False Positive For Methamphetamine On Drug Test (Page 10)
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I took a urine drug test for my job and they said it came back positive for methamphetamine, but I dont use methamphetamine. I've just been real sick the whole week before and took a lot of diff. meds to break da fevers and my bad cough. What could have caused it to come up positive?

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I was hospitalized for a transfusion for anemia, I had gastric bypass and can no longer digest meat or many other foods. I am constantly accused of being bulemic, maybe technically I function similar to a bulemic yet this is not by choice.
I tested positive for meth and was chastized in the hospital. I use a vics inhaler for chronic post nasal drip. Had no idea this OTC could effect a positive result, also take wellbutrin, I am humiliated and feel like I was treated like a criminal and drug addict.
I am furious with the doctor who violated HIPAA, blurted this out without regards to anyone else in the room. others over heard this is a HIPAA violation regulated by the office of civil rights and also was an infraction of my human rights, I feel he stole my dignity and was punitive. He refused to treat my osteomyelitis with rt. foot numbness and examine my memory loss due to previous domesticviolence in which i sustained multiple head injuries, loss of consciousness and anoxic brain trauma prolonged choking.

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My husband just tested positive for meth and does not do meth! the test was for the purpose of pain management bc of a broken back which resulted in pneuminia and
Congestive heart failure - takes 3 different inhalers as well as Effexor and Percocet , Ativan and clonopin Along with vitamins and minerals, blood pressure meds could you please offer some insight as to how he can clear his name with dr( and maintain his pain with this dr) bc he can not have back surgery due to lung cindition

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DCFS refuses to let parents retest their samples, even at their own expense. Neither the lab nor DCFS will even discuss a positive result with parents! I believe they are aware that their tests are highly inaccurate & are afraid of being sued.

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Just got a call from my former drs office today letting me know I'm being "blacklisted" and they're closing my record and won't be seeing me anymore because I tested positive for methamphetamines. I have never in my entire life taken anything illegal! Not even a little. Without my pain meds I'm not sure how I'll be able to function as my pains been bad for 10 years. Along with the Tramadol and Hydrocodone/Acetaminaphin I'd been prescribed I've also taken Ibuprofen, Allegra D 12, Probiotic, soy lecithin, airbourne, and the off brand for Benadryl (I have terrible allergys) Can any of that create a false positive? And if so what do I do next? Planning on getting my own drug test set up for tomorrow to prove I am clean since the drs office apt was a week ago. Not sure whatelse I can do. The drs been an ass for the past 6+ years anyways even going so far to accuse me of being a drug addict once, then realizing his mistake but of course never admitting it just ignoring it afterwards. Ever since then he's always been less then helpful.

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Did they run a second test to confirm the positive meth result?

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that would be your doctor, nobody on a message board holds credibility with an employer.......

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I have a dilemma. I am on probation and have been clean since Jan 5th. On March 3 and all of that week I showed up possitive for amphetamines. My PO did a confirmation and it showed up possitive for methamphetamines. I havent used. I did however use the vicks inhaler that week. I've done my research and have found that basically there is a third test that needs to be done to tell that I didnt use meth and thatit was in fact the inhaler. ( testing to ddifferentiate between the isomers of meth, d and l) is this true? Any ideas on how I can clear my name. I am getting a probation violation for this and am facing almost a year in jail. My PO wants me to admit to using but I didn't use. I need any help I can get. Unfortunately the lab wont talk to me, they will only talk to my PO where the specimen came from. She isn't willing to lift a finger to help me. Please help!

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Vicks inhaler

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I am a methamphetamine addict. I began smoking it around four years ago. It was fun for a while but has degraded into pure vice and is ruining my life. It is the worst mistake I have ever made. Addiction and a relationship with an addict and all of its associated disfunctions , resulted in me being arrested, for the first time in my life. The stresses involved (personal, professional, spiritual, legal, financial) combined with being alone and scared, only reinforced the lies I told myself about needing it to cope. There was many months of extreme depression and anxiety and endless thoughts of suicide. I knew where and how, just not when. I could write volumes on the delusional aspects of my addiction. Throughout it all I kept telling myself that I just have to clear these legal hurdles and I would quit for good and I remain committed to try. I was to report to alternative sentencing program late on a Monday, I smoked meth the prior Thursday. I was asked for and gave a urine sample, we then discussed a program that could conceivably have me done in less than two months, bringing an end to this year long nightmare, which I applied for. I had not heard anything and figured I surely would have by now, it has been over one week. Arriving home tonight I see the original program had called, not the one I was hoping to hear from. As I sit here now writing this my heart is sunken, my nerves running wild, terrified that I may have pulled within months of ending this for good, only to blow it again. God I hope not. Please God. I f***ing hate methamphetamine. One final point, I read most of the claims here and on another site, from "concerned" siblings or friends or whatever. If a single person was telling the truth, I would be amazed. We are in the situations we are in because of our choices. Meth will either kill us, or cause us to kill ourselves. Or we will be jailed ad infinitum. Please pray for me that I be given the chance I have waited for so long to have. Addiction, meth or otherwise, will never be resolved by jailing addicts. The makers are the takers.

