White Pill With U16 & Others
UpdatedI've contacted sam's club & various pharmacies before, concerning anxiety meds and fentanyl patches that don't even match the description and a new mystery percocet every month. I suffer ptsd / anxiety / panic. And I can dam sure tell in 10 minutes if it's junk or a rip off. Hospitals don't use generics. Wow!! Meds that work. While family and dr's write you off as a dope head & your suffering when you shouldn't be. They blame tolerance issues, claim generics are exactly the same and know it's a lie. Who will listen to our complaints? It's cruelty and fraud.
1 Reply
Under the Hatch-Waxman Act of 1984, generics are allowed to differ from the name brand by as much as plus, or minus 20% of the active ingredient, and they do not have to measure against each other, only against the name brand, so there can be differences from one generic to another.
Ref: Hatch-Waxman Act
Thus, it is not considered cruel, or fraudulent, but an acceptable difference that helps bring generic drugs to market faster, and helps keep them cheaper.
Note, I am not saying that I support this, or agree with it, I am just informing you of how the law currently stands. The FDA considers that +/-20% variation to be an acceptable therapeutic window that will not alter a medication's efficacy. I've had problems with some generics myself.
The only thing you can do is to report your bad experiences to the FDA, which you can do by calling 1-888-INFO-FDA.
Is there anything I can help with?
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