Feelings Of Using (Page 2)
(Newest replies first)
Hello everyone! I've been on suboxone 4 almost 8 years now. Due 2 Oxy addiction and pain. Had many of surgeries and lots of medical problems. Also, on klonopin 4 anxiety and PTSD. I've never had any cravings 2 want 2 use until now . I just had my cat of 14 years put 2 sleep this morning. She had a huge lump in her neck that was stopping her breathing. She was my baby, slept with me every night and followed me every where . I have been crying my eyes out all day and night. What's bothering me is the cravings 2 want 2 use. I don't want 2 ruin my sobriety, but, these feelings r so strong. Has anyone else ever get cravings? Especially during a hard time? And , will they pass soon. I'm sorry if I rambled on, but, needed. 2 ask. ThanksG for your input.
Hey cat, I didn,t see that they finally posted my reply so i sent you another one and guess what? there reviewing it. lol. It says about the same thing as my first reply so ya can read it or ignore it. I thought that was funny that they needed to review it again.
Hi, Don't know why they didn't show my reply. Anyways, yes, I get the urge to feel high quite a bit. It may help if you can find someone to talk to. Do you go to meetings? Even going for a walk or watching tv or just going to sleep helps.
Sorry to hear about your cat. I had one for 19yrs and had to have him put to sleep. Took in a stray a while back and now she pretty much took over the house around here lol.
When your feeling up to it you might want to take a trip down to the animal shelter and take a look around. Something down there may catch your eye or your heart.
I can't have a dog where I live but the cats plenty of company. Hope your urges go away quickly. As far as I,m concerned it,s just part of the whole addiction thing. Who knows, I might get them off and on until the day I die. I,m not gonna worry about it. Hang in there!
Dear Jolter, sorry 2 hear about your cat. It totally stinks! I had 1 I lost 6 and a half months ago and she was almost 23. She couldn't walk any more due 2 kidney failure and old age. Sometimes when you're alone or even feel alone, they r always there 4 u. Anyway, thank you so much 4 responding. This addiction thing is So cunning and baffling. It can sneak up on u anytime, out of no where. My drug was Oxy and I never thought I'd get addicted. Went on methadone 4 awhile, thought I could get off. (Yeah, right) ended up here on suboxone. But if it keeps me clean and takes the cravings away, helps some what with pain, I'll take it, thanks, again! What state r u from? I'm from Rhode Island. Still freezing my butt off.
Dear Jolter, I never received the post. It must take hours. I was able 2 sleep 4 awhile, but, then I woke up an hour later from a drug dream. Did u ever have those?
Dear Jolter, thanks 4 trying, I'll check back in awhile.
Hi, I replied to your post but it needs to be reviewed. urrgg....
Hi, Sorry to hear about your cat. I know what you mean about getting those urges to feel high. I get them quite often. You could try going to a meeting or just going for a walk may help. If you have a friend that you can talk to that may help. I just watch tv or go to sleep if I,m at home until feeling passes. Wish I could be more helpful. I havn,t really fiquired out what to do when I feel like that.
I had to put my cat to sleep a couple yrs. ago. He was 19 yrs. old. Had him the whole time. A very young stray female cat kept coming around about a year ago so i took her to the vet and got her fixed and shots and checkup. Now she has taken over the place. She won,t go out. I,ll set her outside and she hangs on the screen door and yells until I open door and she runs back in. She,s actually very good company. I can,t have a dog where I live. Maybe after awhile you may want to consider getting another pet. Hope those urges go away soon for you. I just chalk them up to another part of the whole addiction thing.
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