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Fentanyl Withdrawal Symptoms 1672 REPLIES
Is it okay to chew a Fentanyl 50mg pain patch? 724 REPLIES
fentanyl patch withdrawal symptoms and duration 311 REPLIES

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What is a light blue oval pill that's blank on one side and has 4 raised lines on the other about 1/2 an inch long? Is it an opiate? ## I had the same question until my brother showed me... It's Wrigley's Eclipse Mint ## I looked up Wrigley's Eclipse Mint and their "Natural Germ Killing Eclipse Mint - Peppermint Flavor" has four raised lines on the light blue side as depicted, but the other blank side of the pill is white instead of blue, which wasn't mentioned by the original poster. Just wondering if you happen to have any additional information that can verify this finding? One thing is for certain though and that is, it's not an opiate (at least one that's manufactured in the US) as the FDA requires pill imprints for identification. ## the eclipse...

8 REPLIES Updated

I've used just about every area on both my arm for patch placement except over a tattoo on my right arm. The tattoo is over 30 years old but it was done with a lot ink saturation. Can the patch be applied directly over this? I've never put one there because I thought it might inhibit the medicine from penetrating. Any help is greatly appreciated. This is my second post. ## Yes, you can place it over your tatts. My arms are sleeves and I am on 100 every 48 hours for chronic pancreatitis. ## has anyone tryed the new sandoz 75mcg transderm patch. just got them. And have been haveing bad stomach problems?? ## Yes you can put a patch over a tattoo I had one on my lower abbs and had no problem,but should alternate where you put it every time,arm upper backside,but not on the waist. ##...

11 REPLIES Updated

A friend who isn’t me is on Fentanyl (d1) but the amount that, that person has done is not showing equivalent to what can be said years of experience and battle. I think maybe a certain cut is hyper counteracting the opiate, maybe a high amount of caffeine or sugar mix (d2). Can said person overdose on said counteractive? Another variable/Question: Say that person has higher tolerance of (d1), can that person OD on (d2)?


i have been on fentanyl 25mcg for about a yr. i am decreasing to 12.5 mcg for a week and then no more patches after. how long will it take to considering the info. will it take for the withdrawal to start and stop. i understand everyone is different. i will be taking valium 5mg for a couple days to ease the effects. any info would be great. ## Yes, everyone is different, so it really makes it hard to say, because it is going to vary. I stopped heavy doses of Oxycodone and Morphine cold turkey, after being on them for about 6 or 7 years for pain management and my withdrawal symptoms lasted for about a month. Hopefully the Valium will help. Has your doctor given you any other advice? ## Thanks for ur info. Several yrs ago I stopped fiorcet w codeine (on it for 4 yrs) and it took about tha...

55 REPLIES Updated

I've been prescribed fentanyl 50mg pain patches and i was just wondering if it's okay to cut one in half an chew on it? ## IT IS NEVER OK TO MISUSE ANY TYPE OF MEDICATION, ESPECIALLY A MEDICATION LIKE FENTANYL. A VERY POWERFUL OPOID THAT CAN KILL SOMEONE. To many times patients are brought in the Emergency Rooms due to accidental overdoses and are pronounced dead. IF this medication was to be taken orally, then it would be prescribed in that manner. So many drug addicts crowd the Emergency Rooms with false pretends in order to obtain all kinds of narcotics. This only hurts the real patients who do have real pain and doctors are slow to prescribe medications and thus the true pain patient suffer. If the person who posted this comment dies due to the advise given, will your other ...

724 REPLIES Updated

I wear a 100 Mcg Fentyl patch every 48 hrs and I am giving 10;a 20 day supply. I live in New Jersey. How many days early( besides the full 20 day's), can I refill them? ## Zero days!!!! fentanyl is one the most dangerous rxs on the market especially that route of administration (transdermal) second only to methadone. If your dose isn't holding you (most intractable patients receive effective analgesia for 72 hrs) speak to the prescribing doc. Perhaps there's a more effective pain relieving option available or additional short acting rx for "breakthrough" pain. It's very easy for some uniformed overworked pharmacy tech. or rph to misconstrue your intentions (ESPECIALLY in NJ of late). That's the last thing you need, I've been on both sides of this issue bu...

2 REPLIES Updated

I'm on the Fentanyl 50-mcg/hr that's made by the Par Pharmaceutical & I've found out that these are the closest Generic to the Brand name Duragesic & wanted to know if they also make the Generic Endocet 10/325 that i have to take for BTP each day. ## What are the markings on the generic Endocet that you are taking? I'm sorry, but since there are many generics available, I can't tell you anything specific about them, without this additional identifying information. Endocet is an opiate analgesic, so the FDA warns that it carries the risk of being habit forming, and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, and constipation. Ref: Endocet Information ## I was on 75mcg & 10/325 hydrocodone, but after govt interference the patch was reduced ...

