, do a batch of laundry or just sit for a long car ride? I would change Pharmacy's, call Corporate for written policy...although nobody can make a pharmacist fill any prescription.

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Tommy, got your message about FDA. To tell you what I think about if a doctor wrote 2 scripts on the same date, he is playing games with you or he is not a real doctor. If the script is close within the date, like if you had to go back because you had to use more for pain because of your developed tolerance or the bad generics, you will probably have to pay cash IF the pharmacy will fill them for cash. If you cannot find one to fill them, your best bet is to get the doctor to call the insurance company first then the pharmacy after if you have to pay cash. For Humana they have I think what is called a pre-authorization where the doctor has to call the insurance co to get something special. That is Humana though. I don't know about other companies or what type of insurance you have.
Paul ET.

PS. Sometimes I bug the Humana to call the doctor and vice versa. Keep on them. Good Luck though.

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Hi all~
My hubby gets three prescriptions every three months. And they are all post-dated. I bet you this doctor just forgot to post date them. I would call and double-check. You don't want to get in any trouble. That wouldn't be good. Good luck and I hope you feel better.

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First of all Sorry about what you are going through but most people should know that Pharmacist Are God's Now or so they think. Your Pharmacist Will NOT fill them. If I were you, I would call your Dr. that wrote the prescriptions and make him change it. PRONTO- tell them what's going on and they should change it unless you've taken to many. With your surgery it's probably Take As Needed, Please be careful and Good Luck. Please Don't Sit around in PAIN!!! All else fails try another pharmacist and TELL them what's going on. Good Luck-

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It looks like there are two Paul's in here, I am the one asking for the link to the forms to fill out for bad Percocets (U17-generics.) I have some that I won't take either so they are up for testing from me too.

Paul- etechmaster

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Re: ED (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Ed~
Can you tell me WHY a Dr. would write 2 SEPERATE scripts for the SAME EXACT MED...SAME AMOUNT...SAME STRENGTH to be filled on the SAME DAY!!??

I don't get why the Dr. wouldn't JUST write 1 script for the total amount. Thanks.

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The price of 10-325 percocet is not expensive at all. I had the same thing happen to me. I told the pharmacy on the 2nd prescription I would pay cash for it. There was no problem. The price for 40 of the 10-325 percocets were $37. Good luck as I know how it is to have to have pain medicine being in chronic pain for well over 15 years. I am just glad there is pain medicine out there to help curb the pain for me.

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Have the dr write a script for a different mg. So get another script fot different mg and take in the 10 mg script. You cant have 2 scrips with the same mg

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Re: Maria (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

Yeah Maria...I bet her Dr. post-dated the 2nd one. I've had my Dr. do that a couple of times on a triplicate where he couldn't write in any refills. I hadn't thought about that!

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Re: SheriAmore (# 19) Expand Referenced Message

That's why I was wondering if the dr post dated the script or meant to and didn't. Doctors can give a person 3 different scripts for the same med, dosage, and quantity if they post date them. For example, they give you one that you can get filled today, and then the 2nd is post dated for 10-16 and the 3rd for 11-13. Tammy did not say in her post if that is what the dr did or not cuz it wouldn't make any sense for the dr to give her two different scripts for the same med, dose, and quantity with the same fill date. Any dr should know that pharmacies won't fill them both for her on the same day.

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Re: Maria (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Nobody's answering my question~


If he KNEW that TAMMY was going to need MORE MEDS; shouldn't he have written ONE RX for the SAME AMOUNT as the TWO!!?? And then CHANGE the INSTRUCTIONS so it would REFLECT the EXTRA AMOUNT.

Did I misread TAMMY'S ORIGINAL comment/question!!???

