Fill Oxycodone Prescription (Top voted first)
UpdatedCannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.
This situation you ladies are mentioning are making me very angry! My name is Donna. I have just been accepted as the Action Advocate State Leader of Florida for the American Pain Foundation. I am going to be representing for our state. I will be working to Advocate for our fellow floridians in pain. I am going to the annual convention next month and I get some answers. This deal of not filling legitimate prescriptions for pain patients needs to stop! There is no shortage. Its our legislators trying to make it hard for patients. They can stop the pill mills and illegal drug users, but our patients need help. Make sure you have a FB account. I'm going to be needing all those of you pain patients and caregivers to help me for our rights! I will be your voice in the media. I understand how all the bad stigma is affecting you and that's why I'm in the position I'm in. Hang in there. Try to speak with a manager at your pharmacy to get it ordered! And stick with the same place.
If you want better pain care and better pharmacy experiences you should support me in getting your voices heard. Contact me on Facebook on the American pain foundation page. I'm on the first group page that has the most members. There are meds available but they will not tell you on the phone. Best thing to do is find a smaller pharmacy and talk with the owner or manager. Large franchises are not personable. They won't save them for you or make sure your meds are on hand every month. We have work to do in fixing this mess.
I had an elevator fall on me. I used to work for otis elevator and live in largo florida. I have been going to pain management for 7 years, this doctor is not a quack, she gives you a full exam every month and only takes on so many patients. I have had 8 major heart attacks, i have been lucky up until this month and i am about to run out of my methadone, i have been out of my roxy 30s for a month now, i am very scared of what is going to happen when i run out of my methadone. I could die over this, which the pharmacy does not care the indian guy up the road st. marys pharmacy says yes he wants 9.50 a piece and no insurance and i see people shooting up in his parking lot, they should rot in hell, wallgreens has been ok with me even calling me to say hurry up and get here we just got them in usually friday. I am now hearing do not know when next order is in, i do not drive so i am unable to go to 500 pharmacies. I wonder if i could order them by mail or go to mexico????
my mother has gone to over 100 pharmacies with legit rx for legit level 10 pain has a broken back in tampa no one not one pharmacy will fill they all say they are OUT! it breaks my heart for her.
I'm sorry. I just read you post again. Its honestly really bothering me. I had problems with getting my very ill son's Rx filled a while back. Try going and talking to a pharmacy manager. I also contacted the main head quarters of the franchise we used. I'm sorry to say we raised holy h-ll. If worse case scenario go back to your doctor and get a Rx of something else. I know nothing else works exactly the same, but better than getting sick. My sons doc is in Sarasota and since we lived in a different county 1 pharmacy said the same thing. I will tell you that there is no new law of this. Its your pharmacy playing doctor. I would also print out a copy of pain patients rights. For our state and hand them that! I just can't believe they are doing this to you. If you don't mind me asking, what is your age? Older pain patients. I feel shouldn't be left to withdraw because of blood pressure issues. Plus if you are legit, its just down right cruel. God bless and hope something works out for you.
Jeremy your best bet is to look at the smaller pharmacies and not the big chain pharmacies. The smaller ones should carry them since they are paying cash per unit. They are not funded by local and state government to get their supply. I'm sorry to hear.
The problem still exists. I see a Pain Management doctor that is closer to my home. He has prescribed many different pain meds, most of which I CANNOT FILL. Why? I live in the "pill Capitol" of Florida, Pasco county. This is simply ridiculous! My pharmacy just went out of business (Kmart) and after going to hundreds of pharmacies, I have been told many of them refuse to carry MSContin (30mgER), Opana, etc. this past September, he wrote for Opana. I went to a bunch of pharmacies with the same result. Nope. I went back to my doctor, explained what had happened, and was given the MSContin. They even called the drug rep for that medication because the doctor was very upset, and told me he wouldn't change it again! The drug rep told me that I shouldn't have any trouble. She gave my doctors office a supposed list of pharmacies that not only carried it, but would fill it. How naive I was! Over 100+ miles and countless pharmacies later, no luck. I used to go to Kmart, but they required that the doctor be local. My former doctor was in Tampa. I finally switched to my current doctor, which is just a few miles from my home, and went back to Kmart. They were very good. They ordered it and that was that. At least it was, until the store went out of business. I have gone to the pharmacies they recommended, and low and behold, I'm right back to were I started! I am a disabled veteran (50%) and am now screwed! Legitiment prescriptions and people that truly need these medications are being turned away. I am counting the days when I can leave this unethical and barbaric state behind! I have addressed this before with our state rep, and it didn't do any good. It seems that, if anything, the situation is much worse. I hope they get that the way the system works now is causing many people to obtain meds or illicit drugs illegally. The only saving grace I see in the near future is Amendment 2. That is the only reason I will be voting. The 3 candidates running for governor are worthless. Mark my words, the "powers that be" that have made it next to impossible for people in true need to fill a legitiment prescription are also the ones to be held accountable for the many suicdes of people that are given no hope and without the help of their medication, cannot function and have no hope of help in the future. If amendment 2 falls thru, I know I personally am out of options. I am so tired of the looks I get when I have to go from pharmacy to pharmacy, all because of pill mills, dirty doctors, etc. If I make it out of this state alive, I will never look back to Florida again. If I don't, shame on you, Florida, drug distributors, manufactures and the government. I served my country with pride. There is NOTHING to be proud of when people are in need and the government shuns their need and gives them no hope.
