Does Anyone Taking Lyrica Have Memory Loss? (Page 5)


I have been on Lyrica for about 8 months now and I am having fantastic results. My dr is trying to increase my dosage and I have been doing it in 50 mg increments. I am up 100 more now in a month, for a total dosage of 400mg. I find that I have very bad recall and loss of my vocabulary during conversation. It eventually goes away, but I was wondering if anyone else has this? If it keeps up, I just may have to drop back down 50mg until I get used to it? That seemed to work that last time I had to raise it.BTW, I have nerve pain in my ribcage. (not caused by shingles)

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Hi Kishan, I would love to stop Lyrica and solely do the alternative lifestyle. I am, most of the time, a pesotarian, but to divulge into homeopathy, acupuncture, is very costly where I live. I also work fulltime, and am the sole breadwinner for my family (2 children), I am in a sitting job for 7.5 h, Monday-Friday, and the Lyrica keeps the pain low, whilst working. I am considering seeing a Chinese natural practiitioner, when I can save up a little money. Wouldn't it be nice if Chinese medicine had, even a little bit of OHIP coverage?..or am I dreaming.


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I have had Fibro for almost 10 years now, though it feels like 100. Four years ago I was put on Lyrica and life was great! But only for 5 months, then the short term memory loss began and when I got lost driving home from work I knew something was wrong. Got off Lyrica and most of the memory returned, aprox 70% about a year later. But it has now been four years and the memory is still like swiss cheese. Does anyone know if there is any class action suits regarding this drug? This was NOT a side effect listed in either the patient, MD, or Pharmacy literature. Nor was it listed in any of the published studies on the drug. I tell friends who ask about it to try it if they must, but to be ever so on the watch for this side effect. It was great while it lasted but I should have been warned to watch for that side effect.

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Scare people away from a drug that may help them ? Lyrica was originaly designed for severe epilepsy not pain and its manufacturers if you read the littriature dont know exactly how it works on the brain but one thing i can tell you for certain is that it reduces or eliminates the pain by slowly destroying the very organ that registers the pain and that is the brain . My son has not had a dose for 2 years and he is still a mess , this drug has ruiend his memory , eye sight and given him anxiety that he never had before Lyrica, I would only recomend Lyrica for the terminaly ill who are in great pain on there death bed .

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Yes i have experienced memory loss on Lyrica aswell. My kids would ask for something n i would say yes, but five min later i see them having what they asked for n i would chew them out for not asking!!! It would take them and my husband telling me they DID ask n i said yes! But i had no memory of it!!! Im trying to get off Lyrica now because the side effects are so bad i cant function anymore, but my body is VERY ADDICTED to the drug now that i've been on it over 2 yrs. I have to cut down 25 mg at a time, one week at a time. I was taking 150 mg. 2x a day, im hoping for the BEST results for u, good luck!!!!

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Hi Ecira , sorry to hear about your memory and your age has nothing to do with it , my brilliant teenage son had his memory ruined by LYRICA AND THEREFORE his potential in life greatly reduced , he is still suffering significant memory imparment 2 years after his last dose of Lyrica , his life and education are in tatters .

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I hope we can (or our loved ones) can find a way to cope. Have any of you come up with ways to adapt to the memory problems? I do okay when focused on single tasks (let's say "chopping carrots" as an example), but often, if I direct my attention away (i.e., going to get a drink of water), I forget I was getting water, and forget what I was doing before I went to get water... I have started making up little songs like : "Chopping carrots getting water, chopping carrots getting water..." Any other sugestions?

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Cheshire Cat , i am waiting for the adverse effects of Lyrica to be officially recognised so my son can gain rightful compensation for the loss and damage caused by Lyrica , but the medical Proffession and big pharma are very corrupt and self serving , dont hold your breath .

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Wow, I have noted that I have had memory lapses for a while and just decided to google it tonight to see if it was related to Lyrica and found this conversation! I have been on Lyrica for about 5 years and feel the memory issues are worsening especially in the last couple of years. I was starting to feel like i was losing my mind. My mother had early onsite of Alzheimers and thought maybe I was getting it at 53. I notice it alot at work where i forget a word in a conversation and have to hesitate during conversation and forget things that I know I know. Lyrica has helped my back pain and leg pain and I just don't know if I can get off it. I emotionally cannot deal with 24 hour pain either. Lyrica was tried after other drug failures to control my pain. I want to get off of it, but worry about the pain and dealing with it.

