Everlax Healthy People Co (Page 2)
Updatedi was thinking of taking this diet pill its a green with white diet pill by healhty people co. i know people that take them and they have lost alot of weight. does anyone know anything about this pill. i have done some reasearch but havent found anything negative about it....
im on my third day of taking everslim everlax and green oxigen and i too am constipated.. so im guessing the everlax isnt helping. What should i do? any suggestions?
Quiwro comprar ever slim y minci belle pero kiero saber x cuanto tiemoo puedo tomarla x un mes o cuanto
email me i can give u prices and recommend products.
hi i tried emailing the company website but no answer
Hi everybody if your in Charlotte NC area or South Carolina contact me for your wight loss products. My best experience is the Nerval I had Bellspalsy (embolia)
and after being on Predizone (Staroids) and my face not reacting I found this product. Within a week I had my face back with all its movements. I was sold and became a part of the family. I have used Everslim & Everlax to get rid of all of the weight I gained!!!
If your interested in any of our product contact me.
how can i contact you?
Do you know what the coupon code is??? I can't find it? My order is $126.
Hi I too found myself constipated take the clean fiber for about 3 days its basically a phase the body goes thru. Alot of people experienced that as well
So did u actually loose weight though on this product except for the anxiety attacks well I also suffer frm anxiety but have here recently gotten off anxiety mess
Read about the company - they are registered for selling horse supplements in Mexico. Do a WHOIS Search on Name.com for healthypeopleco.com - then run a search for the owners name - i wouldn't take the stuff
I am going to begin taking my 3rd bottle of pills and I have lost 12 lbs. of course with dieting and cutting back on your portions. They do constipate you so you MUST drink lots and lots of water. If you don't you will definately notice dehydrating yourself.
You need to change what you are using. What you have done is taken the wrong products together to start off with. You first need to take the everslim and that should be only one capsule a day. Also the everlax one a day as well. You need to start of with the Ben-Vida, because it is a total body cleanser. Just like with any diet you need to clean out your body of all the junk. After you have finished that bottle switch to the green oxygen and stick to those three, they work very well together. If you find yourself getting stuck in this stage drop the everlax for a month and then through it back in again.
NO matter what u do..have to drink lots of water
u may not be drinking enough.. and try the fiber...
I'm interest on the pills please call me (818)3889280 thanks
Oxygen.everlax and everslim w the gel are excellent give me call if u wish at 214 298 3392. My name is sonia gaecua and am a distributor in dallas texas for healthy peple
I've been taking these pills for almost a month now and they havent done anything. All I am is EXTREMELY thirsty like a person in the desert or something so all i do is drink water and pee all day lol. I haven't gained weight or anything so thats good but I was expecting better results like the ones that were promised. I think once Im done with these Im going to buy them again along with the everslim and green oxygen see what happens.
Oh yeah one thing that sucks i s im not exaggerating... I have only had "bowel movements" a total of five times since taking these!!! I thought these were supposed to regulate ur metabolism that's something I dont understand.
My mom is taking these pills. But she is diabetic and has high blood pressure and is taking her medication too. she failed to mention this to her distributor. I was wondering if this is safe for her to take?
It is a whole different set of products...not safe to take the pills alone....she needs to treat her health problem with the Goji drink, ancestral.oxygen and mincebelle. If she continues to take the everslim.everlax it may affect her since she has to eat..tell ur mom not to keep any of her health problems from distributor
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