I haven't been able to get mine filled for over week myself. It's a bunch of BS that the smaller pharmacies will take "cash only" for these things, since most of the people paying cash are the ones reselling them on the street. Meanwhile the people who actually need them can't find them anywhere. TPTB need to stop making people in pain suffer, when there's at least a little bit of relief to be had, because of the actions of stupid people who abuse them. Donna has it right too, they look at you like you're a drug addict looking for a fix.
I'd like to give you all a different perspective of the oxycodone problem. I am a pharmacist (practicing 16 years) and I have tried my best to help patients looking for oxycodone. I reject patients daily not because I don't want to help, but because there are too many oxycodone prescriptions being written these days. I have about 25 patients currently getting the medication on a monthly basis. There are pharmacies in my chain that have been open 10 years longer than me that dispense to only 1/3 that amount of patients. Now please hear me now. I dispense to 25 patients per month because the DEA will not allow me to order more drug because I am a high dispensing pharmacy. Pharmacies are restricted in ordering because of quantity limitations each month and year. I reject between 75 and 100 patents per month (3-4 times the amount of patients I dispense to). I do not have the ability to take care of this many oxycodone patients. No pharmacy in the state of Florida is allowed to order enough oxycodone to service all of the patients that come asking for it. You often are being rejected because there are too many patients on the same medication. I promise you that if 75% of oxycodone patients stopped getting it, the other 25% would have no problem anymore getting it. That is my first point.
Now for the part you may not like to hear. Oxycodone 30mg (#180) taking it every 4 to 6 hours is NOT appropriate pain therapy for most chronic pain patients. (I said most, there are very few exceptions). You may like it or think it works well, but appropriate pain therapy involves a long acting pain medication (like extended release morphine) with a short acting breakthrough pain medication (immediate release morphine or oxycodone 5mg used no more than 1 to 2 times a day at most). This is the therapy that is used in other states outside of Florida. Don't believe me? Prior to working in Florida, I worked in another state and worked hand in had with local pain doctors often acting as their go-to pharmacist when they need guidance. It would take me almost a year to use up #180 Oxycodone 30mg in that state. A YEAR! No pain doctors use this drug in many other states. In 2010, 90 out of the top 100 prescribers prescribing Oxycodone were in Florida. That's 90 of the top 100 in Florida and 10 of the top 100 in all 49 of the other states. That alone should tell you that something is up in this state. Only 10 doctors in 49 other states compared to 90 doctors in Florida.
As your pharmacist (and there is a possibility I am since I work here in Florida), I WANT to work with you to achieve pain control and I DO NOT want you to have to drive to more than one pharmacy to do it. Please believe me when I say Oxycodone 30mg is not the way to go. If you walk into my pharmacy, I do all I can to help you and my customers know it. I even offer customers I reject to help them contact their doctors and get them on a better pain management program. I’ll talk to your doctor if they are reluctant. I just have no more ability to fill any more Oxycodone and I don’t want you in pain.
One last thing of note from my point of view: When you try to force a pharmacy to fill your medication, you will not get what you want. If you try to play the “you have to give me this medication†game, I will make sure you will never get the medication from me or from pharmacists near me. Never threaten your pharmacist. We take it very serious and it will result an other pharmacies rejecting you. Kindness is always the best policy. There are state and federal laws governing how we must practice. I say practice because we are part of the healthcare team and are licensed practitioners. If you are a cash paying customer or get only controlled substances I am REQUIRED by law to call your prescription into question. I may believe you are legit when I call your doctor, he or she may verify it is a legit prescription. However, if it does not appear your pain therapy is designed for you and not just a standard therapy (Oxycodone 30mg #180-Alprazolam 2mg-Soma 350mg) it can still be considered not legitimate by law. Your doctor is required to customize your pain therapy for you, not the same one for every single one of his or her patients. Let me tell you, Oxycodone 30mg #180 SCREAMS not customized to a pharmacy.