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I have trigeminal neuralgia, also know as the suicide disease. My neuro several years ago suggested I take Lyrica because tegretol made me gain 30 lbs and I seemed to be an early Alzheimer's patient at 33. Things were good and I didn't have to take it all the time. Since this past winter I had to up my dosage due to major flare up. I started noticing that I was stumbling over words, getting them mixed up and not being able to follow normal conversations anymore. I realized about 3 weeks ago that it was the Lyrica. Was starting to take myself off it slowly and my husband just came to me. He said that he would just look at me and it was like no one was home. We have had arguments lately just like before about having conversations, me swearing we never did and him knowing we did! It is like a wave hit me!!!! I am a mother of 4 and my husband works offshore, no family close so there is no other choice, off the Lyrica. I would rather live with pain and occasional pain meds vs being 35 and an Alzheimer's patient. Every day I have without pain I truly appreciate and relish in! I also have ADHD and over the last few months got on meds for it and while I should lose weight, I have gained 20 lbs over the initial 30 from the other medication. I can lose 10-15 pounds but it comes back and it is unhealthy. I have arthritis which I have had since I was 15, degenerative disk disease, and many other common problems of someone I their 60's. I have to be able to lose the weight and raise my kids, and remember to pick them up, drs apts, etc. I want my life back!!!!!! I feel stupid for thinking there was a miracle in a pill and who really knows how much damage I have done to myself!!!

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I began reading this thread about 3am when I awakened and realized that the last thing I remember is that dinner was reads to be served. I see dishes for 2 in the kitchen but no memory of eating. I still have all of my clothes on. So I have 8 hours I can't remember. I take lyrica 75, 3x a day for 3 weeks. This happened on Neurontin as well. I was pulled off and had no medications until the pain was so bad my wonderful Doc suggested we try this instead. It has relieved much of the nerve pain but I have other pain from muscles that is much worse. I guess it comes down to choosing what you can live with. I guess I will be saying goodbye tp Lyrica. I am restricted from driving or taking it when husband isn't at home for this very reason, memory gaps. I actually had an accident on neurontin and still don't remember an hour of my life.

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I am a licenses Nurse and after taking Lyrica I began to notice my spelling got worst. I could not recall some of the medical terminology or spell simple words. My feet both began to swell. I mentioned this to my doctor and he said that it was one of the effects. He also stated that weight gain was expected. I continued to take the medication in spite it makes me sleepy, he advise me to drink coffee for that particular side effect. I found myself drinking 4-5 cups of coffee every day. I had been on Lyrica for about 10 months when I had gone to visit my daughter, and she said " mom you feet are swollen real bad" she and I discussed me stopping the medication. So I weened off the 150mg daily dose. Well I have fibromyalgia and it was pretty hard not having anything for pain, so I decided to take some more Lyrica, because it does help my pain. A few days later both my lower legs and feet were swollen., so I stopped taking it again. The problem is this I am not taking Lyrica but my feet and legs continue to swell. I believe Lyrica caused this condition. I am so afraid to go back to the pain clinic, due they experimented with all of these tiers of medication first they put me on Cymbalta an antidepressant which caused horrorable side effect. I began to take Lyrica my medical insurance did not want to cover it. I was out of pocket for about $1000.00 my doctor the prescribed Gabapentin which was another horrorable experience. I do not want to put down medical providers, but they are using people as props to experiment with all these medication, before I had been taking Hydrocodone and it worked find, then the Nurse were treating me like I was med seeking. I dare not mention Hydrocodone to them as a Nurse I know they will say I am med seeking, but I am in pain even as I sit here writing this comment. Anyone who is having bad side effect please report to your medical provider, especially if those side effects after you have stopped taking the medication.

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Correction: if after you stop taking medication the side effects you complained about continue. please contact your medical provider.

