Fill Oxycodone Prescription
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Cannot fill them anywhere in Bradenton or Sarasota. Please help I have a real doctor and the pharmacy I have been going to the past year in my city says they will no longer fill out of county. Does anyone know of a pharmacy in Bradenton or Sarasota that can help a patient fill qty 180 oxycodone 30mg? Please help. On the verge of getting deathly ill w/out meds! Thank you.
Insurance company in-house pharmacy will fill meds
I live in Marion Co. You could call my pharmacy Cornerstone to check with them. I'm not sure how far that is but it might be worth the drive once per month. I hope this helps.
Re: Bengis mom (# 1002)
Were you told your state has a law that states Schedule II prescriptions must be filled in the county they were issued in ? I doubt any state has a law that states that. Although, I have no doubt some patients have been told that.
You can find out the laws in your states regarding Schedule II prescriptions. Put your state name+Schedule II prescriptions in Google.
Its really getting hard to fill prescriptions for pain medication because most all the big pharmacies won't anymore, I would look for the smaller private ones.
The other thing is it has to be filled wherever it was issued the county.
God bless you abd I will pray for you
Re: tiredofbeinginPain (# 994)
It's true - go to a small pharmacy. They will do everything they can to help you. That's exactly what I did
Re: Toothless (# 995)
Q+I found a small pharmacy and when I went in the 2nd time he kn ew my name and was so nice . The only thing he requested was for me to have all of my other prescriptions transferred to his store. No problem. He helped me
I'm having the same problem in Frostburg, Md. The said they can't fill any prescription 70 miles or more from their location. My Dr's office is only 76 miles away. The DEA is making it so hard for us
Re: sam (# 997)
You need to change to another pharmacy.
Re: Comments (# 8)
My pharmacy stopped filling my oxycodone til I started seeing a pain doctor.
Re: Comments (# 3)
Ty, it's about time someone speaks up for the disabled, veterans, and seniors that really need them for some quality of life and not to put us in the same category as kids that just want to feel high. It's not fair nor is it right! I live in Battle Creek, MI and they are terrible here.
Try independent pharmacies. They’re much more patient centered than the big ones. Maybe your insurance can help locate a provider. Definitely need to report this to Fl Board Of Pharmacy.
Yes, they do especially in Bradenton & Sarasota to Tampa Etc. I don’t live there but know this because of a friend's husband who was in horrible pain & her being in a car accident; too many things to list wrong & this was before the law passed there. Fl was the first state to try to do away with all opiate use no matter if you are dying. I would look at smaller local mom & pop pharmacy over big name ones & you might have to wait to get it filled if not in stock which they don’t seem to do. I feel for you. I am on the East coast and had no problems because I go to a hospital & I have more issues now than when I started & they still talk about wanting me to taper down. I am sorry that we are all not the same when it comes to the level of pain we can handle or our tolerance & that Heroin (not opiate) users screwed us in their joy ride! Good luck & I will pray you find a good Pharmacy.
Re: Verwon (# 9)
All you posted is the truth and you have all of these "negative" votes? Why? Many do not like hearing the FACTS. I was told by a Pharmacist that has worked for the same large Pharmacy chain for 10+ years that they have instituted many security measures and the one about saying they do not have any Schedule 2 pain medications on hand and cannot/will not fill a prescription is TRUE. The major Pharmacies have found out that people like to work in teams of 2 or more (usually a female calls in and a male does the robbery) and call in and ask if the Pharmacy has a certain opioid medication on hand and can they fill a prescription for ___ pills. If they answer in the affirmative then the caller sends in another of their "team" members to rob the store. There are other wrinkles to this "ploy" but the Pharmacies have been onto them for 2+ years and they ARE taking countermeasures. Some of you may not like this information but at least in the two States I have lived in it is a FACT.
No dice ....they stopped it everywhere unless u have cancer ....try subutex will save your life
Re: Comments (# 3)
Please remember that each Pharmacy can make up their own rules as they go. It does not matter what the Federal or State government says. If a person complains to upper management a lot of the time the lower store management will only get an “attaboy”. A lot of pharmacies would just as soon drive the chronic pain patients away from their pharmacy to another pharmacy. They do not care if they lose a little money. If the pharmacy gets a reputation for not serving pain medications they feel that it will lower their reputation in the crime community and they will be held up less.
Thanks, so many in need.
Re: Comments (# 8)
Back when the Pharmacies were being held up on a regular basis the Pharmacies started avoiding phone calls on any type of pain medications, which manufacturer they carry, or when they will be able to fill your prescription. Why? Because they knew that potential thieves were calling them up to find out if a certain medication was available and then send in one of their “associates” into the Pharmacy to hold it up. They told everyone that it would take a”couple of days” to fill their prescription when they KNEW they had the medication on hand because they figured this will deter thieves. I was known to a certain Pharmacy for 20 years and was told they could not fill my prescription for a “couple of days”. I was called an hour later and told to bring in my prescription because they could now fill it. I spoke to the Pharmacy manager who I had known for many years and she told me what was gong on. She said that if the tech that took your script did not know you that was what they were trained to say to you. This is the world we live in today.
Re: Comments (# 4)
Pharmacists are “playing Doctor” much more frequently now. They do not have your medical records, they, of course, do not examine you (they are not qualified by training to even do this) but they comment on your treatment constantly. Pharmacists are trained to know which medicines may react with other medications. That is all they should comment on. Long term chronic pain patients should never be “run through the gauntlet” by a Pharmacist.
Re: Comments (# 3)
Thank you for your support. However, I will never open another Facebook account. Facebook accounts can be weaponized against you and they have been caught using your data in ways that the account holder has not designated. Not to mention how Facebook has been (according to them) “hacked” thereby exposing even more of your personal data. If Facebook is the only way to communicate with you then that will rule me out.
Re: PATRICIA (# 2)
Unfortunately, with the climate for pain medications being what it is a Pharmacy can make up their own rules. They do not need anyone’s approval. Maybe, they are making that rule because they are now on the new limits on what amount of Schedule 2 pain relievers that they receive every week and they think that they can only serve their County. I lived in Florida when the pill mills were operating without almost any restrictions. There were no records kept and a person could go from place to place in one day and get several hundred Oxycontins in a DAY. In response Florida has passed the most draconian laws about filling pain medication scripts. Most people agree with their new laws but it is awful policy for the honest Chronic Pain patient. They have sacrificed honest people who have never abused their scripts to go after the street addicts and drug dealers. I guess it is their idea of “collateral damage”.
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