Fentanyl Patches Killing People! (Page 2)
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I would like to know WHY the FDA has not taken the Fentanyl Patch off the market? This drug is being handed out like candy. Anyone who is not terminal or under Hospice care or in a hospital invironment should not be using this drug. Why would a person be prescribed a medication that is 80 times stronger than morphine for a backache. I do not believe patients know how powerful this medication is. The warning should be labled in RED. When are you FDA going to realize This medication is killing while relieving pain! I know because it killed my son.

130 Replies (7 Pages)

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Re: Bengimom (# 103) Expand Referenced Message

Hey Ben, what is a DNA?? and how can that tell what pain med you need, strange? As far as hydromorphone, it’s simular or probably the same thing as OxyContin, just stronger, meaning 4 mgs is the same as 20 mgs of OxyContin, strange how a pain specialist would change your opioids, after all, they are all the same thing, according to my doctor, plus they all come off the same poppy plant, hmm

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Re: Shell Thomas (# 87) Expand Referenced Message

Yes, your appsolutly right, take it as prescribed, the problem is the people who abuse the system, the druggy, the person who ends up in the hospital for overdose and who bought it off the street, now the government gets involved and they think there doing the right thing by making it hard for the honest person who needs it, to get it, they should start charging these people who overdosed on something there not sopose to take, eh

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Re: Bengimom (# 107) Expand Referenced Message

You got a new Doctor, but I must say, you better look for a new doctor again, this one is playing with people’s lives. Your doctor sounds like he or she is trying to make a name for his self, he’s wanting to be a hero on his patients pain, I know how it feels, what I would do for now is go to the ER and explain your situation, good luck

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Re: Ralph (# 106) Expand Referenced Message

I wish I could say my new doctor would have changed his mind but he didn't and he literally changed all my meds. Put me on the Opana ER 10 mg which is the weakest twice a day and the oxymorphone ( diluad) 2 mg for breakthrough pain. So now I have to swallow all these pills with my stomach issues!! And I totally agree with you about 100 mcg of Fentenal over 3 days not being to strong when your opioid tolerant. I hate when these doctor's won't listen to the patient ??

I also hate that I lost my BEST DOCTOR EVER! I trusted him with my life, and I have not been able to say that about many doctor's I have for all the medical issues. Plus I had to wait for the doctor to do some pre authorization thing, which I never had that issue before either! So I haven't even gotten it yet.

What really makes me mad is the DEA is already up all the Pm doctors asses with a microscope so why change things around to alert them to look at things more? Its so wrong that the government and big pharma have NO COMPASSION for those of us who have REAL MEDICAL PROBLEMS, and not seeking to get high! Those are the ones who ruined it for everyone who truly needs this to be able to live. I have NO QUALITY OF LIFE WITHOUT THE RIGHT MEDICATION!

I'M so sorry for what you are going through. People don't understand unless they have been there, and they judge!! Not that I care! It's my body and only I know what kind of pain I have to deal with. What sucks is that I finally had a medication combo that allowed me to have a life and now I am back to who knows what because I haven't started yet!

Thanks for writing back!

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Re: Bengimom (# 104) Expand Referenced Message

How can your doctor just take you off Fentanyl? You will have bad withdrawals! People claim it’s such a powerful opioid, I guess fentanyl is but 100 mcg spread out over 3 days is nothing, I know, that’s what I been on for a year now, I’d be scared to change pain meds, I’m stage 4 cancer, big tomour in my rectum, lots of pain, no operation because it went thru the rectal wall , I’m also on hydromorphone for breakthrough pain, it’s the hydromorphone I don’t like, I’m thinking of talking to my doctor and giving up these hydromorphone for mabe another 25 mcg of the fentanyl patch or the fentanyl lozenges for the breakthrough pain, this way it’s also less drugs to take, good luck to you talking to your doctor, I hope he listens to you, after all, it’s your body

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OP: So sorry to hear about your son

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Re: Diana (# 99) Expand Referenced Message

I can't believe a doctor would have given you 100 mcg of Fentenal for Fybromalgia? I have 6 herniated disc's in my lower back and neck plus Fybro and many other autoimmune diseases and I had been on the 100 mcg Fentenal patches for almost 10 years, with 10 mg percocet for breakthrough pain. I had been switched to other things that didn't work and my doctor switched me back. I have never had to go higher ( don't want to). But I lost my most awesome doctor and now the doctor who took over for him is switching EVERYONE'S meds. Me included. He just put me on Opana ER 10mg twice a day and diluad 2 mg 4 a day for breakthrough pain.