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my Doc tried me on Lyrica for my Fibromyalgia and multiple issues with my back. It worked for a while until about 2 months in I woke up one morning and decided my family would be better off with me dead so they could collect Life ins. policy. Wow, was that a glass of cold water in my face! I have been through quite a bit of hard times in my life but never did I ever consider suicide until this horrific drug! I now control the pain(to a degree) with Percocet and Vicodin. It depends on pain level which one I take. Oh and by the way, thanks so much to Lyrica for the extra 25 lbs i did not need! Be very careful with this drug.

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That is how my memory loss started, please contact your doctor about it, if it remains tolerable you will have to decide if it is worth it for you. It is a SERIOUS side effect of Lyrica. But you need to track the progress, it may get worse the longer you take the meds. and may take twice as long for your memory to repair itself. I got lost driving Home from work at the end of my time on Lyrica, it was not worth it.

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Has anybody had any success with acupuncture helping to relieve at least some level of pain from both Fibromyalgia and multiple back issues? I tried the Lyrica,horrible, and a few other meds. The only meds somewhat helping are the pain meds. Specifically more the Percocet. But people are recommending therapy and the acupuncture along with some swimming. Has this really helped anyone out there? Also I have spinal stenosis, bulging discs and sciatica. I am being told surgery is not a guarranty to help these conditions either! Any thoughts folks? I appreciate any input. Thanks

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On all the information you receive from the pharmacy it tells you that the maximum dosage of lyrica you should take a day is 600 mg. 900 is way too much

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Hi Bel , have not tried accupuncture , but i very highly recomend a Myothereapist ( Muscle therapist ) for fibromyalgia , it really gave my son great and lasting relief , Oestopaths are pretty good , but Physiotherapists and Chiropractors are just expensive time wasters . Good luck .

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Hey Nick,
Thanks for your advice! I will def look into that. I am so tired of just relying on pain meds that don't even always work.

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I am off Lyrica, because my legs and feet had swelled up to a point I had what is called 'PITTING EDEMA" as a nurse I made an educated decision to discontinue the medication. I went to my Primary Care Physician, and reported what I had experienced and she did not care, she told me to go back to the pain clinic. I decided not to go back to the pain clinic, because I feel they are using us as Guinea Pigs. First of all these are not pain medications they are either for depression, or seizures . I have neither of those symptom my doctor had the nerve to try to use a urine test against me , due I decided to try Marijuana which was helpful. I saw her last week and when she brought it up. I asked her how does Marijuana interact with pain medication. She tried to avoid my question , finally she said "it does not" at which point she then began to say I was med seeking. What she did not know is I was taping the conversation. I had been sent back to her by the pain clinic, with a recommendation to restart 2 hydrocodone daily, and I knew she was going to say I was med seeking. Many times Doctors don't expect you to fight them back, so they think it's just you, and them in that exam room, and they talk to you like s***. Then go write whatever they like. Anyway Off the Lyrica guy's I have a Tens unit that was given to me for my lower back pain, and decided to place the pads in the area I have Fibromyalgia and I am happy to report it really worked. I believe these dam Doctors are getting kick backs from putting us on all the crazy medication's. And anyone who had been receiving narcotics before now, the Doctors are placing the blame on you now that " He/she is a med seeker" to cover their own butts. Think about it you were receiving those medication from your doctor's no one asked for them, but when the medical board came down on Doctor's for over prescribing Narcotics they decided to blame the patients.. I am voting for medical Marijuana this year in our state. it is a shame what they are doing to pain patients. I ask that you all fight back next time you go to Doctors office record the meeting. I used the recorder on my cell phone, because soon as you say this s*** is not working then the gleam in their eyes are you are med seeking, she told me to just take the Lyrica, because the benefit was to be outta pain, but no my memory is returning and I don't have swollen legs and feet, and actually lost 20 lbs from not taking it.

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Hi Belle , dont know which country or state you live in but if you are in Melbourne Victoria there is a very good Myotherapy clinic on Johnston Street in Collingwood , thats where i sent my son and they gaurentee a dramatic improvement which he found was correct , the telephone number is (03)94192928. This is the best treatment in Melbourne i believe and a lot of there patients travel great distances for there treatment .

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