Effigen Diet Pill Information (Page 6)
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Diet pills

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effrigen mostly cum in pots or bags of 50 and cost around 30pound you can not by these over the counter as ther r elegal to by but not use

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wherer can i purchase effigen tablets?? can some1 plz tell me

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Effigen is a form of speed.. If you take to many it can really #### you up.. Irecently got back frm balik and tried it over there.. It gave me huge energy and mild head spins. For 2 days afterward i couldnt eat and vomited up anything i drank... Bad Drug in large quantities

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Is it safe for women

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I have been tating these for a while now and i have lost well over a\ stone in about a month. I take 2 every day around 11 in the morning and they give me loads of energy. I dont feel hungry at all when i take them so i eat alot less. I dont have any other side effects at all and would recomend anyone to take them who has alot of weight to lose. Try a brisk walk everyday when you are taking them and you will see the weight fall off. good luck

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can i take effigen with blood presure tablets

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These pills are very illegal. mates take em for a night out to get drugged up, they can make you loose weight if you go to the gym. iv tryed some for a couple of days and my work colleges told me no! they made me shakey and i stuggeled to eat! i wouldnt recommend them atall. even if you can get them from a gym!

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effigen is the real deal, i hit about 5 a day and plus going to gym i lost loads of weight and am now in the best shape of my life, would really recommend these

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how much street value do these tablets and did most people agree with one or two tablets a day or at a time ? thanxs

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can you please tell me any effects effigen slimming pills have on pregnancy and if you can any statistics on the baby surviving thankyou

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hi does any one no where i can get effigen from ive tried losing weight vast amount of times n i just never seem to suceed pleae any one give me a clue i would be very grateful

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I have started taken effs about a week ago. I weight myself a week and a half ago and since then have lost 6 pound! I am over the moon! But these tablets have made me loose my appitite, and normally i could eat quite alot, and im running on as little as a pro biotic drink a day to keep me going! Im taking 4 a day until my holiday which is in 11 weeks time! Lets see how much more i can loose! :D

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Effigen is illegal, hence hard to get hold of.. you wont be able to get it pver the counter at a pharmacy, but other avenues will be able to provide it. i wouldnt reccomend it, my friend has been taking it and she's changed recently, become very edgy and shaky. try to stay away from it.

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can anyone help me, im currently taking effigen(i think) can anyone tell me whay they look like so i know what im taking?

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you should take 4 pills off effigen but thru out the day, i take one when i get up, then 2hrs later then another 2hrs later then another 2hrs later, do not take after 6pm if you want sleep tho

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where can i buy this pill from please reply back

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Where can i buy effigen? can i get it online?

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One paracetomal sides pill should keep you going for about 5 hours so i recoment just the one- when u feel ur self coming down take another- but if your planing on going to bed in a few hours take a half or quater.

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i have just started taking effigen and i think there great they give me lots of energy. For side effects they make me quite shakey and i cant really sleep. if any one knows how many you have to take and when plz could you let me know thanx.

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yes effigen are amazing weight loss pills. they speed up your motablisum so they burn of more calories and also give you energy so if you are doing sport and wanting to loose weight instead of eating food for energy you have just take a few of the tablets. the side effects i got were after i had trained or being to the gym i felt very sleepy and didnt want to do eny thing so i would not recomend taking them before a night out. and thats about it really

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