This is what they tried me on before and it didn't work! I am praying for a miracle because 1st of all the less pills I have to swallow the better, I need up in the hospital January 2019 for 7 weeks due to a duodenum ulcer ( I didn't know that I had) because I was going to my Gastrointerolisist for years begging him to find out what was causing my stomach problems, nausea and vomiting and his answer was get off the pain medication and you will be ok???

Well because he wouldn't take me seriously. I ended up with an ulcer that accessed and perforated my stomach wall spewing out infection into my body! The pain was so bad I wanted to die! And that was while being on my Fentenal patch. They had to get the pain under control and IV antibiotics for 8 days before they could do anything else.

In the end I had to have abdominal surgery cut from my breast to my bellybutton and I went through horrible ordeal, still dealing with it.
Now I am going to have to be taking a bunch more pills when my patch worked great! I already have to take a handful (9)of pills and supplements each night for my other medical issues and that is why the patch was so awesome! And I tried to find another doctor and none available where I live. And this one I'm going to is a 5 to 6 hour day once a month. And I pay $200 cash each month.

What I would give to have my patches back. I haven't switched yet as it was just yesterday and my pharmacy has to order my new medication. If I could I would go off all of it but not an option! I tried it myself 8 years ago and I successfully detoxed myself by weaning off the patch but I couldn't handle the pain! I wanted to die if that was how I had to live. Couldn't get out of bed!

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Re: Kerry (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Kerry, I have a question for you. I have been in pain Management since 2008 and I have been on Fentenal patch 100 every 72 hrs with percocet 10 for breakthrough pain for almost 10 years. I switched doctors because my doctor was always 2 hours late for her patients and it ended up being a 6 to 7 hour day every month.

So I got referred to another doctor. 1st he did some kind of DNA test that is supposed to tell what medication works best on a person and he switched me to something called oxymorphone (a lower dose to start) and I think Dilaudid for breakthrough pain. I was very sick, like I was in withdrawal and I called them and they said I would have to wait until the next appointment.

So I went back to my former Pm doctor and she put me back on my Fentanyl. It is what works for me. I totally understand about how people would Rather die then have to live with this pain. I did detox myself years earlier because I had to move in with my parents in my 50's and they don't understand chronic pain so in their eyes I was a drug addict.

I weaned down successfully and was off over a month but the pain was so severe I had no life, couldn't work or barely function. One of my doctors I see for one of my autoimmune diseases told me to just go back on my medication and don't tell them because I have REAL ISSUES! So I did and was doing great on the Fentanyl and Percocet. Went back to work as a Hairdresser and my life was productive again.
Then I lost that doctor and there were only a handful 5 years ago to be referred to, she put me back to the doctor who had changed my meds but this time he kept me on the Fentanyl and Percocet.

We ended up having a great doctor/ patient relationship. He was an awesome doctor who I trusted with my life. I ran ALL my medical conditions by him. I had a duodenum ulcer abscess and perforated my stomach wall and I was in the hospital for 7 weeks, ended up having abdominal surgery. He helped me with great doctor's, and just knew a lot about all the issues I suffer with.

Well in January I was told he was out due to covid and another doctor took his place for that month. He immediately started messing with my medications, lowered my Fentanyl to 75 which I was willing to try. Then I got covid and because of the aching which was horrible I had to use some of my 100 mg had from when I was in the hospital. When I went back 2 weeks ago my doctor still was gone ( and I now know not coming back) So I told the new doctor that I had covid and I had to cut my patches to make them 100 because I was in so much pain.