2 REPLIES Updated

I need to get off of Fentanyl but can't find any help. Where can I get some help for withdrawal on Fentanyl patches in the Atlanta Georgia area? ## Faye, if you still need help, get a doctor to prescribe you tramadol. I cold turkeyed off fentanyl over 6 months ago, and my doctor told me afterward that if I needed it, he would have given me tramadol. My withdrawal wasn't too bad, just a little insomnia. I was only on 100 MG fentanyl patches every 48 hours for 2 years. But my doctor said tramadol is the best thing to withdraw from opium-based drugs. ## Faye, it would be best to consult your doctor, they can help you set up a safe, and tolerable tapering schedule to help you stop using the Fentanyl. The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming, and may...

3 REPLIES Updated

I've contacted sam's club & various pharmacies before, concerning anxiety meds and fentanyl patches that don't even match the description and a new mystery percocet every month. I suffer ptsd / anxiety / panic. And I can dam sure tell in 10 minutes if it's junk or a rip off. Hospitals don't use generics. Wow!! Meds that work. While family and dr's write you off as a dope head & your suffering when you shouldn't be. They blame tolerance issues, claim generics are exactly the same and know it's a lie. Who will listen to our complaints? It's cruelty and fraud. ## Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus, or minus 20% of the active ingredient, and they do not have to measure against ...

1 REPLY Updated

My wife has fibromyalgia and is in a significant amount of pain every day. She has been on a 100mg fentanyl patch for years. Then she chose to reduce it to a 50mg patch. She does not want to be on this patch any longer. She quit cold turkey. She is on day 4 without a patch and I just want everyone to know that my wife did it! My wife is going through hell right now but she is fighting and she is doing it! ## All opiates are an adventure, in my opinion, and quite often aren't worth the little bit of help with pain that they provide, but not everyone will agree with me. I'm glad your wife is doing well, but please keep an eye on her for another week, or so, as there is still a slight risk of her experiencing some dangerous withdrawal symptoms, such as severe rebound pain, and seiz...

1 REPLY Updated

I'm trying to wean myself off the Fentanyl patch. I went from 75 micro-gms to 50 now I'm on 25. Having a problem and not sure it is related to the decrease in the med. It's been 20 days on the 25 micro-gm and I'm going crazy. I need to keep rocking, moving in any way b/c my body is very restless. Is this a symptom of withdrawal and what do I do? I cannot take it any more. ## Yes, that can be caused by withdrawal, you probably jumped down in dosage a little too fast. This med is very, very strong, 80 times stronger than Morphine and it has a half-life of 17 hours, so that means once you take off the patch, it takes 17 hours until it has dwindled to 50% off the full dose in your body, then it slows and actually takes 3 or 4 days before it is all out of your system. So if y...

1672 REPLIES Updated

I've had a pain pump since 2007 until April of 2022. In all those years I never missed a refill for one thing as to do so could be fatal. Refills took place every 4 months. But in April 2022 due to a severe illness I wasn't able to get my pump refill and my pump ran out of medicine. Once that happened I was surely looking death in the eye as I was already very ill. However nothing happened once my pump ran out of medicine. This could mean only one thing. At some point I was slowly removed from the Fentanyl as to not suffer any side effects and it was replaced with what I may never know. The first 7 yrs. after getting the pain pump life was good. But in 2014 that all came to an end and my constant severe pain returned to my lower back but because I was getting three other types o...


Is there any way of finding out which pharmacies contract with certain distributors? My pharmacy informed me when I went in to fill my prescription that they've been unable to order the fentanyl patches I've been receiving (used to be Mallinckrodt, recently Alvogen), and tbh anytime things deviate from the norm they don't provide me with much information, are very difficult to communicate with, and not very helpful, so them trying to track down a distributor that does have them or arming me with information to remedy the situation some other way is pretty much out of the question. They probably have a contract with only one or two distributors anyway, and apparently they're the distributors experiencing shortage. I looked up fentanyl transdermal shortages and a post ment...

