Drinking On Lexapro (Page 5)


I was just wondering if anyone has drank with this med and were there any side effects? I've been on lexapro 10 mg for a month and am feeling great but I am petrified to even attempt to drink alcohol, but would like to try. So if anyone could help that would be great.

166 Replies (9 Pages)

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I agree I drink wine 2 half glasses of wine every night! I have zero side effects! I don't intend to stop as its my only vice! I'm 68 female

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I have been taking Lexapro for 8 days now and I plan to try and have a drink for the first time to see how it feels. I'll probably start with a beer.

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I get the same weird feeling, like there's a pressure in my head. I don't drink, though. I haven't since I started taking the medication.

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I am scared to drink during the week

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I am a 28 year old female, 120 pounds and 5'4... when I am not on lexapro I can 8 or 9 drinks. I will be hammered but I will still remember everything. When I am on lexapro- 2+ drinks I will black out. I've had 2 drinks and woken up not sure where I was or how I got home. One time my friend introduced me to her friend- or I thought it was an introduction. Turns out I had met him, been to his house for 3 hours, and spent an hour of that time playing with his dog. He showed me pictures of his house and his dog. Nothing triggered any memory of this. Be careful

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Try a beer first and see how your body reacts to it, that's what I did and I was fine.

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I've been on it for several years and have always had alcohol since I first started... indeed moderation is good counsel --- but that is true for most things. Try it, don't be paranoid --- have one beer or one glass of wine.....

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I've always been a bit of a drinker. I started on 20mg about a year and a half ago. At first I was paranoid about drinking. I stayed away from drinks for about a month until my body adapted to it. Tried a little bit at a time. Just paid attention to my body and beware of when I had enough. I can go out and have 3 or 4 pints in a night and be fine.

An unexpected bonus for me: hangovers are far less severe for me.

Now I might be "the exception to the rule here" but just beware of what your body is telling you.

Also, nobody seems to mention that if drink like an i****, yeah, bad things will. Learn how to drink like a responsible adult and you will be fine.

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I do not recommend. Now that I am on the maximum dosage the side affects have worsened. Yesterday I had a panic attack, called my mom saying that I was going to kill myself, argued with my gf and many other things... and the worse: I don´t remember anything. Be careful if you intend to drink.

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This is what i'm going through. Did you just stop taking the lexapro then?

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Man, exactly the same happened with me. I am trying to understand why.

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Have you tried just beer? because I am fine when I only drink beer

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you should wait. Potential side effects are more likely to occur during the first months under treatment. This is because the body needs time to metabolize the drug and get the adequate levels

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I have been on lexapro for 12 years. It helps but drinking is tricky. It doubles the effects of what you drink. Hangovers are worse and more common. Yes I get a buzzy feeling in my head the next day. I take my pill @ night. I don't like drinking like I used to. Too sensitive on this medication. I think its age too. I'm 45.

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I've just started Lexapro and haven't even really felt it's good impacts yet. I'm inclined to try some casual drinking and see how it goes. I have anxiety issues and not depression which might make a difference in reaction. Obviously some people can't take any alcohol and others are fine in moderation.

I really appreciate all these replies and information.

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i recommend not having anymore than anything over the equivalent of a beer, maybe two depending on height and weight, but I've been on lexapro for 3 months, 20 mg, and my friend came home from out of state so we celebrated, and i know my limits, but i realized when i was drinking i blacked out, and this was two different times and i realized it was my meds. i drank 3 drinks and a beer, which normally would be fine, but the terror or blacking out instate worth it. no more drinking for me, but to each is so so just take a lot of caution, and make sure you're never alone while drinking on this.

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drinking on lex is a no , I was a big drinker with pancritis and a hospital stay. after the op i was on 10mg lex and 6mg ativan day, te doc said I could drink but don't have a bath in it, 3 pints and I feel a space cadet and the hangover on just 3 pints is epic

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I've noticed this in myself, I've been in 4 altercation since I've been on this medicine which has only been about 4 months. I was never like that before. So if I drink heavily I'm either anrhy and want to fight or very sad and cry about everything. I've decided that its best to avoid drinking all together.

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I have been on Lexapro 10mg for sometime now, and like others in this thread, drink often. My anxiety peaks some days, and Lexapro alone doesn't do it. I have had no nasty side effects from combining the two.

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Lexapro and 2-3 wines a night - no problem.
However; I don't drink on a "bad" day

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