Effigen Diet Pill Information (Page 5)
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wanting to buy effigen is there any web page that sell`s it ?regards suzie

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hi does anyone know the link to buy these pills effigen from or a web addy please e-mail me the addy many thanx

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i buy them off a friend of a friend 1000 yes 1000 tablets for £35. i take 3 in the morning 3 at dinner and 3 in the afternoon. t5 are great aswell but find i felt sick on these x

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also you ment to take 2 in the morning 2 at dinner and 2 in the afternoon not too late though as i say some people say if they take them too late some people carnt get to sleep x

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iv been taking effigine for about 2months now and iv lost a stone but i have not been eating healthy, i go to the gym about 5 times a week so yes effigine do work i dont get any side effects at all some people carnt sleep if they take them at t-time and some people feeel they have more energy i was 14st 3lb when i started them now im 13st so yes there great hope this helps.

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you take 6 a day, 2 after breakfast 2 after dinner and 2 at tea time, i have to say they are very good

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I wouldn't recommend taking no more than 3 a day, and no later than 6pm otherwise you will not sleep. I take 1 before gym 1 during and after. And you really notice the difference, coupled with a good diet and a protein shake now and then you get ripped FAST. It does feel very weird at first like a huge sugar rush but you get used to this after a few weeks.

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Please do not take this drug, or any other unregulated diet pills. It is extremely dodgy. you may not feel side effects straight away- but eventually the symptoms will catch up with you. Apart from that you may lose weight at first, but it is not effective for keeping the weight off on a permenant basis, so you will only end up putting weight on again. DO NOT TAKE THIS DRUG ESPECIALLY IF YOU ARE ON OTHER MEDICATION, HAVE OTHER HEALTH ISSUES, OR PREGNANT!!!!

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i have currently been talking effigen tablets for 2 weeks and im having diarria orangy oily stools ( sorry guys) is this a normal side effect of these tablets or is that a sign to stop taking them cheers

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I play football and take 4 about an hour or half anhour before a game, definetly enhance my performance

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I started taking effs to loose weight two years ago and lost about a stone and a half, however I think your'e body does get used to them as they don't have the same effect obn me any more. I do have prioblems sleeping on them tho.

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hi does ny1 know were i can get some of these tablets please or is ny1 selling any
thanks xxx

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i have jst recenly bought sum of a friend and they are only 12 quid for 100! i have heard they are bad for you and #### ya head up! am guna take them for 2weeks and see the results.

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Hi anyone seling any text me thanks Becky 07931503239

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have been taken them for 3 weeks and have lost 12lbs havent suffered any side effects yet

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i work on the railway and was wandering if i take these effs would i fail a drug test? please let me no !

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4 a day. 2 in the mornin, 2 around 2:30 pm.. drink blended fruit and hit the gym.. the weight will fall off in 2 weeks.. try running in a suana with a bin bag on.. brill

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hi when you shaky how shaky??

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try to find a friend of a friend who knows a friend who can get them ;)

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hv u got an example ov where 2 get them then??

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