Eliquis Satisfied Users (Page 3)


Folks who have problems are quick to get on a site like this one. I would like to hear from some folks who have not had any problems and are satisfied with the medicine. Also, what % of folks have serious side effects.

71 Replies (4 Pages)

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Would your doctor agree to xeralto? Might be worth switching. My issue with Eliquis is 3/4 of my once thick hair is gone.

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78 year old man, 220 pounds, AFIB patient. Have been on this drug over two years and so far have NO unusual side effects. Wish it wasn't so expensive.

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I had hair loss using Warfarin and changed to Eliquis. No hair loss. No problems.

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I will ask her and see what she thinks.. Thanks for the suggestion.

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I am having miserable side effects such as heaviness in my legs and arms and extreme fatigue from reducing the dosage from 5mg to 2.5mg of Eliquis.

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Have been on eliquis for 6 months now. I am 65 and have my normal aches and pains. The cost is very high. I started doing more exercise lately and this seems to help. So far I feel this drug is somewhat safe. It seems everything I read is negative. Would like to see more positive comments out there, would make me feel better. Lastly, I don't drink or smoke.

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I am transitioning from warfarin to eliquis..for 5 days due to test concerning my veins..then the evening of the test I will take my regular dose of warfarin along with a 5mg of eliquis for three days after... My question is will warfarin and eliquis cause a reaction when taking both?

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I have been on eliquis 2.5 twice a day for 6 months had similar effects. I started exercising more and felt a lot better. I also take a b complex and it really helps. I watch what I eat and have cut down on salt. I feel ok during the day. Just tired when I wake up.

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It will get better. I think if you exercise more it should help. I just quit worrying. I think I was depressed from all of the bad comments. I am 65, don't smoke or drink. I don't think it's that bad of a drug, just takes time for your system to get used to it. Just my thoughts. Good luck.

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I am a generally fit white male, 63 yo. I was diagnosed with DVT/PE.
I have been on Eliquis for 3 mos. I have not experienced the wide range of negative side affects described by others. However, I have seen some blurred vision.
The shortness of breath due to PE is no longer an issue. If I had read the bad comments before taking Eliquis, I might have passed. My experience so far has been positive.

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I have been on Eliquis since July 2016 after my second P.E. I have also noticed that some days I have blurred vision. I am not diabetic which is something I get checked for. I still get short of breath but I had a lot of damage done by multiple clots. Thanks for sharing!

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I've been on Eliquis 5 months prescribed for 6 months so far no problems. My weight consistently the same no extreme gains or losses. Clots on my lungs healthy prior to was not on any medications. Had a full blood analysis nothing showed all levels were normal.

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I thought once on eliquis - always on eliquis - I was completely taken aback at your comment about having to be on this drug 6 months only - logically that must mean YOU DO NOT HAVE AN IRREGULAR HEART BEAT, and you only need a "blood thinner" for a limited period of time, but for what?. I'd appreciate it if you could be more specific.

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Marty - it has been a very long time 2015, can you update your enthusiasm for the drug eliquis?

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Eliquis is being sued for blood thinning methods that are litigious.

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All you satisfied Eliquis users I have a news alert for you: T.V. headline "ELIQUIS BEGINS TO MOVE FORWARD IN FEDERAL MULTIDISTRICT LITIGATION". I for one am so grateful for so many people who shared the horrific consequences of taking this drug. It has been six months since that cardiologist told me to take this drug because my choice would be either "getting a stroke or a heart attack" if I didn't - period! Of course he didn't mention all the things that I might experience if I took this drug, in spite of my telling him I had had SIX NOSEBLEEDS the previous month. Again, do I thank the negative comments for holding me in suspension all these months - Yes, Yes, Yes I do!

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what do you use for a natural blood thinner and is it safe?

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That's the point of this site, it's for helping people. Sorry if you don't find a site like this informative but a lot of us do. I am glad that you have no issues with your medication though. Keep up the good work. Your helping so many people ???

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I have been taking 2.5 twice daily for approx. 10 months. The only drawback I have had is fatigue, which may or may not come from the eliquis? But I am scared to stop taking it, because I have been told the same thing. (Stroke, heart attack, bleeding, etc.) I am 66 years old. Would like to see if it is safe or if I should stop taking it. {edited for privacy}. Please keep me informed. Thank you.

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90% of the above statements that are pro ELIQUIS were made two years ago 2015 and is a bit of a stretch to use it as informative in 2017

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