I am posting because I want you all to know that there are those of us that want to help, but the help may require you to reevaluate your pain management instead of crying foul and demanding that that pharmacist dispense the pills. To those that feel the pharmacist is not part of your healthcare team or has no business questioning your prescription, do your research before you post dumb comments. In hospitals in some states, pharmacists often change your medications and even prescribe new medications. Many doctors consult respected pharmacists when they need recommendations. We know medicine. Part of that is knowing when it is appropriate or not appropriate.
I live in SW Florida (Fort Myers area), and have been in pain management and on Oxycodone 30 mg for several years now. I went to the doctor last week, and still can not find a pharmacy to fill my perscription. I keep getting the same answer, they are on back order. Does anyone know how to contact the manufacturer to see what the problem is and when it will be resolved? I don't know what to do. I am going to be very ill if I don't find them. Does anyone live in the area and have any suggestions? I am desperate to find them.
A class action law suit needs to begin asap against the DEA and complicit pharmacies who are interfering with the doctor patient relationship. This is medical malpractice on part of the pharmacists! Please, we need a good decent lawyer to stand up for all chronic pain sufferers. This is happening all across America!
Here is the deal:
I am legal... 61 years old with degenerative disc disease and stenosis of the cervical spine. I am in constant pain that is pretty much controlled by my extended release morphine.... but, I have a script for Oxy 30 for breakthrough pain... and I need it especially at night when I can't sleep or get comfortable for the pain. I need them during the day to keep me out of bed and productive... with the added boost I get from the Oxy my quality of life is worth living.
I go to a legit pain clinic that has been audited by the DEA and found in accordance. I go monthly and get a full exam each time I go... it is not a pain mill!
Now, I went to the closest Walgreen's to the clinic to get my script filled and they had the Oxys in stock... but wouldn't fill the script because they did not fill scripts for this doc. They would not give me explanation.
So, the patient gets punished for some reason they have against the doc. I am ready to boycott Walgreen's and take my (over) $3000 a year in meds to another pharmacy... BUT... I can't find one that will fill my Oxy scripts.
What are we to do... I am so tired of the running around to find a pharmacy that it has triggered DEPRESSION... did I mention I am Bi[polar? This is getting very serious as the depression can affect me as bad as the pain. I don't mean that is has made me upset and sad over this situation... I mean I have full blown DEPRESSION.... and my bipolar meds are not helping.
Now, I don't even want to go out to find a pharmacy... I just want to stay home... and tolerate the pain... as well as SELF MEDICATE!!! This is the dangerous side effect of this situation and NO ONE CARES!
Every pharm I have been to has treated me like an outcast... they are abrupt and rude in telling me they will not fill my script. When I ask why, they offer no explanation that is logical. None of them treat me as a patient in pain.
I am truly SICK over this... and feel I have no where to turn... used to be that I had trouble getting a doc to write the script... now the DEA has scared all the pharms into not wanting to mess with the narcotics at all. I take a controlled substance for my bipolar and I can't get it either.
Just needed to vent... thanks for listening...
Thank you so much for this information... because of it I am considering a Malpractice Suit against Walgreen's and certain pharmacists who have refused my legit script.
I have copied the article and sent it to the District Supervisor of the Walgreen's in question. I am giving him 10 days to call me to resolve the matter or else.
When I do file suit I will post the info on this board and you can join in if you like. Providing the censors allow my to post it.
Lets all contact Walgreens.... and put the fear of God in them. A class action suit would do it. I am ready to get involved and not take it anymore. I will post my lawyers name as soon as I get it set up and you guy s can join in the suit.
I have to agree with some of the recent posters that the blame is being put on the wrong people here. Forget about sueing Walgreens, any pharm that can't fill your Rx's, it's not them making the laws. The state I live in does not have the problems you all have yet but it is rolling across the country thanks to our elected officials. My PM saw this coming a few years ago and said we were in trouble now that the govt. is telling Dr.s how to treat instead of letting them do the job they were trained for.
Start writing your elected officials and start paying attention to whom is running for office and what their stand is on govt. running health care instead of Dr.s. our govt. has done such a great job that I am sure you trust them to care for you when you are sick, lol.
The Dr.s, pharmacy's are following the laws made by those elected in the last few years. They won't lose any lawsuits as they are following the regs set up by the DEA. Put your efforts where you might do some good
Obama Care could care less about our pain they only want to keep the amount of opioids in as short supply as possible by regulating how many drugs each company can sell every month.
