Effigen Diet Pill Information (Page 4)
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Diet pills

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hi can u please tell me me where i can buy them as i realy need them to help me loose weight
many thanx

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can u please get me some of these effegin tablets and send them to me money here waiting

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joanne will you be able to send me these tablets got money waiting to buy some im after 1000

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does anyone knw where i can buy effigen tablets ?

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please can you tell were i can buy effegin tablets
many thanx

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i live in london, really need these pills. Can someone pls tell me how to get them?

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i am in the northeast (sunderland) and used to take effigen for a while, the person i used to get them cant get them anymore. ive read that somone on here can get hold of them very esy in the north east, please will you contact me as i wish to purchase some.

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well i used them for 12 weeks in total and going to the gym 4-5 times a week and i lost 4st 3bl in the 12 week period. .. im now back into a 34" waist wohoo lol ... i no longer take them now and i still go to gym 3 times a week to maintain the the loss and fitness.

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wow that,s great

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i dont sell them but i can get them easily..

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very small white tablets..

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boyo u was robbed i pay £40 for 400

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hi, i am looking to buy this too, if anybody sells them pls email me

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if anybody sells these could you call me or email me

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dont bother - they have wrecked a family members life
personailty changing, selfish, lies, angry
eating disorder, doesnt eat or makes oneself sick

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can anyone tell me how to gt hold of these tablets have been taken them but person i got them off has stopped sellin can anyone help pls xx

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where in the north east can you get them from for that cost ? if you know could ya send me details

iv been on them a few weeks and paying 35 for a 100

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Iv been takin these for 9 weeks and goin t the gym 4-5 times a week n lost 3st 9lb in 9 weeks.

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hi does anyone know where i might be able to get effigen from?

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ok, heres the thing, i dontknow any long term side effects however...yes they are basically a mild form of speed, hence giving you alotof energy and therefore speeding up your metabolism and burning calories quicker and easier. yes, you canget a bit edgy on them but i supposethat also depends on your own temprement. yes they are illegal, and as a stimulant i would probably get they fall into a cladd A cat. however these are good if your looking to drop a few stone in as little as a month or two. reccomends 3 - 5 a day depending on what you feel comfortable with, just trial and error really as 5 can make you a bit shaky, i personally just have 4a day, spread out over 2 - 3 hour intervals and obviously none just before bed. obiously excercise is beneficial, but you will lose weight on them ayways doing regular daily stuff e.g walking round and goin shopping etc. as for street value - England -North east area....you can get 300 for 40 - 50 pounds. hope this helped.

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