1 REPLY Updated

I have now tested positive 2 different times for Fentanyl which I have never taken. I'm prescribed Trazodone, Gabapentin, Suboxone and Bupropion. Is there any reason that this could happen, or should I be worried that I'm being drugged? ## I have also tested false-positive for Fentanyl on a mouth swab test for DCS. I also take Suboxone, Gabapentin, Remeron, Omeprazole, Cymbalta, Micronor (birth control), and Melatonin. I KNOW I haven't been exposed to this drug, what could cause this?? They are opening a DCS case and I could lose custody of my son because of this. The mouth swab took over 10 minutes too administer, and it did NOT turn blue, my mouth was so dry I couldn't get any spit to come out because I was having a panic attack. The Fentanyl showed up at 15.8 ng, whic...

55 REPLIES Updated

Man the amount of people who have no clue what they are talking about yet spitting advice on it like they are an expert is bewildering. NO FENTANYL does not show up as an opiate on any test anywhere. In fact the only things that will show up as an opiate are morphine, codeine, and heroin and that is because heroin and morphine metabolize into morphine. Not even oxycodone or hydrocodone can be detected as an opiate they have to be specifically tested for as they metabolize differently, same with methadone, methadone has to be specifically tested for, it will not show up as anything but methadone. So unless the test you are taking is specifically testing for fentanyl then you will be fine. The question is whether or not the test you are taking is testing for fentanyl. I have yet to see a ...

274 REPLIES Updated

i need to know how ong fentanyl 100mcg/hr stay in your urine. how long can it be detected after taking your patch off? ## If you have a valid prescription, then it does not matter, you simply need to make them aware of it when you have the test. Fentanyl has a short half-life of only 7 hours, so it will be out of your system in approximately 48 hours. ## Been on 100 mcg patch for several yrs..no trouble except patch is only effective for 48 hrs, not 72. Have no side effects. Starting to notice I'm not getting as much relief. tried two patches and was fine and got needed relief. ## I have been chewing fentanyl patches for the past couple of weeks. after I chew this last patch how long will it take to leave my system? I have to pass pee test on january 20th. Will it show up then? ## P...

122 REPLIES Updated

I have been with Dr galang for 5 yrs now n where I get my meds they got a new pharmacist n she is giving me probs on filling all of them. I take norco 10/325, Fentanyl 75 mcg x 15, soma 350 120 a month and temazepam 30mg x 30 a month. I also get klonapin 1 mg 2x daily. N sequel from my psychiatrist. Would you have a prob filling these? I've been on theses meds plus epidural every 6 months. As I said for the last 5 yrs I've been at the same pharmacy n never had a prob. And this one thinks she's God. My Dr is very upset. I live in ft myers and I would transfer all my scripts. I would greatly appreciate if you would help. N I've been out of my Norco for 4 days and I'm starting to get sick. Please get back to me asap. {edited for privacy}. Thank you so kindly. ## I live ...

2 REPLIES Updated

I have been reading all of the posts on Fent. pain patches. I have been on 25 MG since March 2009. I was on one brand and could not get it to stay stuck after a hot flash. I am in surgically induced menopause. The pharm then switched brands, which do stick better. But I have noticed about an hour after a hot flash that I get dizzy and sick to my tummy. I also am in stage 3 kidney failure. I decided to call the number on the back Mylan box. YES, body temp. changes, such as fever or menopause, or even rise from exercise, can cause the patch to release more med than it should. ALSO, in my talking with the company I learned I should NOT be taking it with my kidney failure as it IS processed thru the kidneys. I am going to a highly respected pain doc in our area. When I told them about the k...

1 REPLY Updated

I have been on Fentanyl patches 100mcg for several years now. Unfortunately it wouldn't always cover my pain and I would have to get another prescription from another doctor as a bridge to the original prescription. Due to the regulations in New York I was found out and now both doctors are threatening to cut me off. I need a pain management specialist who will understand this and will start SLOWLY taking me off of the patches, at least the current dose. I am in Westchester, County New York. Any advice? I will be in withdrawals in a day or two. ## Have you had any luck? Im in westchester county as well and while I have a script I can't get it filled for the Sandoz brand the Dr. has prescribed. ## Sorry I know this is late and I hope you found something. I was taken off my fentyn...

2 REPLIES Updated

fentynayl patches - we need MDs willing to prescribe to those that suffer ## You're looking for a doctor in that area that will prescribe these and treat multiple people? I really don't think it's going to be possible to a guarantee for either one. Learn more Fentanyl details here. Most doctors are going to shy away immediately if you're asking for a certain medication, because they'll view that as drug seeking behavior. What is the issue that needs treated? ## Try Consultants in Pain, they were one of the first pain management groups in San Antonio. They will prescribe anything, if it is warranted. ## I was on 75 F patch +6 10/325 hydrocodone till the govt became tyrannical in the medical field. No where in the constitution does the govt get the power to regulate wh...

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