Feelings Of Using
(Newest replies first)
Hello everyone! I've been on suboxone 4 almost 8 years now. Due 2 Oxy addiction and pain. Had many of surgeries and lots of medical problems. Also, on klonopin 4 anxiety and PTSD. I've never had any cravings 2 want 2 use until now . I just had my cat of 14 years put 2 sleep this morning. She had a huge lump in her neck that was stopping her breathing. She was my baby, slept with me every night and followed me every where . I have been crying my eyes out all day and night. What's bothering me is the cravings 2 want 2 use. I don't want 2 ruin my sobriety, but, these feelings r so strong. Has anyone else ever get cravings? Especially during a hard time? And , will they pass soon. I'm sorry if I rambled on, but, needed. 2 ask. ThanksG for your input.
Hey jolted, did u get my posts?
Hi, Don,t forget to take your subs to arizona with you. If you were to run out there you,d be out of luck. My cats doing fine. She,s meowing for her dinner.
Hey Jolter, did u get my last post about me going 2 Arizona tomorrow?
Don,t forget to take your subs with you.
Good Morning, Jolter! I sent u a post yesterday , but, it said, ( up 4 review) I don't think it went through. Hopefully, u will get this one. The weather sounds beautiful down there. It's been in the 40s and 50s here. No spring yet. But, as u know, that's New England. How's your kitty? I'm going 2 Arizona tomorrow 2 visit my mom and her side of the family. Will b back on May 10th. But I'll b on the posts and I'll keep in touch with u. I consider u a friend, I'm so use 2 talking with u now. Well, have a good day. Talk soon.
Hey Jolter, I got your text. Did u c the post Verwon left us? That's bull crap. He says they have 2 monitor what is posted, b cause it's a family friendly site. (Or something like that) peop talk about drugs and miscarriages and what not, but, that's ok? They need 2 monitor personal info. I saw a post where someone gave someone else Drs numbers. How's that work? Sorry, I'm a little upset right now.(about that)
Hey cats, how you doing with those cravings?
Hi, This is my fourth time on subs. 3 times with a sub dr. and one time I did it myself with subs I had left over from previous time. Only been back on a little under 2 months this time at 12mg/day. I,ve never been on subs for a long time. 3-5 months tops each time. I,ve tapered and got off them the other times. I'm planning on remaining on them for longer this time. I,m a plumber but working on a lot of irrigation systems this time of year. It was suppose to get into the upper 80,s today but I don,t think it made it that high. It,s 81 right now at around 5:30PM. Well gonna get something to eat and feed the cat. Talk to you later.
Hey Jolter, hope u got my post. Might have pressed the wrong button? Let me know. U r probably working now.
Dear Patti, thank u 4 replying. The urges 2 use r pretty much gone. I'm still missing my Hannah. I'm sorry about you loss 2. I'm going 2 get another cat, but, I'm going 2 wait a little while.
Dear Barbara, thank u 4 your reply. The urges r pretty much gone. But I'm still missing my Hannah. But, i know time heals all wounds.
Dear Jolter, I'm doing better with the cravings. I'm still missing my Hannah, though. It's only been 5 days. But, time heals all wounds. No, I never told my Dr about the cravings. I'm already on 3 (8mg) a day. And, I take klonopin 4 anxiety . Which, usually helps. So, u usu 2 live in Boston? It's still cold up here 4 this time of year. It must b warmer down there? How r u doing? I was going 2 text u yesterday, but, didn't want 2 bother u with u working. How long have u been on subs? I've been on 4 almost 8 years. Use 2 b I methadone b 4 that. When I went. 2 taper down, got 2 (24mg) and couldn't take the withdrawals. So , ended up on subs. 4 the most part, they work great. What do u do. 4 work? I'm a nurse. But, out of work right now.
Hey cats, How you doing today?
Cats68, I am so sorry for your loss. I had to put my puppy down a year ago and thought I wasn't going to make it. A friend suggested that I start a search for a New puppy right away. I found one and had it within 30 days. I didn't look for a replacement. I looked for a New puppy. You CAN get through this. Go to your local shelter and find a new cat. It will love you for ever! I know, it worked for me. I felt guilty even at the thought of looking for a new puppy so soon. But when I saw how much quicker I went through the grieving process, I would recommend it to everyone,good luck to. Don't start using, get that new kitty that will be your friend for forever. I know it's not easy. Hang in!
I am so sorry to hear of your loss. Our pets can be like our babies and we love them dearly, as they do us. It is not uncommon to crave something that alleviates any discomfort when we are in a high stress situation. Our cortisol levels go up under stress and causes problems for us. Please hang in there and do anything to distract yourself during that time. It will pass and you will be glad you stuck it out. Go to bed esrly, go for a walk or go to a movie or visit a friend. Just get through it. I wish you well.
I know about R.I. weather, I grew up in Boston. Are you ever gonna get another cat? I was wondering if you told your sub dr. that your getting urges to feel high? He'd probably just up your dose. Subs are suppose to take away those feelings but sometimes they don,t for me. This must be what they mean by mentally needing it and physically needing it. I guess sometimes i mentally think about being high but when I don't I do not get physically sick. Not sure that makes much sense. I know what I mean I just have a hard time putting it in words. Plus my spelling stinks lol.
Hey Jolter, the urges r going away slowly, but, surely. Hope u have a good day at work. Must b warmer down where u r? It's still cold up here. (30s) in the am with wicked winds. Still crying and missing my Hannah. Catch ya later!
Hey cats, I,m from Tenn. My DOC was oxy too. I don,t know why they keep reviewing my posts. Your gonna get another one I sent yesterday. It pretty much says the same as my first reply. Oh well. Gotta get to work soon. Have those urges to use gone away?
Hey Jolter, hope u didn't take it out of context.
Dear Jolter, that is funny. U c, I have this new phone and I'm still learning 2 set things up and use it. I can make calls, text and surf the web. But, I can't set up mail, I mean, I can't send mail or receive mail personally. Did u get my last post? What state r u from? I'm from Rhode Island. Like 2 talk about certain things.
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