Does Anyone Taking Lyrica Have Memory Loss? (Page 4)


I have been on Lyrica for about 8 months now and I am having fantastic results. My dr is trying to increase my dosage and I have been doing it in 50 mg increments. I am up 100 more now in a month, for a total dosage of 400mg. I find that I have very bad recall and loss of my vocabulary during conversation. It eventually goes away, but I was wondering if anyone else has this? If it keeps up, I just may have to drop back down 50mg until I get used to it? That seemed to work that last time I had to raise it.BTW, I have nerve pain in my ribcage. (not caused by shingles)

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I am amazed at the number of people who have similar symptoms to myself after taking lyrica, (eg-STML) i must say this medication (3x150 daily + tramadol) has relieved the constant nuerological pain i was suffering in my left leg which nearly drove me mad, but i have had to start writing down the time when i take my medication, because five minutes after taking the tablets, i cannot remember taking them, i now do a lot of thinking about all thoughts of things, i am glad i came across this site and i will now keep popping back.
Warm Regards, Stephen

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Hi Karel,
I still can't find simple words during conversation - many months after stopping Lyrica. Organizing my fingers and thoughts to type this is difficult (I an even reversing letters when typing words...). And, I am still constantly reversing meaning, as in saying "up" in stead of "down," etc.

I forget so many things so many times everyday, as in constantly, it has become my new "norm." It is difficult to complete simple daily tasks without forgetting what I am doing, i.e., cooking: I will get out the vegies to chop for soup, and end up washing out the coffee pot, reading old mail... I'll glance into the bedroom and end up changing the bedding... Then, I glance into the kitchen and remember that I was going to make soup, so I look in the fridge for the vegies, and think I am going nuts, because I don't have the vegies in the crisper that I thought I had. Then I look around in bewilderment and discover I have already gotten the vegies out... I am leaving pots cooking on the stove when I am sure I cut the burners off. What I realize now, is that what I am doing, is thinking about cutting the burners off, and visualized doing it, but failing. That's just a simple example of what my life has become. (For examples of other of my many confusing moments, insert another daily life scenario, and that describes what is going on...)

I'll often go to the store to pick up one item, and forget why I am there.

I am in my 50s, with no family history of "dementia," or such, so it is not "old age." All this came on suddenly and severely after taking Lyrica.

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I know you probably mentioned in a previous post what you were prescribed Lyrica for (and I am too lazy to look). I have similar word grasping issues as you do. It seems like the everyday words like up or down are the ones that get lost. I can recall large words & concepts easily, but can barely string together the thoughts because I can't form those basic transitions.

It is difficult for me to figure out if these word lapses are from Lyrica or from the fibromyalgia for which it was prescribed. Would I like my basic vocabulary back? Yes. Would I stop taking Lyrica when no other medication has helped with the past as well as it does? Not a chance in hell. Everybody has different body chemistry and you shouldn't tell others to refuse Lyrica based on your own adverse history. I realize you are trying to help, but how you word things when telling others is what counts. Share your story and your opinion, but please do not scare people away from a drug that may benefit them greatly.

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my husband took lyrica for 2 years after his 2nd cervival surgery. dr. prescribed it for neurothopy. He stopped taking lyrica a year and half ago and it's all been downhill since then. He stopped taking it because of shortness of breath and thought the drug may be causing that. at this point we are unable to find out what his problem is. shortness of breath is worse, finding the correct words? to impossible, severe weakness, trouble walking, talking. He has no control over constant blinking of his eyes. He can hardly see anymore. he is a mess!!!! neurologists want to blame this on anxiety and depression. of course he is depressed at this point, who wouldn't be. anyone else having these types of symptoms after stopping lyrica?

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Go to:

Scroll down to read the "Lyrica Side Effects - for the Professional." Keep scrolling and scrolling and you will see all kinds of bad reactions... You will no doubt have to look up the meanings of some of the medical terminology to understand it, but I saw most of your husband's symptoms listed.

I'm so saddened to keep hearing how so many have suffered because of this drug, am especially saddened for your husband.

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Dear Ericka Calahan,
FYI, since you don't know, my problems stem from spine injuries, and not something like what you have (fibromyalgia or some ailment that compromises one's brain function). I'm just telling the truth. Like I've said before, I'm glad it has helped others... The "name" of this "Discussion Thread" is indeed, "Does Anyone Taking Lyrica Have Memory Loss ?" It is not, "Isn't Lryica a wonderful thing!" I am not trying to alarm anyone, just sharing with others (who are mostly already quite alarmed) my own personal story. I am glad your pain has subsided. I wish we could all just get our brains back. Best of luck to you.

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I understand that my comments may have come off as harsh, but I have worked with persons with psychiatric disorders before and have witnessed them scare people away from a new medication because of their own problems with side effects. With that population, you have to be very careful not to give them ANY reason to avoid taking their meds as directed. When the meds kick in and they start to feel better, some will stop their meds thinking they are "cured."

My comment wasn't necessarily about your experience with memory problems on Lyrica, but was directed toward those with fibromyalgia as a means to help them better understand the disease "normal". Your post was simply the springboard for my well-intentioned "word vomit" ;-)

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Dear Erika Callahan, If anyone had the severe reactions I had (my earlier posts describe some of them) I know they would have been instructed by their doctor - like I was - to stop taking it, too (include "suddenly-gigantic-swollen-white-tongue-is choking me" as my final bad symptom as to why my doc took me off of Lyrica). I had several reactions that were in the "contact your doctor" category, not just a "Geez, I think I may be having some little memory problems..." reaction. If it is working without serious side effects, take Lyrica. If you are having memory problems, but not functioning as well mentally balances against having less pain, take it... If it is not helping and you are having bad effects, seek your doc's advice and, following your doc's advice (like I did) "yeah or neigh" - as to how (of if) to proceed - gradually come off it or all at once (or not at all). I was having extreme reactions. I called my doc and was told to stop taking it immediately (I had only taken it a week and a half for my spine-injury related extreme nerve pain and muscle spasms, so "withdrawal" was not a big deal). According to my research, indeed the ongoing memory problems I am still having today (months after stopping Lyrica) are a result, and not an uncommon result, of a documented long-term bad side effect to taking Lyrica. Best of luck finding even more relief for your fibromyalgia.