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Re: Kristyne (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Some pharmacies won't fill what they call "trinity" meds, so if you have a pain med, benzo, and muscle relaxer you can only get two of the three filled

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Re: Kimber (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

I agree! So many people r overdosing from abusing them and now the government is lumping us all into the same group and making it unfair for the people that use this kind of med properly and for legitimate reasons. It really scares me cuz I can't function or get out of bed until my med starts working and if the government has their way, no one will be able to get their meds anymore. I feel that it should be between the dr and patient and if people need these meds they should have a drug contract, only go to one dr to get the meds, only use one pharmacy to fill them each and every time, and the pharmacies should DOPL all the people on these meds to be sure that they r following all these things. But don't punish the people that need them and use them the way they r suppose to

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Re: Paul (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry to say but even if she were to pay cash, the pharmacy still will not be able to fill them both for her on the same day it would be illegal for them to do so if it's for the same exact med and strength. In this case the only thing she can do is fill the one script then fill the other one on the day the pharmacy allows it, some pharmacies allow them to be filled after 80% is gone and other pharmacies it may be 90%. Either way, if she is using the med as directed, she will have enough to last until the next fill and she won't be w/o the medication, she will just have to go back to get it filled. Even if the dr calls and/or writes a new script for a lower strength or for less pills, the pharmacy still might tell her she has to wait until the previous med has been used up to a certain amount before the other can be filled since she should still have a certain amount of pills left from the previous fill.

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Re: Patty (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Those are the jerks who have ruined it for people with legitimate pain!!

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Actually, the blame lies with an overgrown federal government seeking to regulate every aspect of our private lives - and for much of the past 100+ years this has included what kind of pills adults may wish to put into their own mouths and precisely how many they may take per day, with no exceptions, ever! Or else they threaten to lock you in a concrete/metal cage with violent criminals for several years. Their euphemism for this is "incarceration" and it's done every day to U.S. citizens who have never committed a violent crime in their entire lives.

Yet for the first 120 or so years of American history there were absolutely NO federal drug laws of any kind, no DEA and no one put in prison for purchasing the drugs of their choice. Were there any drugs? Oh yes, there were plenty of drugs, certainly not all the drugs available today. But in the 19th century there was opium, morphine, coke and marijuana to name a few. And adults could actually purchase many of these in whatever quantity they desired (and could pay for) from their Sears catalog, or their local pharmacy or even a general store, subject only to availability. People were free to follow the recommendations of their family doctor - and a doctor's prescription was just that, a recommendation. Or you could choose to educate yourself about medicine and the human body by reading (or not) and then decide for yourself. Now prescriptions have morphed into legal permits to obtain X amount of a specific drug, and deciding such matters for yourself is considered a very serious crime! It didn't even occur to 19th century politicians that the state could regulate what a man puts in his mouth, and they could see that drugs are not even mentioned in the Constitution (a point to which most of our modern politicians have become blind, deaf and dumb). To prohibit alcohol in the 1920's the politicians of that age at least had the decency to first amend the U.S. Constitution, before embarking on such an odd deviation from American traditions.

So was America in the 19th century a horrible disaster due to drugs? There were disasters to be sure, both natural and man-made. But drugs and alcohol were then available to help soothe the pain of those crushed. While many swear that it's far different from "drugs", alcohol (ethanol) is in fact just another drug, but one that is mentioned in the Bible, given in many Christian church ceremonies as a holy sacrament. and which happens to go well with food. However, some would say that it's one of the most harmful drugs of all when consistently used in excess.

During this free-wheeling time, the country as a whole grew, progressed and invented the future like no other nation on earth and soon became the wealthiest and strongest society in the world - all of this while drugs were easily available and completely legal. One might suspect that we've been tricked, and we have been.

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HI Tommy, hope you'r feeling better. You had answered your own question. The reason they will not fill them is because of your insurance company "says" they are not due. You might try to call them and tell them about your situation. Or any other way, you will have to pay cash. I know from my own experience. Did you use up all of the the first script according to the way it was prescribed? If you did not, then you may have a chance to have it changed to the new script. That should be possible. Good luck however. P.

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Re: Tammy (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Hi again...I'm still confused why your doctor just didn't write the COMPLETE amount of the 2 scripts on one prescription & change the directions on how to take it!!???

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Re: LAK (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

I wouldn't blame the FDA either. The blame lies in those who se their pain meds or abuse them!

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