False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 13) (Top voted first)


I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

262 Replies (14 Pages)

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Re: tk (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Pls send me documents to prove this I am facing same problem and looking at jail time thanks

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Will the old Stacker 3 (the ones they took off the shelf 15 to 20 years ago) cause a false positive for methamphetamine on a drug test?

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I recently had a drug test and tested positive for Methamphetimines. I DO NOT use drugs and the only thing I was using different at the time was Sudafed + Mucinex DM and breathing treatments as I ended up with the flu and pneumonia. I have been in the hospital twice since and they gave me another drug test again after me taking all kinds of meds at the hospital. Why would they do these tests knowing I will fail?

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I had a mouth (oral) swab at drug court and I’ve been clean for 9 months, but the oral swab came back positive for Methamphetamine and Amphetamines. Is that from the Fluoxetine???

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Re: tk (# 165) Expand Referenced Message

Still didn't answer my question does doxycycline give you a positive u a for meth

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My daughter in law just had a baby (6 weeks early). In the hospital they were giving her terbutaline. She had a drug test and it was positive for methamphetamine. She's a good mom and wouldn't do that. Will the terbutaline throw a false positive??

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I had a ua at work that came positive for amphetamines. Did not use any illegal substance! I have kidney disease and when the test was taken, I has pneumonia and terrible headcold and also took nyquil, dayquil, and an inhaler. Only other regular meds s I take are insulin and zantac. I think the test was a GC/MS test. I requested to have split sample tested by highly doubt it would change results.....(same urine). Would my condition (diabetic with kidney probs) and/or my meds be to blame?

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I took a swab drug test and tested pos for meth. I don't do drugs but I am a diabetic I take lantus, and Junuvia, I also took a lortab three weeks ago from an old prescription I had what could have made me fail.

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your neice uses meth. She has meth mouth. Get over it.

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I would have to say vyvanse a relatively new drug on the scene for ADHD shows meth every time and is indistinguishable side by side

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would the any of these meds ginve me a false possative fior meth /methadone/750vicoden/zanatac/amatriptaline/ibeprofin thous mg/nausia med from hospitol

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I currently take 8mg Dilaudid 2x a day and 1 time release Dilaudid a day and I take Adderall (not time release ) 30mg 2x a day. I take Tylenol Arthritis or Naprosyn as needed sometimes too

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I took a urine test last week and tested positive for methamphetamine. I've never used it in my life. So I asked for another test and cocaine showed up. Haven't touched it in 30 years. The only thing I had was coffee with Splenda and milk before each test. I take Seroquel, Celexa, Trazodone and Gabapentin. What could cause these positives to show up? As a result, he took me off of my Xanax which I really need because of my anxiety disorder.

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How long after you stop taking "Aleve d cold and sinus" will it be before you won't get a false positive for methamphetamine on a urine test?

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I was so upset, because I was divorced in April 2011, and we were given joint custody. I had been fighting for full custody, even though I knew that my children did not receive the affection and love that I gave them. They only received very strict discipline for him. That is the main reason I was so upset. I asked for them to run that test after I had the false/postive Meth detection. I've been on adderall for years for adhd.... and that had absolutely nothing to do with causing a false postive. There are also many ingredients in cough and cold medicine. I read every single OTC label before I take anything. Actually, in all honestly I don't even take any OTC meds, because of that. There are so many different names for just one ingredient that I didn't want to take any chances. I hope this helps. Don't let anyone tell you that ritalin or adderall could cause the false/postiive!!!!

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I am prescribed morphine sulfate. The same doctor that prescribes called to say I failed drug test for heroin on last visit. My research showed morphine sulfate is a opiate and should show up. I am left shaking my head. He said they were sending sample for further testing. Shouldn't he know this info? I am left to wonder what his motivation is for calling me on this. Any ideas?

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i am concerened with passing a urine test tomorrow as i take sudaphed nasonex and other allergy meds religously for severe allergys. i reallyneed this job and all my friends have worried to the point that im not wanting to take the test . a false positive would ruin my reputation , not to mention my seceret security clearance status !

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Thank you very much for all of this information. I'm sure your post will help many people!

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i also have never used meth but recently tested positive for meth on a urine test, after alot of research i found that i was taking naprocen for arthritis and trazadone to help me sleep both can cause a positive reading for meth use. i was lucky enough to have a doctor who believed me when i told him i had never done meth in my life and could not tell him anything about it. research will help you find out what has caused this

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Please granny leave the meth alone....false positives are statements used by users..any chemist know the truth from fiction. Get real with yourself and stop.

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