He was ok with that but then he told me he was going to change my medication to the Hydromorphone and some other for breakthrough pain
He told me about the DNA test the other doctor had taken and that Fentanyl and Percocet are not the right combo for me. I tried to tell him that my doctor who is now gone tried that and I was in tears. He basically told me either I let him switch me or find another doctor.

So he said he would give me my medication this time but that was it. I tried to find another doctor but there are literally no pm doctors in my area. I had an appointment with one a few days ago and he said that the dose of medicine I was on was to high ( right after he told me that I have real issues). I was listening to all the people in the waiting room and he pushes pain pumps on everyone ( he has a whole set up there where he does everything, epidurals, injections, surgery). And they didn't take my insurance.

So after paying $300 up front of course he spent 5 minutes with me to tell me he COULD DO NOTHING FOR ME!! Because he would take away 75% of my medications. I left there literally in a panic attack! And I was freaking out about what was I going to do??

Thank God I got through to the other doctors office finally after 3 days abd the girls there all really like me, I have never had any trouble there so they kept me on my same appointment. I said all that to say this, I know he's going to want to change my medications.

What is in Hydromorphone and Dilaudid? And I still have some of my old medications left from being in the hospital, would they show up in a drug screen if I had to take an extra Percocet? I looked them up and they are still opioid I believe, so I don't understand why the need to switch anyway but looks like I will have no choice.

I'm so tired of all of this. I hate having to be on this but I can't take the pain.

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Re: Kerry (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Your right, I had trouble with my family doctor for a couple of years, he would not listen to anything I said, he had it in his head that I was just after pain killers, I told him for a couple of years about he bleeding I had when using the washroom and the pain was unbearable, it turns out I have rectal cancer, he told me for a couple of years it is arthritis, he would not recommend me to get a CT scan or anything, it took a trip to the ER and the ER doctor getting me this CT scan, my family doctor also fired me , a year before I found out I had terminal cancer, it’s only terminal because he would not help me out sooner, and the Er doctor helped me because I was skin and bone, I was pretty much ready to die, I am suing this family doctor now, basically I’m on chemo which I’m lucky it’s working on keeping my tumor from spreading or growing bigger, my tumor has come out of the rectal wall and spread to the lymphcnodes outside there, I was finally given Hydromorphone for a couple of years then changed to 100 mcg fentanyl, I need this pain killer, people with chronic pain need a painkiller that works, I would also be dead of pain if it wasn’t for this Ned, yes I will die of this cancer, but at least I got my life back now, my pain is now manageable, thank god and thank for your post, I kinda thought I was the only person needing a pain reliever and was, was, feeling guilty, thank you

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Because for most of us, they are fantastic. Cars also kill people.

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Re: Jackie (# 97) Expand Referenced Message

Jackie, I am so with you and all your issues. So totally insane and CRIMINAL this business of pre-approval, especially when you've already been on the medication. I went through the same issue 2 months straight because the insurance, doctor and pharmacy couldn't get on the same page. Without the medication, I cannot work or function. Why should we have to live in constant pain because someone else wants to feel high and overdose. If they don't want to take care of themselves, making our lives miserable and expensive isn't going to make a lick of difference to the so called opioid crisis. Whether it's alcohol or illicit drugs or the fentanyl, those who are determined to shut out reality are going to do so. Until they care for themselves and their loved ones, no amount of laws are going to change a thing. What they need is some kind of hope to look forward to but they want it handed to them without making an effort. I am very sorry for what you are going through.

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Re: Kevin (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. I have been on 100mg Fentanyl for Fibromyalgia for 2yrs and to get off them i have to go through a painful detox with a drug treatment center and take Suboxone to ease withdrawals. No dr ever told me what to do when the 100mg stopped working because my body became immune to them. I'm scared to death. It's supposed to be worse withdrawal than other opiates. So please think about this before taking it.

