Epclusa Ruined My Life (Page 16)


Has anyone experienced severe anxiety, constant crawling feeling in body after epclusa treatment. Its like my brain and body aren't working right anymore? I had terrible side effects. Finished in January, now it's June and feels like I'm still taking the poison.

305 Replies (16 Pages)

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Re: Toni (# 299) Expand Referenced Message

So sorry for how you're feeling. I felt the same way for about a year, and only in the last four or five months have I begun to feel a little better, though I'm still left with severe anxiety. If you don't mind me asking, could you refer me to any information you may have regarding Epclusa paying out that money? I'm very interested in reading anything about that. Keep your head up, drink lots of water, eat right, and be as physically active as your strength permits. You'll start to feel better, it just takes a while. There were times when I literally thought I was dying, and I wasn't in a good place mentally because of it. But for the most part, it's cleared up. Diet is everything: eat right and consume plenty of veggies. Hope you feel better soon!

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Re: 10 2023 (# 293) Expand Referenced Message

A great read I agree completely. I'm 70 now did tx 6 yrs ago now I'm a mess. copd, asthma, bad nerves, nausea. Please contact me if I can help. Wish I never touched that poison. I'm in Australia.

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Re: Jason (# 281) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Jason I lived with hep C for over 10 years and felt fine. I had no medical problems or issues other than hep c ,but had no problems from it. My problems started 2 weeks into taking medication at first my doctor at the time nurse practitioner told me the numbness and tingling in my hands was a side effect from epclusa. The doctor was quick to tell me she was wrong and that I had carpal tunnel. Well my symptoms kept getting worse and the doctor wouldn't listen. 2 weeks after taking my last pill my symptoms in my hands and arms were so horrible I went to the ER. I was admitted for 5 days. Turns out epclusa can make autoimmune disease that is dormant flare. I now have transverse myelitis which is the swelling of your spinal cord. I have neurological problems now, before epclusa my teeth were fine now several cavities and lose teeth due to sjorens syndrome, I have reynards syndrome also now. Severe joint pain, chronic fatigue, tinnitus, and I don't know what else because I'm still being diagnosed with issues. I went from a healthy adult except with hep c to a chronically I'll person who has had to quit a great job and apply for social security because of all these health issues. I wish I would have did research on epclusa before allowing this doctor to prescribe it. I would have never taken it. Epclusa ruined my life

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Re: Jilly Bean (# 277) Expand Referenced Message

You’re having the same symptoms as my fiancé did after taking epclusa. He got cirrhosis after taking it and was very sick for a little over a year. We unfortunately lost him on Dec 30, 2023 because the hospital was horrible and was taking care of him right.

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Re: Kathleen (# 250) Expand Referenced Message

How are you since your last post? I ended up with covid. Please write back. Lou.

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