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I will like to say am happy for all of you who are having good result from taking Lyrica, I would just like to share my experience with all of you, On Oct 2007 I started taking Lyrica it work well for about 2 months during that time my hair started falling when I complain to the doctor she ask if i would rather have my hair or the pain, in that case I contunied taking the Lyrica my hair contunied to fall and i began getting skin rash, and mersa on my head and all over my body, to include my pubic area, under my arm and along my bra line it was until six months later when i decided to seek the advice of another doctor that was then when I was told, off the record that it is the side effect of the Lyrica, I have been off the Lyrica since but my hair has never stop falling, I used to have long thick black hair today I am completely bald on the top of my head and will give anything to have my hair back to include the pain i still experience through out my body. if there is some one out there please HELP

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This is definitely High dose.Max 300 mg /day is recommended.Suggest your starting Meditation and Breathing exercises and reduce dose to 300 mg per day immediately. For any other experience sharing mail. Thanks.

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I take Lyrica for seizures. Though it's hard for me to tell which is my seizures and which are side affects at times ... I have noticed the loss of vocabulary that I used to have and a sudden clumsiness while talking. My speech will become slurred and everything will just go in slow motion and I'll just blank out. Then I'll get the word it everything goes back to normal.

Memory has always been an issue for me. Though I noticed this while I was at my old job; I would be doing menial tasks, like putting up the candy on shelves, and I would just stop and forget what I was doing. I thought it strange and a bit unnerving until I read some of these answers.

(( I also have occasional muscle twitching and this wretched drowsiness))

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My earnest request is reduce Medication and start MEDITATION.Breathing Exercises called Pranayam in India will definitely help you.
I am taking Pre gablin 75mg 2times day and started experiencing dizziness and forgetfuleness.Over next 3 month I plan to stop this and swith over to our own Ayurvedic (Indian) system of medicine. As I do Meditation and Breathing exercises regularly , i think side effects are less..
My wife is trained teacher and We can be of any help to you, We will be delighted.You may like to contact us -Thanks

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Hi Christine, I'm so sorry you are having problems. I know how frustrating it is to lose one's train of thought and have trouble finding simple words, etc. It has been 10 months since I stopped taking Lyrica, and I am still having bad "mental" aftereffects (see my previous posts, below). I hope any relief you are having from seizures is worth the side effects of Lyrica. Best of luck.

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I have been having some really bad short term memory loss, for a lot, dealing with it is worth it to be pain free, but at 28 years old (taking for FM) and throwing away a $200 Rx for my 7 year old daughter's ADHD with no memory whatsoever of doing so, walking around a parking lot aimlessly for 30+ minutes with my 3 year old because I can't remember even the AREA I parked in, not remembering to fix my daughter's hair or help her get dressed or make sure her homework is done, forgetting to feed my kids because I can't remember if I've fed them already, being TERRIFIED that I'll get my meds, for FM and a tear in my spine, confused with my daughter's ADHD meds... I can't do it anymore! I haven't been the wife, mother or human being that I want to be in a long time because of the pain and now it's even worse because I can't seem to remember ANYTHING! It sucks and I'm so sick of it!

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Absolutely true.This medicine has made drug companies richer by Billion $ at the cost of Mental health of patients. US doctors and FDA need to show some concern.
Unfortunately US patients seeem to have no or limited access to Alternate system of medicines eg Homoeopathy, Ayurvedic & naturopathy.I am going to stop this medicine soon and continue my Meditation, prayers and Ayurvedic medicines. Temporary relief may not come but I will not become mad. I urge All to change the Lifestyle, Meditate , Exercise , Try to be Vegeterian and Pray. Thanks.

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Keep us posted everyone, keep in touch.

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I have been taking Lyrica for approx. 2 years, due to a botched surgery of L5-S1 -Lumbar Microdiscectomy. I have severe sciatica going down my left left, to my big toe. The Lyrica dulls the pain - I take 50 mg, 2x/day. I have noticed that my short term memory is affected, sometimes I cannot form a word, and I believe my eyesight is not as good.

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Hello Jennifer,

Have you discussed this with your doc, and are you still taking Lyrica? If so, discuss these symptoms with him/her and see what can be taken instead. If you are already off Lyrica (like many of us) let you doc know what's going on. Put in in writing (like you did in your post).

I am so sorry that you are suffering this loss of function. It sounds indeed, terrifying.

Best of Luck

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I am 50 and was taking Lyrica for about a year and a half for Fibromyalgia and menopausal symptoms. I was up to 300 mg per day. I weaned myself off completely as of 10/31/11 because I was noticing memory problems, difficulty verbalizing sometimes, and writing the wrong letters frequently. I am having pain but my memory is much improved. Having my mind back is more important.

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There is no drug or alcohol abuse involved and my sons case , was on Lyrica for chronic whiplash disorder / chronic pain but could still perform well academicaly untill given Lyrica 75 mg up to 4 times a day for 6 months . Has not had a dose for 20 months and all i here from him is " i want my brain back " as he can not concentrate of remeber information .

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