I am afraid that it will only get worse before it gets better. Make yourself heard, don't waste your time and energy hating pharmacy's, make yourself heard by the ones making up these stupid regs. Stop letting the govt. tell your Dr. How to treat your pain.
You know. Someone should create a privately owned, membership only national database for pharmacies. The hell with the state monitoring programs. If you are legit and need the meds, pay for a program that monitors your dispensing history and proves you're a legitimate pain patient. Your doctor would submit your physical visits and diagnosis. Your pharmacies would submit all controlled meds into the database. The doctors and pharmacies would have access to the same information in the same format. Similarly to how insurances know all your visits/transactions, but this is for cash paying customers. Come to think of it, we could use an insurance companies current technology, like medco/caremark/express rx/etc, to monitor you fills. You must agree to submit all controls to them or you can lose your privileges. This would keep the honest people honest. Just a thought.
Great idea, there are power in numbers and we need to flood our state legislators with our concerns, problems and solutions. We are not numbers, these are living breathing people in pain who need these meds, I know people who are not in pain do not or cannot understand what we go through. I will be happy to send you my story and the history of all the BS I have had to got through the last ten years as the laws get tighter and tighter every year making it harder and harder to get my meds...Thanks for the suggestion, I am a firm believer in going through law makers and passing legislation to get things done. The problem is it seems to always be the negative voices that are heard, the pill mills, dr. shoppers and abusers, the oxicotin express from Fla. to the Carolinas, TN. and KY. and the people who have real problems suffer for it all....
True there is and always will be people who abuse drugs no matter what kind they are, pain meds included and they will go through any means to get them, lie, forge, steal and even try to rob the pharmacy. Here in Tennessee any pharmacy in east TN. does not even carry narcotics because their store gets broken into every couple of weeks, and fed-ex or UPS will not deliver to east TN. because their trucks get robbed. Middle and west TN. are okay, we do not have that problem but up in the mountains or long back roads in the east it happens. Just like people of any profession there are good and bad ones, you may be one of the good ones but I am sure many posters on here could tell you stories about the bad pharmacists. I had a run in with one in Nashville who was 30+ years graduated from U of Tenn. He wanted to see my medical history, my Dr. called him and ripped him a new one, I don't want my medical history shared with the public. Long story short he would not compound my meds because he thought it was too many, 360 for a 3 month supply, I asked him if he would fill 120 non compounded straight from the bottle and he said yes, no difference. So I went to another compoundng pharmacy and get then filled now. So there are always good and bad phamacists just as there good and bad patients. Many pharcists will short a script and take the meds or sell them, some will sell their out dated meds...So we have to work with each other, the Dr. diagnosis the condition and writes the appropiate medication, the pharmacists fills those meds, the pharmacists does not know our medical history or the severity of our condition...Just work with us legit patients, most will do whatever it takes to be accepted because they are legit and need their meds.
Chronic pain is a debilitating condition, no matter what the cause. The vast majority of patients go thru months and even years of treatments that simply do not work. We all have tried so many different medications, OTHER than opoiods to relieve the pain we are in every day. We do NOT want to have to take these powerful narcotics, but alas, the medical research has not kept up with what we are going thru. Personally, i have tried over 8 different medications over the course of 15 months in an attempt to find ANYTHING that might ease my pain and allow me to function on some level of normalcy. For me, they simply do not work. I have also tried a "synthetic" narcotic pain medicine and i may as well have been taking a baby aspirin for all the relief it brought, which was NONE.
Law makers are so focused on the "abusers" of these medicines and what they need to do to stop them, that they have totally lost sight of who these drugs were designed to help. We are NOT looking for the next high. We do NOT get a buzz from taking these meds. We do NOT even get adequate relief in many cases from taking these drugs. Too many of us suffer every day because of the laws that have been passed in the last few years. Our doctors and pharmacists are afraid to prescribe and fill our medicines and we are the ones that suffer. Yes, accidents happen, but that is not confined to this particular class of drugs. You can OD on just about anything, even OTC medicines.
Before you can pass judgement on anyone surrounding this issue, ask yourself this.... if your mother, father, sister, child were in extreme pain every day but they are not "allowed" to obtain a medication that would allow them to function outside of the bed they are lying in, wouldn't you insist that this medication be made available to them? That's what it's like...every day. Without these meds, patients become bound to bed rest and are suffering horrendously every day. I feel that there are more suicides from being unable to endure the pain any longer than there are lives saved by restricting addicts from getting them!
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