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Re: Julie (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Julie, I agree with all your posts. Especially as relating to god and children. I am allergic to all pain meds related to salicylates. Fortunately for me a doctor years ago noticed I was ending up with pneumonia every time I tried taking something for my arthritis pain. Narcotics are something that should be started slowly, giving the body time to adapt. At first I could only take a Percocet if I was going to lay down because I'd feel nauseated. Now, after ruptured disks from a couple of accidents, arthritis, and more, I take the Fentanyl patches and Oxycodone for bad days. Without this I would not have been able to continue working. I don't strive to be completely out of pain, just functional.

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I’m replying to all those who don’t have to take Fentanyl for extremely severe pain. Fentanyl may be handed out like candy but not by good committed physicians and pain management centers that truly monitor this services and drugs closely. Such professionals do regular blood checks and U/A's to assure patients are not overdosing or taking other drugs that they shouldn’t take for possible conflicts with medications. There are strict guidelines throughout doctors offices, pharmacies, and health plans. If a person even showed any signs of misusing any of the drugs prescribed red flags go off and these medications are properly removed and detox are conducted in a hospital setting.

There is another factor here and this is that for people who need such medications as they must follow directions to the letter. This doesn’t mean applying a patch too early and any person who would place this drug in their mouth are using misusing this and not following as directed. While I agree we need strict guidelines let me share another point of view. I attempted to use any method possible to keep away from opioid medications. I tried anti-inflammatory meds, inj's of every nerve in my back, legs, knees, and my back. I had nerve endings burned and tried things like yoga, acupuncture, chiropractic methods also only under close supervision by my primary care. I only use the in-network physicians and everyone of them know who prescribed what and have provided my care closely with medications and health treatments and provide medications just case of accidental overdose. Before I used any such drugs I tried a neurostimulator which if you don’t know what this is it is a device much like a pacemaker that you insert under the skin and it releases electronic pulses to targeted nerve damaged areas. Yet my attempts to try everything else known to man only brought on another issue. The neurostimulator was placed directly where my tumor is on L4L5 and anyone who knows with any medical knowledge this is the major nerve controls your legs, and spinal cord. This helped but what also was placed in my spinal cord that day, MRSA. If you haven’t hear of MRSA it is a super bacteria/virus that no antibiotics can touch. After a week when the physicians discovered the infection, they immediately removed the neurostimulator. You see I went to the doctor daily, asked questions and shared my concerns. They attempted to treat my infection with oral antibiotics that was like placing a bandaid on an open femoral artery bleed. It had no effect. This mean they rushed me to the hospital now remember there were no opioid meds in my system. Doctors quickly realized every organ was shutting down, my heart, kidneys, stomach, gallbladder, liver, gee is there anything I left our oh yes the pancreas. After five and a half weeks of intensive care my kidneys began to recover, my heart improved but not out of the woods, not everything else, my gallbladder was removed my liver did not respond to treatment and I no longer could take any medications that I needed for high blood pressure and other health issues etc. Oh that’s ok right as long as I’m not on Fentynal right? Wrong!!!! Again remember no opioids. All this to attempt to keep off the stuff. After this I spent 5 years of total bed rest simply because I was near death. My service dog lay by my side every minute trying to keep my spirits up. I don’t drink, don’t do any illegal drunks, and did I mention I care for my son with disabilities, and at that time my aging mother with congestive heart failure! Finally, they said to me as my body was slowly recovering they wanted to add Fentanyl as small amount at a time. All my doctors are on the same medical portal and no other doctor could cross the line to prescribe anything else l.