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I recently failed a drug screen for a job that I needed. My results came back indicating that I was "positive" for THC and Amphetamine. I don't take drugs though, not even prescription however, I had taken Airborne the day before my interview which it has Riboflavin, and I have read that Riboflavin can cause false positives for THC. Is this true? Also, I have taken Acetaminophen 500mg (Tylenol, no Codeine) possibly a month ago, so could this cause the Amphetamine result? I requested a GC/MS test and the kid working in the clinic said he didn't know what that was and when it was explained to him, he said told me he didn't think they did that. He also told me, "No offense, but you look like you hang around the stuff" while I was still in my clothing for an interview -I do NOT dress like a slob for interviews!

I retested the same day, afraid that perhaps my test was switched with another but got the same results. I noticed the paperwork (I paid for), says what I tested "positive" for is "Inconclusive" and "FTN" (Further Testing Needed). I'm at a loss and so confused...

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My friend tested postive for Methamphetamines. She rarely takes a tylenol or anything else. She did take Aleve. Ibuprophen. Airborn and some Halls cough drops. She is a good woman in her 50s. However, her husband admitted to having "friends" over while she was at work, and they WERE smoking meth while she was at work. What are the chances she could have been exposed to the methamphetamines, without her knowledge. They are totally opposite. She is the bread winner, a good Christian woman, He is a none employed, drug addict. Other than continue to tell her to leave him, how can we clear her name?

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My friend just lost her job because her x boyfriend crushed meth up and put it in capsules that she took everyday .she had no idea cause she takes 6 everytime 3 times day .shes been a nurse for 20yrs never failed a drug test til now.what can she do.

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i facing positive meth in my urine, i didn't take any of it however i did take some medicine such as (L-CARTININE, Q-CARDIX, PUTIER, VOMALEX AND GASTRIC MEDICINE) CAN THIS COMBINATION CAN TRIGGER POSITIVE IN METH? Pls help to answer. TQ

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I took a drug test with a hair sample, and they say I tested postive for cocaine,I never did no drugs, I was only taken prescription adipex from the doctor. What can I do , I took this test for a job.. Please help

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Listen I already know I need help for asking this but I do not wanna go to prison please tell me what over the counter cold meds can say I been taking that will cover up the meth in my system. Yeah I know I need to get help but prison ain't it.

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My daughter attempted suicide several years ago. Ironically, she had been prescribed and was taking Sertraline (Zoloft) for depression. Her suicide attempt was via intentional overdose of her Zoloft. She was taken to an ER and sent to an inpatient psychiatric unit where she was drug tested. The test came back positive for methamphetamine. I questioned this result and asked the psychiatrist if there was any possibility of a false positive. I was told "No way." My daughter insisted she hadn't taken meth so I contacted Pfizer pharmaceutical company and asked if it was possible that Zoloft could trigger a false positive test result. The customer service rep advised that they DID have false positive meth results on record for Zoloft. I requested that the hospital recheck my daughter's sample via Gas Chromatography or Mass Spectrometry but they had already disposed of it. In any case, Pfizer was kind enough to send me the reports they had on file so I'm relatively convinced that my daughter's test was a false positive. I also know of several people who have been on probation who have been sent back to jail for 'positive' drug tests done via dip stick. While on probation, they basically have no rights and can't demand a GC/MS confirmation. Docs and judges seem equally unaware of such phenomenon.

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I also tested positive for methamphetamine during a quarterly pain management urine screen ( the only pain med I take is norco 1 tab 2x or 3x daily) I take meds for high bp , acid reflux and prostate issues and an accassional ZYRTEC for allergies , I have NEVER taken recreational drugs so this false possiyive really troubles me , can ztrtec cause a false possitive ? , this same P/M office mixed my records up last year with the patient b4 me and told me I was possitive for meth , cocaine , marajuana and opiates then 15 minutes late said oops sorry the tester accidently put the patient b4 you records in your file , I have completely lost faith im my P/M.

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I just had a baby an my wife came back that she had meth in her system, she has never done it a day in her life. She takes advior an albuteral inhalers an zantac for heartburn can those make for a fp??? Once again there was nothing in baby system Jus hers????

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my wife takes generic nyquil liquid tabs and tested positive on a random
drug test however this is the first time

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Well, false positive is the term used by my doctor...hence also used by me.

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