Ok folks I have a tumor in my spin, four disc needed to be repaired as well as my lower back has little support given where my tumor was. Each of these things could not be operated on, no I take if back C3 was fixed and they couldn’t touch any others as I would be totally paralyzed in my neck. I’m just now beginning to recover and by this I mean I can get out of bed and walk some. I’m in Fentanyl patch and due to new regulations that some of you have pushed for I can only get my Fentanyl patch 48 hours before I need it. So has any of you ever experienced problems of taking meds that dyes affect and multiple blends of color you are allergic to in your body or different genetics impact you stomach and causes severe vomiting. Well my body does just that I’m affected by colors and various generics. I may take the same medication from the same manufacturer and if it is orange dye in it I cannot take it but can take yellow dye. Are you following me here. I’m sensitive to any media color that enters my body, I coordinate everything I put in my body as I must remain alive to care for my son with disabilities My stomach never recovered so it remains paralyzed, that’s another story and now I get to take Fentanyl. Not my best option but the only option so I can take care of my son. I don’t lick the patch as no one should, I don’t ask doctors for multiple supplies as this is serious medication, I follow directions to the letter and yes there are side effects I truly can live without but the pain is incredible and I cannot walk, talk, get out of bed, dress myself, do stairs and I’m barely living only because I take Fentanyl. So I can’t get this only two days ahead of the last time I got it filled and my doctors all know my issues well, I get to the pharmacy Friday night and now this medication needs prior authorization. Did the health plan notify myself, the pharmacies, the physicians??? No I find out a special order is needed 38 hours before my next dose l of med was needed. Plus due to my sensitivity my medication it special ordered. This means no on call doc can call in an authorization it must be the prescribing doc. I was not notified, of this change in policy, nor was my doctors, nor was the pharmacy.. I needed my medication by Saturday. So nothing was covered for my meds. I know many of you know how I feel.. I had to pay $384.00 for my medication due to all of you who perhaps don’t truly understand the need or safe use of this medication. I realize some people have died, lost loved ones, some have terrible tragic effects, and you want it off the market. The health insurance is attempting to get a handle on the opioid abuse. Well this isn’t me and I would trade places with any one if you so you could live with my pain, you would be able to get the first handicapped space on the lot, you could pay the $384 dollars and get to see all my doctors for your outings as I do, and I will even let you try to oversee my son’s significant disabilities that which his disabilities could have happened to anyone of you, as I follow doctor’s order to the letter so I’m there for his life. It was just a freak issue that can happen to any woman in childbirth. I would gladly trade with you so I could walk the length of the parking lot, I could have fun with my son even with his disabilities, I wouldn’t have to take these toxic meds, which I don’t abuse. Then also you have to understand Fentanyl doesn’t make you high unless I guess you abuse it. So I don’t get why people think it does I do know I’m a responsible patient. I want to thank all of you who have complained for making my pain worse and my life a living hell because you think people don’t need this med. Perhaps I can lose everything and end up in a huge facility and the government could pay for all my care and my son’s care because we don’t have any options.

I now have new tumors throughout my body and boy I wish it was some of you who felt my pain and then be told “take two Tylenol’s and call the doctor in the morning! That isn’t my life, my life is hell and you are making it worse. I know many on this blog understand what I’m talking about and I know there is abuse of any medications but there are many very responsible adults who follow everything and if something happens to me it isn’t due to drugs it’s due to the fact that the Lord decided it was my time. My entire life has been dedicated to helping people with disabilities have better lives and now I’m on the other end and I’m still fighting the rights to receive the medications I need.. I think before one speaks they themselves need to try to walk in my shoes if you can walk or get out of bed to do so.I’m sorry if this offends but I have had to go through hell just to get my meds met on Friday to get through my day. My day consisted of having to strip my son’s bed and wash all of his pillows, sheets, bedspread, mattress cover, pillows four pillows that he soaked through during the night, his heavy quilted liners that I must also place under his mattress pad to assure his bed doesn’t get soaked. Then when this was all done I got to hang out with him and wat h him on a monitor to assure he was breathing overnight as I didn’t have help. Anyone want to trade bodies? Any takers? I’m sorry for any loss of life, any people that have had horrible reactions or situations but don’t blame this drug for it. You know I had a friend who overdosed on a full bottle of aspirin, one who drank herself to death, and yet another who took a lot of pills and alcohol ended up in the gutter and died from Sepsis. She wanted to die as did the person who took the aspirin, and the one that drank.

You can take this medication with sound medical advice, Being a responsible adult, becoming informed and with well-coordinated medical professionals. It’s safe.

There are some physicians who shouldn’t be prescribing to quickly or abuse their authority but not most physicians. The solution should be better communication systems of medical histories, more instruction on safety of such drugs and share what has been used before this was prescribed, rather than taking the drug off the market. There are pharmacy’s that do not take a full medical history of their patients, all of my pharmacies take this information and their computers flag and cautions. Patients should ask questions and provided clear instructions on how to use every drug. When I go to any of my pharmacy’s, (remember I have to go to several to assure I don't have allergic reactions to medications) yet each pharmacy has coordinated with the next. I have the responsibility and must try to remain alive to fill such responsibilities. Don’t take away my rights because many abuse the system and the drug. I’m not saying or pointing any figures at anyone I just want people to understand all points of view. Again I’m sorry anyone has to deal with the pain of losing a loved one and sorry that any person has to deal with any physical pain. It’s not a pretty picture no matter which way you look at it. Think before you take actions. My tumors and my medical issues are getting worse as ai age and all individuals will age and acquire some type of disability so I pray Fentanyl is around for you or a better safer drug. That’s a great idea.

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so very sorry for your loss I got them prescribed for back pain now if I take them off I feel like im gonna die the withdrawl is unbearable!!!

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Re: Kalix (# 91) Expand Referenced Message

Thank you for your statement; I feel that sometimes, those of us dealing with chronic pain can’t speak/type without making it personal which can lead to frayed nerves and unneeded stress! My hope is that people TRULY TAKE THE TIME TO READ these comments in their ENTIRETY in order to form a more well-informed opinion in this and every matter.

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Re: Julie (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

I absolutely agree. It's not the government's responsibility to practice medicine. After many,many years in pain, i am finally able to have a,productive life. I am on fentanyl patches ,a high dose. I resent ppl who know nothing abt what it's like to be in severe debilitating pain preaching to others. I also have cancer. And now I'm extremely worried I will b unable to get the med I need. It's disgusting

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Sorry for your loss. While people abuse pain killers there r people in pain who need them to just have any kind of normal life. We need to monitor pain meds more carefully. We also need to educate people how much danger there is in taking meds recreationally. I think they could build a machine that tracts meds and only gives them out at the prescribed time. We need to talk to people about how big a danger it is to take more than you're supposed to. We need to close our borders n stop drugs from coming in.

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I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your son. I am a Mom of two boys and I cannot imagine life without them.
Fentanyl has given me a chance at an active life. Without Fentanyl, I’d still be flat on my back, writhing in pain, not able to work, collecting Disability, and worst of all, not able to play with my two boys. With Fentanyl, I’m able to work and contribute to society along with being able to set a good example for my two boys. I’m far from being a “drug advocate”, but I am hardcore when it comes to being an advocate for what is proven to work and Fentanyl works for me.

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Although occasionally some people experience allergic reactions, user error and possibly even manufacturer defects, (I’m not implying that’s what happen with your son because I don’t know the circumstances) Fentanyl patches are generally safe for the majority of people who are prescribed them for chronic severe pain. It is a lot safer to put on a patch every three days then to be popping pills at will. With the patch you do not have any control over the release of the amount of drug into your system, unless you do something to compromise the patch. It is usually preferable to taking pills at will, often forgetting that you already have taken one or worse, deciding that you think you need more than the doctor has prescribed. Unfortunately, this is how many people develop dependence and then eventually addiction. As long as it’s done under the close supervision of a licensed pain management specialist where you are only given enough medication to last you for a certain amount of time until your next appointment with your specialist. In addition, if you are in a pain management program you are almost always required to submit to random U/A's to make sure that you are using your medication properly as well as to make sure that you are actually taking the medication yourself, not selling it, thereby endangering other people and/or feeding their addictions! With this type of program, with many built-in safeguards, the risk of becoming addicted or experiencing accidental overdose is actually quite low. Unfortunately people jump to the conclusion that anybody that’s on an opioid pain medication doesn’t need it or is just after a high, forgetting there are many many reasons somebody needs strong pain medication to even get through a day. Chronic pain can be very debilitating and cause extreme isolation, inability to work, change in personality, relationship problems, not to mention the immense physical and emotional suffering. Pain medications, when they’re used for legitimate reasons, help improve the quality of life for those who have real and quantifiable pain conditions.

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